CBD for PCOS- Is It Right for You? [Podcast] - PCOS Diva
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CBD for PCOS- Is It Right for You? [Podcast]

PCOS Podcast no 125 - CBD for PCOS- Is It Right for You?Is CBD effective for PCOS? Many believe that CBD can help with symptoms such as chronic pelvic pain, anxiety, inflammation, and some autoimmune issues. I asked Dr. Mary Clifton, a respected expert in CBD, cannabis, and medical marijuana for her thoughts. If you’ve considered CBD, but are having a hard time finding reliable information, you are not alone. Listen in as we discuss:

  • How long to try it before deciding if it works for you
  • Best modes of delivery
  • How to find a good product
  • Difference between CBD and Marijuana
  • Will it show up on a drug test?

All PCOS Diva podcasts are available on   itunes-button  itunes-button

For more about CBD and PCOS, read: Cannabidiol/CBD Oil for PCOS?

Mentioned in this podcast:

Dr. Mary Clifton’s website with blog and videos


Complete Transcript:

Amy Medling:                    I am so happy to be welcoming Dr. Mary Clifton on to the PCOS Diva podcast today. She is somebody I’ve known for years and we finally connected this summer again. She agreed to come on and talk about CBD oil which I know for a lot of PCOS Divas is something that you really want more information about. Let me give you a little background about Dr. Clifton before I welcome her.

Amy Medling:                    She is an internal medicine doctor in New York City with 20 years of experience in both the hospital and private practice. She’s also licensed by the state of New York’s Department of Health to provide medical marijuana and is a recognized expert in CBD, cannabis, and medical marijuana, so she’s the perfect person to have on, welcome Dr. Clifton. Thanks for being here.

Dr. Clifton:                          Thank you so much. I’m really excited to share all the information I can with your audience today.

Amy Medling:                    I know that you must have a personal story behind CBD and medical marijuana and how you kind of shifted into this field of study and you’ve really become a world-renowned expert in this topic. Tell us your story.

Dr. Clifton:                          Well, I’ve always been excited about things that are innovative and disruptive especially in medicine because medicine is so expensive. I feel like as doctors, more often we take the control away from the patient and make patients feel like they don’t have any way that they can impact their own health. For years, I’ve worked in vegan diet and then had a couple of experiences that just changed my approach to what I wanted to work in. I had my older brother die of colon cancer.

I’m an internist. I take care of people in hospice routinely, but this was a hospice case where I was at the bedside administering medications rather than working with a nurse over the telephone, and I got to see what was working and what wasn’t. I have to say it was a terrible death. It was probably, my mother and I both agreed perhaps the worst death either of us had ever been intimate with. About four months later, one of my girlfriends died. Thank goodness not a close girlfriend, or that kind of thing can really lead to some awful depression, but a good friend, close enough that I was at bedside with her and she had cannabis onboard, but and a different person.

The death experience for her was so vastly different that I thought, there must be something to this. All you ever hear is that there’s no research, we have no data. I said I’ll just go research, that’s what I do, I’m a doctor. I’ll go research and I’ll prove to myself that there is nothing behind this and then I’ll get back to work. When I went to research, there’s a load of data that is not being shared with me in my journals. It’s being shared in natural wellness journals and things, but I don’t have any access to this data. A bunch of other health professionals and ordinary people really don’t either.

I started to shoot a few videos and then I’ve ended up now shooting 100 three-minute videos on how to help people use Cannabis and CBD that are available for free on my site. I have another 100 videos slated for production before Christmas time. Then I created a provider certification course for people who wanted to really do a deep dive and be able to provide CBD and Cannabis recommendations to people they know. In that site, blasting off now we just launched that as well. I’m having a great time helping people learn about the safety, the efficacy and how to use the products.

Amy Medling:                    Your story about being in mainstream medicine and having a hard time finding studies in your journals for something natural like Cannabis and CBD. This is a story that is so familiar in the PCOS world where there’s so many natural supplements that can help women with PCOS and so much of it is really not shared in mainstream medical. You have to-

Dr. Clifton:                          Really not shared. You have to search.

Amy Medling:                    … Yeah.

