Finally, a PCOS Hair Loss Solution- Morrocco Method

Finally, a PCOS Hair Loss Solution- Morrocco Method (Founder Interview)

morocco-videoLike most women with PCOS, I have wrestled with hair loss throughout most of my life.  The causes of my hair loss were varied, ranging from stress to seasonal and post birth control pill shed. I tried every shampoo, fiber filler and even toppers and wigs.  Finally, I have gotten to the root of the problem and found a solution- Morrocco Method.

Since starting the all-natural hair treatments from Morrocco Method, I have experienced tremendous hair regrowth and thickness.  My hair is shiny, healthy and easy to manage.  I will never use anything else!  Recently, I had the pleasure of speaking to Anthony Morrocco and learning more about this system of products.  During our wide ranging conversation, we discussed:

  • how conventional shampoos and chemicals have caused an epidemic of hair loss
  • how lifestyle, diet, and even breathing impact your hair
  • the “5 of Everything” rule
  • how to choose and use Morrocco Method products
  • how to brush your way to healthier hair

Watch the recording of our Google Hangout here:

Click here to watch on YouTube…

Morocco Method Hair growth

I believe so strongly in these products that I have become an affiliate.  Read more about my experience with Morrocco Method.  Then, I encourage you to give them a try.  You can purchase here. For 15% off your first purchase, use my code DivaHair.

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Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome Treatment in USA,PCOS Medication in USA,PCOS Diet And Weight Loss in USA,PCOS Hormonal Imbalance Supplement in USA,PCOS Infertility And Pregnancy in USA

Leave a Reply

  1. I wrote on one of your post over a year ago talking about how I was having great results with Morocco Method. I am so happy you have discovered this wonderful system, and have shared it with fellow divas. It really is an amazing product. When I first heard of them my hair was so thin and falling out horribly. I spent hours going through their entire website, reading every post I could find on them, and watching every video I could find before I could invest my money into it. I am so glad I did and never plan on going back. It is worth it! My hair is healthier,thicker, softer, and shinier then it has ever been.

  2. Kris, your post inspired me to try Morrocco Method. Thanks so much because I love it too. I have experienced less shedding and more regrowth and like you my hair is much healthier overall. Thank you!

  3. Amy can you tell me if you’re still doing EO on hair while using this method? I just ordered the EO’s needed for your hair loss recipe, and while I believe in EO’s I don’t want to over-treat/unnecessary treat my hair. Thanks! And thanks for this info 🙂

  4. Hi Kris – Your post was what led me to try MM a year ago. I’m with you – I’ll never go back. My hair is thicker than it has been in a long, long time. Thank you!

  5. I’m curious how does it work on color treated hair? I’m not ready to stop coloring my grey hair:-). Would it strip all the color off?

  6. Hi Amy – I am really interested in trying MM but am scared of the detox process as I understand it will initially result in an increase in hair loss due to the shedding process. Can you tell me how you found the hair loss to be? Was it excessive?

  7. Hi,

    I watched the video on MM and am very interested and excited to try this product. However, I currently use Rogaine and I don’t know how this would fit in with this program. I am super nervous about the shed I would experience if I stopped using it. Can you give me any words of advice? Thanks! 🙂

  8. I also used Rogaine in the past, but never had a shed when I stopped using it. You could use both, but the point of MM is to remove and avoid chemicals from your scalp and hair.

  9. The detox didn’t cause hair loss for me. The Detoxing process just makes your hair a bit oily and heavy.

  10. Yes you can still use EOs on your hair during the MM. I ended us switching from my oil to MM hair elixirs.

  11. Hi Amy,
    I am 24 years old and have had PCOS since before I can remember.I started using the morocco method starter kit about three months ago. I recently purchased the boar bristle brush
    I still have not noticed any changes – if anything my hair is thinning more.
    do you have any suggestions ?
    or am I doing something wrong here??

  12. I frequently visit your site and read this article and in August, decided to give Morrocco method a shot. Now, 8 months later, my hair is the healthiest that it has ever been. And so much thicker. I am 37 years old and my hair is starting to resemble my hair when I was 18 before PCOS kicked in and the hair loss started. Thank you so much for posting these blogs! You are a wonderful person and I cannot thank you enough for giving me the answer to my hair problems. My hair still isn’t perfect but it is getting better. Just today, a woman looked at me and said that my hair was beautiful and amazing! I haven’t heard that in decades. Thank you so much for telling everyone about this product. I am forever done with other hair loss shampoos and volumizers. I hope that my hair will get thicker and healthier every year.

  13. I love hearing your success story with Morrocco Method. I feel the same way – my hair has recovered to what it was like when I was younger. I never thought it would be possible! I’m so happy for you!

  14. I have watched this video because i am also facing hair loss. I recommend this post to all those who are facing this problem