PCOS Diva Meal Plan FAQs - PCOS Diva
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PCOS Diva Meal Plan FAQs

Thinking about purchasing the PCOS Seasonal Meal Plans, but have some questions?


Question: “How many servings are your recipes?”

The PCOS Diva Summer Meal Plan is perfect for 2 adults.
 The dinner recipes are 4 servings each, so that you have a nice dinner and 
plenty for lunch the next day.  Many of the breakfast recipes are individual servings. If you are a larger family, you’ll just want to adjust the recipes. These meals are exactly what I feed my family of 5 (husband and 3 kids ages 14, 10 and 5)

Question: “What types of food will I be eating or not eating?

All of the 6-week Meal Plan Recipes are seasonally influenced and based on a balanced combination of whole gluten-free grains, lots of vegetables, lean proteins, and healthy fats. This is a plant based program, meaning you will be eating lots of nutrient rich plant based food in a delicious way. I take out all of the food that aggravates PCOS symptoms . There are plenty of vegetarian recipes, but  you will also find dinners using various, fish, shellfish, poultry, lean pork and beef.  In the plan, you will also find healthy fats like coconut, avocado, olives, nuts and seeds.

Question: “Will my meal plan cover the entire week?”

The meal plan covers 5 days a week. Inevitably, you will 
eat a meal or two out. You’ll probably want to include some of your old favorite
 recipes as well.

Question: “How will the meal plans be delivered?”

You will receive the Getting Started guide, and the first week’s meal plan as soon as you order.  Afterward, you will receive another full meal plan each week for 5 more weeks.  The plans are sent as PDF documents which you can keep and print, however, you may not distribute.

Question: “How much preparation time will the meals take?”

If you spend some time early in the week prepping dishes ahead of time like chopping veggies and marinating meats (like I do on Sundays),
dinners during the week can come together in as little as 15 minutes. If you prep from scratch each night, plan on 30 to 45 minutes.
The recipes make 4 adult servings, so you’ll get 2 meals out of 1.

Question: “Will I like the food?”

You will LOVE the food.  I’ve taught hundreds of women how to cook foods that not only taste good but also energize and heal. As always, if you aren’t completely satisfied just send me an email at amy@pcosdiva.com explaining why you didn’t like the Meal Plan, and I will refund your money.

Question: I have food sensitivities. Will these recipes work for me?

My Meal Plan omits gluten, most dairy, and soy which are all common allergens. In fact, if you’re newly diagnosed as gluten- and/or dairy-free, these meal plans would be a great starting point for you. I’ve worked for years to develop recipes that are good for the body and are delicious. I guarantee that you won’t know you’re missing a thing.

Question: How is this program different than the other meal planning services out there?

There are a lot of meal planning services out there, but most of them include processed foods and are not designed with the unique needs of women like me and you who have PCOS.

Question: Will I have to buy expensive or exotic ingredients?

I provide a Pantry Essentials List in the Meal Plan Package.  It lists everything you need to stock your kitchen for the weeks ahead.  You may already have many of the list items already in your kitchen.  Once you have stocked your pantry, your weekly grocery shopping bill will be much lower because you will have most of what you need to prepare meals, besides fresh produce and protein.

Question: I participated in  your Jumpstart Program where I learned a lot about what to eat and received your 7-day Menu Plan. Will this still help me?

The PCOS Diva Meal Plans are totally separate from the Jumpstart Program, though the 7-day Menu plan is always a great resource.   The Jumpstart Program is structured to help you have a week focused on learning how to live a lifestyle that allows you to thrive with PCOS. Jumpstart week is also about clearing out your body, releasing toxins, and learning new habits. The Meal Plans, on the other hand, are more focused on healthy meals for every day – recipes that you, your family, and your friends will love.

If you have any other questions about the PCOS Diva Meal Plans please send me an email at amy@pcosdiva.com and I’ll be sure to answer.

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Summer Meal Plans | Thank You


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  1. I am interested in trying your meal plan, but I am wondering if it will continue on through the fall and winter seasons as well?