Dr. Clifton:                          I mean I’m grateful for PubMed because all the data is available in PubMed, and I can search very quickly. I have two beautiful daughters that have university relationships, where they can pull all the research I need for me and they’re very speedy for me, so I’m grateful for them too. Then I can just work. I’ve been able to gather the data, but I agree you need to have somebody who has an expert status or an interest in that so that they’ll have the information that you need when you go to see them.

Amy Medling:                    Right, and you can really kind of mine the data. I think that’s… What I’ve tried to do with PCOS Diva is to write articles that are medically evidence supported so that you can actually click on those links from PubMed and download those reports and bring them into your doctor because that’s how doctors speak in that language of research and data.

Dr. Clifton:                          That’s so funny. When I was in medical school my older brother said, “You’re learning a new language.” I would literally sit with one book open reading and I’d have the medical dictionary open on my right side then I’d get up to a word I didn’t understand, and I’d have to look it up. When my daughter went to medical school I bought her, her own medical dictionary and then two years later I moved her into her clinical training and she still hadn’t taken the plastic off. All that’s on-line now. That just goes to show you how old I am.

Amy Medling:                    Well, I know. When, I first started this journey… it’s been quite a long time. It was hard to get that access to information, and we have that all at our fingertips now.

Dr. Clifton:                          All now. There’s so much great data. There’s the CBD. I mean we’re going to be CBD-centric today although we can go into cannabis if you like at a different event or later on. CBD is so safe. The brain has CB1 receptors located very generously throughout all regions of the brain, except the brain stem. You really can’t overdose on this stuff. If you take too much, it’s not going to really do anything to where you stop breathing or your heart stops beating because the brain stem where those body behaviors are controlled are just not going to be stimulated by high concentrations of CBD or other cannabinoids. You can be very safe in attempting to try it.

People really get the most benefit out of a trial if they give themselves two weeks. At times when people say, that didn’t work for me, or I didn’t like that, it’s often because they chose the wrong mode of administration to try it or they didn’t give themselves enough time to titrate their dose and play with their dosing. A lot of times these… Somebody will buy a product that doesn’t have that much CBD in the bottle and then when you take a dropper full, or you take one gummy bear, you may only be taking like two and a half or five milligrams as your serving size and that is often times not effective for what people are dealing with.

Amy Medling:                    This is such a big topic. I’m thinking let’s first dive into some of the symptoms of PCOS that CBD can help. Then let’s talk about the modes of delivery, as you sort of just alluded to and how to find a good product because it seems like every vape shop in my community is saying that they are a CBD provider. I don’t know if I would go in there where you buy your mango Juuls and buy CBD. I’d like to know where you can get good product. Let’s start with the symptoms of PCOS. How can CBD help a woman with PCOS?

Dr. Clifton:                          Well I have a lot of patients who deal with chronic pelvic pain from a number of reasons and people are using some factional suppository preparations that they’re even making homemade. The body naturally regulates CB1 receptors in areas of chronic pain or inflammation. There’re studies that show you have an endocannabinoid system, the ECS which your body already has in place. There’s CB1 receptors all through the nervous system and then CB2 receptors that are located all throughout the rest of the body.

That system just works to restore balance and homeostasis and help you have a better response to pain, inflammation, or stress. When you have an area of your body that’s under a lot of pain or chronically inflamed, the body naturally up regulates the number of CB receptors in that area and then you’ll be able to stimulate it more. The body up regulates the amount of endocannabinoids. Endocannabinoids are cannabinoids that your body makes all by itself from the fats in your system. The endocannabinoids that we’re familiar with that are the most prevalent ones are 2-AG and anandamide.

Studies show that if you take fluid out of the knee of a rheumatoid arthritis patient, they’ll have higher levels of 2-AG and anandamide in that joint fluid compared to people who have a healthy joint. The body’s already automatically up regulating these receptors and then providing higher levels of 2-AG and anandamide to stimulate the receptors. By using CBD, it’s going to stimulate those endocannabinoid system receptors, CB1 and CB2 receptors and help to promote relief and restore homeostasis.

Amy Medling:                    One of the underlying factors of PCOS is this chronic, low levels of inflammation. Taking CBD orally as a natural anti-inflammatory, just to combat this low level inflammation. Is that something that you think would be helpful?

