211 - Women’s health and fertility - what your cycle is telling you [Podcast with Dr. Monica Minjeur] - PCOS Diva

211 – Women’s health and fertility – what your cycle is telling you [Podcast with Dr. Monica Minjeur]


Dr. Monica Minjeur, is a board-certified family medicine physician specializing in testing and treatment for infertility, endometriosis, PCOS, recurrent miscarriage, painful periods, PMS and other gynecological conditions. She is passionate about using menstrual cycle analysis to improve the lives of women and couples.

In this episode she shares her expertise on the fertility awareness method (FAM), the effects of birth control including an IUD, and insights into natural treatments for the root causes of PCOS. This is such a valuable episode to listen to if you want to learn more about how your menstrual cycle works for all the different stages of life and the benefits of really learning what’s going on with your body.


Tune in as they discuss:

  • How ovulation is vital to knowing what’s going on with your health
  • Natural treatments for the root cause of PCOS
  • The importance of insulin resistance testing
  • IVF, what to know when exploring different clinics
  • Fertility awareness based method – how to track your cycle to prevent pregnancy
  • Benefits of an anti-inflammatory diet (free of dairy, gluten, and refined sugar)





Resources Mentioned:



Dr. Monica Minjeur, DO, is the founder and CEO of Radiant Clinic. She is a board-certified family medicine physician specializing in testing and treatment for infertility, endometriosis, PCOS, recurrent miscarriage, painful periods, PMS and other gynecological conditions. She is passionate about using menstrual cycle analysis to improve the lives of women and couples.



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