  2. I will be coming out with a Fall Meal Plan end of September. Certainly you can use the recipes in early fall and many as we make our way into the colder months but the plan is designed to take advantage of all the wonderful summer produce as well as eating in a lighter way for summertime.

  3. I love the idea of eating according to the seasons! Is there a new cost for each season or does an initial subscription includes continued seasons?

  4. Angela- I will have a separate 6-week meal plan for each season. I will develop PCOS friendly recipes that use each season’s fresh produce in a way that is aligned with the season. You won’t see heavy soups and stews in the Summer Meal Plan! For now the plans will be purchased separately.

  5. I’m really interested in your meal plans… My only hesitation is that I live in the southern hemisphere, meaning it is currently winter here. Have you put together other seasonal meal plans that might apply to me at this time of year? Thanks 🙂

  6. Angela- This is my first meal plan. I am currently working on a fall plan and it will be ready in early October.

  7. I am super excited to start this meal plan. I have struggled with losing weight for years. I just has my second baby 6 months ago and I have been working out and trying to lose wight since she was 5 weeks old. The scale WILL not budge. I am hoping that this will help when combined with my trainer I see 3 times a week. Are most of these meals interchangeable? And not matter what the combo help with weight loss?

  8. I was about to purchase, and then I did more reading and saw that you have a fall plan coming out. I’ll use that time to cook what food I have so I’m not wasting expensive groceries (newly married = tight budget) and then I’ll be excited to start this! I’ve known I had PCOS for a few years but every website tells you to do different things and I’ve just been overwhelmed. My mother said she is going to start cooking gluten free her and my dad to help with their acid reflux and other issues, and she came across the link with gluten and PCOS and it’s got me really excited! Reading the symptoms you talk about is exactly what I’m struggling with. Weight around my middle, hair loss, unwanted hair growth, moodiness, exhaustion — I want to feel good again!

    I did want to ask — my husband and I both work so we eat lunches at work. Are these going to be adaptable to take on the go every day or should we look at some separate grab-and-go type foods for that?

  9. Oh and I have to ask — my husband is completely on board, except he LOVES his pizza. 😛 Is there a gluten-free pizza anywhere on here?

  10. I don’t have a gluten-free pizza. Pizza is still an occasional indulgence type food. The meal plans are only 5 days so you can look for a local restaurant that serves Gluten-free.

  11. I would LOVE to give these meal plans a try, however, I am a completely plant-based eater (I loathe meat) and I saw in the FAQ’s that these are mostly PB but also include some meat. How much of the plans include a meat dish? Thanks!

  12. I live in North America but I was born in South America and I’ve never really grown to like the taste of North American food. Do you think this would appeal to someone used to a completely different palate?

  13. I’m not sure Mag – the plan is free from processed food – it is a plant based diet and I use herbs and spices to flavor foods. I have lots of rave reviews about my recipes.

  14. hi, I just purchased your winter plan. I noticed alot of tree nuts were in the pantry items. Is there a sub for those things like almond milk ect if you have a tree nut allergy? thanks!

  15. I would use pumpkin seed butter or sunflower seed butter. Hemp milk or coconut milk (if tolerated) and use seeds – hemp, pumpkin, flax, sunflower, sesame, chia etc. instead of nuts.

  16. There is plenty of time to still use the Winter Plans. It isn’t like March 21st you flip a switch and then it is time to use the spring plans. Like the seasons it is a gradual shift. Now is the perfect time to start eating healthier and in balance.

  17. Hi Amy,

    I’m wondering what the average cost of weekly groceries is on your plan? My hubby and I are on a tight budget overall and cannot afford a drastic increase in our food budget.


  18. Karen-

    I have a family of 5 and my grocery bill is about 250 a week. I would imagine it would be much less for you.

  19. Do you offer alternatives or customized plans? I do not eat fish and have some allergies to certain foods! Would it be possible to see a sample before I buy?