Dr. Clifton:                          I think it’s a great idea. We have a number of studies that would suggest that you’re going to get good results doing that. There’s one particular study that I love with cold and flu season coming up. It’s a mouse model, it’s not a human model, but it’s a valuable piece of research where mice were given CBD or not and then exposed to the flu virus. The response to the acute infection was dramatically different when the mice were given CBD before their exposure, particularly in the development of cytokines.

Cytokines are interleukin. There’s 17 different interleukin identified and there’s tumor necrosis factor, but the cytokines are the things that your immune system makes to make you feel bad when you’re sick so that you lay down and rest. Fever, body aches, loss of appetite, all of those things are cytokines mediated, and you can see dramatic reductions up to 87 percent in interleukin 17. 87% reduction noted in the production of that cytokine with the flu virus. You could give CBD to somebody prior to exposure to the flu and just not get as sick.

That’s what this study would suggest, you would still get the flu, but you wouldn’t potentially be as sick as your neighbor who didn’t pretreat with CBD. For all kinds of… I mean acute infection is one thing but chronic inflammation is also significant too. There’s the up-regulation of the receptors, but there’s also this modulation of the immune response for people, that helps you to have a healthier response with CBD on board.

Amy Medling:                    That would be good too for women. A lot of women with PCOS have also autoimmune related disorders that seem to be… There is a thought that PCOS might be autoimmune related. Could the CBD possibly help kind of mitigate some autoimmune issues as well?

Dr. Clifton:                          Yeah. The CB1 receptors are all throughout the nervous system, in the spinal cord and in the brain. The CB2 receptors are really all over your body. They are on your kidneys and pancreas, but they’re really concentrated on the lymph nodes, also on the B and T cells and natural killer cells and in the spleen. All of these areas of the immune system have a very high concentration of CB2. You can get excellent relief of a number of different conditions in the immune system or you can at least allow the CBD to help modulate the immune response to different levels of inflammation and hopefully get a better response in a lot of cases. The individual studies around certain autoimmune diseases are still pending. It’s more of an immune modulation. Overall, how does that affect the immune system, but all of those studies are ongoing and very exciting.

Amy Medling:                    If a woman with PCOS has… you had mentioned pelvic pain, oftentimes I think that is driven by endometriosis because I don’t think PCOS itself is painful, but women also experience a lot of joint pain caused by inflammation and then as I mentioned the chronic inflammation. For those issues, do you recommend an oral like CBD oil and then maybe for acute pain in your joints or maybe the pelvic, a cream to rub on?

Dr. Clifton:                          Yeah. It’s amazing how effective these balm are locally. They absorb very nicely, locally and then attached to the higher concentration is CB receptors. People with joint pain seem to have very dramatic responses to the topical balms. There’s also all kinds of different oral preparations. My advice would be to go with the tincture or vape as we identify a healthy vape option or a healthier vape option certainly with no flavorings. A product like that is going to have an onset of action of eight minutes where if you hold a tincture under your tongue you can get absorption across the membrane on the cheek.

The best place to put it is right under the tongue and holding it under the tongue you should have a response absolutely within nine minutes. Then you know if it’s working, and then you know if you can add another dose. I’ll have patients literally put a timer on their phone, for 20 minutes out. If you take the product and you’re not feeling it you can try to take another dose or maybe even try to take another dose. The problem with using an edible is that… I mean they’re cute, the gummy bears. They look so nice, and they’re candy flavored and what’s the harm? It takes 60 to 90 minutes to get an edible to kick in for you.

At that point you’re not really sure if it’s working. It’s makes for a really ineffective titration and people end up dropping out of studies that are using edibles. They just don’t get their data fast enough and they feel like they’re wasting their time. I know the edibles are more interesting but make sure you try a tincture or a vape and more of that. There’s also hemp that you can roll up and smoke like a cigarette. You can buy have hemp cigarettes too. That will give you a very high concentration of CBD which is almost an instantaneous onset of action too. Those modes of administration are going to allow you to know if you’ve got a result quickly and then be able to respond to that result.

Amy Medling:                    Is the vape and the cigarette… Are those healthy for our lungs?

