Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome Treatment - PCOS Diva

Download Your PCOS 101 Guide

Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) is one of the most common endocrine disorders found in women, affecting approximately 5-10% of women worldwide, with less than 50% diagnosed. The syndrome is present throughout a woman’s lifespan from puberty through post-menopause and affects women of all races and ethnic groups. Women with PCOS wrestle with an array of possible symptoms, including excess weight or resistant weight loss, irregular menstrual cycles, infertility, depression, acne, and hair loss. Far-reaching health implications such as increased risk of cardiovascular disease and diabetes, make these already stressful symptoms even more daunting.

If you are a woman struggling with PCOS, or think you might have PCOS, I have good news: there is hope! While you cannot cure PCOS, you can reduce your symptoms through lifestyle change.

Education and awareness about this syndrome are the starting points to healing, as knowledge is power. It is important that women educate themselves, then consult with a physician who is up to date with the latest knowledge about PCOS.

I invite you to download the PCOS 101 Guide to Health and Hope (sign up below). This PCOS 101 Guide was developed for women with PCOS and their advocates to use in order to educate, empower, and advocate for themselves when working to get the care they need and deserve. 

This free 32-page guide  is your next step toward taking control and transforming your health. 

Here’s what you will learn:

1. The causes, symptoms and long term risks of PCOS- information is your most effective tool and will help you become more educated and empowered. 

2. Who you should have on your team- healthcare professionals are a vital part of taking control of your PCOS, and assembling the right team of practitioners is one of the first steps toward healing.

3.  How to recognize knowledgeable professionals and understand how to advocate for the best possible medical care.

4. The 3 symptoms your doctor should look for when making a PCOS diagnosis. Many doctors lack knowledge about PCOS and attempt to treat each symptom separately or attribute these symptoms to other lifestyle factors. Make sure you are getting the right diagnosis.