Dr. Clifton:                          Well the vapes have some issues. Vapes were brought into the U.S. to help people quit smoking, but the candy flavors and the cocktail flavors have ended up being very pleasant for a lot of people and it probably has contributed to tobacco addiction especially in our youth. They compared known risks of tobacco and known health risks and known toxins in tobacco with vape products and that’s how they were quickly brought into the U.S., but vaping has special problems because a lot of it is flavored, and those flavorings especially the diacetyl are specifically irritating to the lungs.

Diacetyl is known to cause irreversible lung disease in otherwise healthy lungs. It also makes asthma cystic fibrosis and COPD worse, but it also has propylene glycol and vegetable glycerin as sort of vehicles that carry the tobacco or the cannabinoids in the vape. The propylene glycol and the vegetable glycerin break down into carbonyls and burned sugar products like formaldehyde, acetaldehyde and acrolein. All of those are found in tobacco, the formaldehyde at about similar concentrations. The carbonyls we don’t see in tobacco cigarettes, but you don’t really need more carbonyl exposure.

The biggest issue with the vapes is going to be these vehicles that you’re using and it’s also going to be the flavorings. I think there is a possibility to have a healthy vape. I think we just really need to take another look at the entire system. I mean in places where we have good regulation in Europe and in the UK, you just don’t see the crisis that you are seeing here in the United States. It’s a case for better regulation.

Amy Medling:                    I do use the tincture, and I use it sublingually like you mentioned kind of hold it under my tongue. For people who want to get started using the CBD for inflammation and pain, at what concentration do you recommend?

Dr. Clifton:                          Well, it’s hard for me to recommend a concentration. Everybody is so different and each of the preparations are so different.

Amy Medling:                    Right.

Dr. Clifton:                          I can’t really recommend a half dropper full because I’ve seen bottles that contain 250 milligrams of CBD or I’ve seen bottles that contain 4000 in some of the medicinally created products. Some people need those because some seizure patients are taking hundreds of milligrams three times a day. Many of my patients with joint pain, other problems or insomnia, the way they’re using it to sleep or using it for minor aches and pains, or for temporary anxiety are only coming in around 20, sometimes as high as 50. It is very individualized as far as the serving sizes. We have to use the words serving size rather than dose in the U.S. or the FDA gets upset.

I don’t know who gets upset. Some regulatory agency requires that we say serving size instead of dose. There is a wide variability when you are taking multiple other medications, or maybe if you have a history of Hepatitis, a slower liver, you may take even less. It’s just a great idea to get out a notebook and write down the product you’re using and the dose that you took, and then your response. Do this 20 minute timer thing in your phone so that you remember to give yourself enough time to see if it worked.

We’re designing an app for this, so I’ll be able to share an app with your audience eventually. You can also do a zero to 10 visual analog scale. Everybody seen those where the person is joyous at zero and sobbing at 10. How bad are your symptoms right now? A visual analog scale is really easy to implement where you can say… I mean everybody’s been asked about their pain. If you haven’t, you’re a lucky person. Everybody’s been asked, “Are you at eight or are you at six?” Make note of that and then try your product and reassess yourself into one of them.

Amy Medling:                    You had mentioned that you have a practitioner program. I think probably a lot of people are listening and thinking, I should probably get my doctor onboard with this. As we know, if I went and talked to my primary care physician at my next appointment, I can pretty much guarantee he’ll roll his eyes at me and say that’s not something.

Dr. Clifton:                          I’ve had my own long term beautiful, wonderful crowd of very supportive MDs and DOs asking me what I’m doing here. I mean the difference is profound. It’s such a profound difference. I feel like we all should have some cannabinoids on board. If we weren’t living in this very silly, excessively long prohibition that I’m going to put out there is probably the result of a lot of financial interests and pharmaceutical insurance companies. If we weren’t under this crazy prohibition, you’d have cannabis growing in the ditch. I mean it’s easy to grow and it would be out in the fields and your animals that you eat, assuming you eat animals, would be munching on these herbs while they’re eating all other things.

You’d have some cannabinoids in your food. You’d have cannabinoids just floating in the air, as they’re pollinating several times a year. I think that all of us are probably deficient and getting a little extra cannabinoids in either a full spectrum product or an isolate, or however you want to get them may help to restore normality for a lot of people rather than be… I imagine it as a supplement that you would put in your cabinet right next to your probiotics and everything else-

Amy Medling:                    Which is exactly where it is. I guess my point is, if you are concerned about your liver health, lots of women with PCOS have fatty liver issues and they’re also on lots of other pharmaceuticals. How do we know that for our individual situation it’s okay to add this to our supplement regime? If our primary care physician may give us any answers.

Dr. Clifton:                          Yeah, I have a hundred videos. If you’re like what is this going to do to my liver, I have a video on that, or if you think you know how does this work. If you go on my site and you look for the videos you want and you don’t see it. All the emails from that site that contact us comes directly to my email. It’s funny, I’ll be thinking about… I just went and spoke at The New England Cannabis Festival last weekend and got a couple of questions that I was like huh, I hadn’t thought about that, so I’ve got to go back and do a lot more work around the bipolar community based on that that input.

The liver specifically does pretty well with the use of CBD and other cannabinoids. There have been some studies that make the suggestion that if you have a seriously inflamed liver like Hepatitis C, or if you are dealing with Hepatitis, Steatosis like a fatty liver with associated inflammation. You don’t want to go with high doses of cannabinoids. This is something you’d want to really work on titrating and choose a lower dose. If there is any risk, it appeared to be concentrated in people that are using high concentrations of the product , or multiple doses over the course of the day.

Amy Medling:                    I know I’ve shared with listeners that I have used CBD for anxiety. That’s something that I continually deal with and I know so many women with PCOS do. It’s amazing how it helps with anxiety, and I will often take it before bed and it really helps with my quality of sleep. Of course, with pain if I’ve pulled a muscle or something and I’ve used it with my children for any of their athletic injuries. It’s really kept from having to give them Advil and Tylenol which doesn’t… Advil and Tylenol, sounds so harmless but we’re finding out more and more of that Advil really impairs our gut health so-

Dr. Clifton:                          Absolutely, gut health, and there’s kidney side effects, and there’s also just very irritated to the lining of the stomach. There’s study after study that shows for example, there were 80 women with Fibromyalgia who were studied, and they saw reductions in their use of their current opioid and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory therapies by 50% or more, half of them stopped. Half of them stopped their prescription medications in favor of all of their cannabinoids preparations. You can understand why these formulations have been creating a lot of anxiety in the insurance industry and pharmaceutical industry, there is definitely power.

The anxiety and insomnia data just blows me away. There is one study that I love. Sorry, I’m sitting here in New York City and you just never can get through 30 minutes without a siren. Here we are. I wish we’d go to those little beeping sirens in Europe. I heard we might. We’ll see. In any case, the anxiety study was done on a group of college kids with generalized anxiety disorder. Kids who were really having a disruption with their anxiety to where they were having a hard time going to parties, or even going to classes because they were so stressed. They took these 10 boys and gave them a CBD product at a high dose, or they got nothing and then they gave them an IV and a PET scan, a functional MRI.

These poor kids that are already so revved up with anxiety got not only an IV poke, which is terrible, but they also got an MRI which I can’t think of a procedure that’s harder to go through. Although there’s a few that might be. In any case, then they measured them at zero minutes, 30, 60, 90, 120 minutes. All the way out, people that were exposed to the CBD were calmer and just less anxiety. They also had the PET scan, the functional MRI, to show that the brain was lighting up in a different way when there was CBD on board. We have these really smart studies. I don’t have 20,000 people that we put on CBD for 15 years and compared them to others that don’t.

Actually, we have some really smart studies looking at brain health and cannabinoids in general. There was an initial study years ago, where they take a group of babies and people agree to be followed over their whole lifetime for their health, and that’s how we learn all kinds of things. We learn that it’s important to sleep, it’s important to eat your vegetables and we should be in loving relationships. All those things extend your life. They also asked about their cannabinoid use and initially the first review of some old data suggested a six point reduction in IQ if you regularly use cannabinoids.

Some New Zealand data came up behind the English data and said there’s no difference. They found no difference in the population based groups like this. The U.S., homegrown data came up with a group of people that they’ve been following over their lifetimes including 47 discordant identical twins. Identical twins, one of whom smoked, one of whom didn’t. That’s such powerful data because they have the exact same DNA and the same upbringing and they were able to show that there is no difference, in intelligence when you’re using these products as an adolescent and young adult. Very reassuring data on brain development.

Amy Medling:                    You were talking about CBD oil in this podcast episode, even the vape… however you deliver the CBD but that is absent for the most part of, kind of that hallucinogenic. Well, it’s not hallucinogenic but that, when you think of marijuana, smoking marijuana, that kind of feeling that you get. You don’t get that from CBD.

Dr. Clifton:                          It won’t get you high. The psychoactive effect is all THC. Somebody likened it as, THC is the party animal and CBD is the sister who likes to stay home and read. You don’t have to worry that she’s going to take you out and take you for a ride. There’s just no psychoactive effect.

Amy Medling:                    I know I always tell my kids, your mother’s no fun. That really fits my profile.

Dr. Clifton:                          I am no fun too profile. I love that, actually. I mean there’s a lot of valuable things to do right at home. Sometimes really nice to just not leave, and be at home all day and work, create, and enjoy your home. I’m definitely a small house, big world kind of person. I don’t spend much time at home, but I do love being here, when I’m here.

Amy Medling:                    I know I get this question often. If I take CBD, what if I have to do a drug test at work?

Dr. Clifton:                          You’re fine. CBD doesn’t show up on a drug test. There are however, if you take a full spectrum hemp product it’ll have the CBD and it may have traces of other cannabinoids. It can have up to point 3% THC. In that case you might fail a drug test. If you’re really concerned about a drug test, make sure you choose the CBD isolate and not a full spectrum CBD product. The full spectrum is a different distillation and the distillation will allow a bit of THC in the system but it will also keep the terpenes, which are very powerful. There’s terpenes that do all kinds of things, limonene, linalool, pinene.

They’re basically the essential oils, or the aroma therapy of the plant. I’ve heard it that the THC and CBD ratios are the engine and then the terpenes are the steering wheel. They do create a higher level of alertness, or they help you to relax, or they come in behind the THC and CBD and do very powerful things. I can potentially share with your audience, if you’re interested and I might just put it on my site because it’s so great, or I get Lock and Key remedies created a really beautiful terpene part. It covers I think the top 16 terpenes.

The nice thing about terpenes is that you just get them from all the other things you’re doing for your great health, from lemons, basil, and cacao and all kinds of healthy food that you’re already eating. The more you ramp that up, the more terpenes you have to help to-

Amy Medling:                    That’s interesting.

Dr. Clifton:                          … prevent disease.

Amy Medling:                    I mean that’s why our produce section, the health area of our supermarkets, they really are our natural pharmacy.

Dr. Clifton:                          They really are and that is such a good point. I think one thing that all of us could do that we should go out and do today if we don’t already have is get a zester and make sure your citrus is organic, which is sometimes hard to find. Whenever you need a squeeze of lemon, do a zest of the lemon too. There is such potent anti-cancer in the lemon zest.

Amy Medling:                    That’s such a great… I just posted a tip about drinking warm water and lemon and I’ve often thought about adding that, and it’s just not part of my habit routine but I have a zester, and I have some organic lemon because that’s what I buy because I put it in my water.

Dr. Clifton:                          I have a gorgeous pasta dish where you heat up a little butter and olive oil together and then squirt the lemon juice in it. I put the zest in early so it cooks a bit and it gets a different flavor, then I put the lemon juice in at the very last minute, so it doesn’t cook and it gives it the super bright really refreshing flavor. If you eat meat, you can put shrimp on that, or you can put some chicken. Whatever you’re going to do. A whole grain pasta with this super lemony sauce all tossed in, my kids love it.

Amy Medling:                    Does cooking… that doesn’t affect the healing properties of the zest or the juice?

Dr. Clifton:                          The limonene in citrus is so powerful that studies have shown, just smelling an orange can transmit enough to change your mood. It can treat depression, just smelling. I mean probably in the future, I’m going to guess that most of the vape products are going to cut the CBD with terps, because the CBD is too thick and you have to cut it. The PG and VG are going to be cited as issues even though they’re used around the world. If you cut it with limonene and linalool, I mean what a great idea. It cuts the best with THC apparently.

Amy Medling:                    Now you are going to have to get into product development.

Dr. Clifton:                          I do a bit of consulting but there are brains that are a lot bigger on product development than mine. I love this research path I run. I feel I can be very valuable to companies and the individuals, helping people understand the research. I suppose I could do, I did a little product development this weekend in Las Vegas and also just thinking about how to sell these products. How to make people understand the endocannabinoid system because it is hard to imagine a system that regulates and balances your whole body. Oh, it works there, well it works-

Amy Medling:                    That’s how I feel, I know. It helps on so many different levels.

Dr. Clifton:                          … but then people start to wonder if that’s even factual. How can it do all of this stuff? When you have a system that literally is regulating everything and there’re certain hormones that affect everything, your thyroid, the cortisol access. There are certain systems that thank goodness we’re learning about the ECS system, but there’re all kinds of systems that work to restore balance from your body. I think your body is such a magnificent machine and that our creator just wants us to live a very healthy pain-free super happy life. I think that these plants were given to us, to help us achieve that.

Amy Medling:                    I so agree with that. A lot of women get caught up in this idea of my body betrayed me because I have PCOS and I know I was one of those women. When I finally shifted my mindset around the symptoms that I’m experiencing, are just my body’s kind of cry for help, for me to help it come back into balance. It’s absolutely been these natural substances, that the food that I’m eating, the supplements, the CBD, the sleep. All of these things that you said, the creator is given to us has helped-

Dr. Clifton:                          It’s really fun to do all this balancing and it’s not that complicated. I don’t think that you need some oil of the Moringa nut bark, or something from the Amazon. I mean when you look at just ordinary food, the most complicated thing about getting the results from cabbage is eating cabbage. It’s not delicious. I had cabbage as my salad last night. I had a massive bowl because I think one of the keys to long term health is a head of cabbage a week. I don’t like it, but it works. It really works to fill your stomach and create that sense of satiety so that you don’t feel like you have to eat through all of the higher calorie things either really helps with weight stabilization, but you know it’s-

Amy Medling:                    A good slaw. I have some good slaw recipes in my meal plans. You can make it yourself. I’ll send you some.

Dr. Clifton:                          … Oh great, I need to look at your slaw recipes. That’s the trick the processed food industry has really done a number on us. If we could just figure out how to get back to natural foods, wouldn’t it be amazing? Well, we wouldn’t have any work. I think that’s part of the reason why people get so much benefit with The China Study and all the vegan diet stuff. When you look at these blue zones, all the people in zones are drinking a lot, or they’re smoking a lot and they’re relaxed. I think a lot of people think of these substances as really addictive and dangerous, but if we think about how incredibly valuable it is to your body, to enhance these experiences and give yourself a really good experience. What it does for your cortisol, your hormone regulation, and your fight-or-flight responses, and everything for days not only just in the moment. It’s so cancer fighting to have a beautiful social experience and super good for your immune system but you can think back on it and warm all of that up, indefinitely.

Amy Medling:                    Dr. Clifton I could just keep chatting with you. You’re a kindred spirit but we’re running out of time for the podcast today and I just want to make sure that listeners know where they can access all of your information. We didn’t really get to what to look for in a high quality product. I’m sure you have that information on your website. Let us know more about-

Dr. Clifton:                          I have a few products I love on my website. I can take any of your questions anytime through the contact us. I have a few products that I vetted from seed to sale that I’m very happy with. Those are available, but of course I can answer questions. I just would love everybody to come and check it out and get your questions answered at cbdandcannabisinfo.com and the and is spelled out, cbdandcannabisinfo.com. All the videos are free, and then we’ll be sending you… hopefully we’re going to be sending newsletters every couple weeks or months, not all the time, but with some other really great opportunities for you to have your best health.

Amy Medling:                    Great. We will be sure to put that in the show notes so you can come back to my site and find the transcripts and the show notes for this podcast. Thank you so much for taking the time out of your busy day. I know you have to go record some more informational videos for everyone.

Dr. Clifton:                          Today is hilarious and it is such a busy day, but I’m super excited we finally got to have a great podcast. I’m happy to come back anytime.

Amy Medling:                    Great. Well, I will definitely have you back on. Thank you everyone for taking the time out of your day to listen. I love sharing experts and information with you, and I look forward to being with you again very soon. Bye-bye.

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