Heal, Stress Less, and Accomplish More [Podcast] - PCOS Diva

Heal, Stress Less, and Accomplish More [Podcast]

PCOS Podcast-Interview-104-Fletcher-IMG-SQ“Meditation is like putting on reading glasses that you didn’t know you needed, but now everything comes into sharper focus.”

Too stressed and busy for self-care? When we don’t take time for self-care, our to-do list that might have taken us 5 hours before may take us 8 or 9. That stress is actually slowing us down. Worse, women with PCOS are much more sensitive to stress, and as a result, our cortisol levels are elevated, impacting our sex drive, fertility, immunity, inflammation, anxiety, and much more.

Emily Fletcher has reframed meditation as a performance and productivity tool, and her new book, Stress Less, Accomplish More, goes deeply into the neuroscience of why stress makes us stupid, why stress is making us sick, and why stress is slowing us down. Listen in and learn about her 3 Ms: mindfulness, meditation, and manifesting as well as:

  • the difference between mindfulness & meditation
  • how to get rest that is five times deeper than sleep
  • how meditation can help with your PCOS symptoms

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Emily Fletcher is the founder of Ziva, the creator of The Ziva Technique and regarded as a leading expert in meditation for high performance. Her debut book, Stress Less, Accomplish More is being published by HarperCollins on Feb 19, 2019.

The Ziva Technique is a powerful trifecta of mindfulness, meditation and manifesting designed to unlock your full potential. It’s proven benefits include decreased stress and anxiety, deeper sleep, improved immune function, increased productivity and extraordinary performance.

Complete Transcript:

Amy Medling:                    Today we’re going to be talking about a tool for your PCOS Diva the tool kit that reduces inflammation, increases fertility, improves your sleep, reduces stress hormones like cortisol, lowers heart rate and blood pressure, makes you feel centered and grounded, reduces anxiety, increases energy, and it isn’t a pill. I am thrilled that Emily Fletcher, she’s the founder of Ziva, the creator of Ziva Technique, and she’s regarded as the leading expert in meditation for high performance. Because meditation is the secret sauce that we’re going to be talking about today. Her debut book which I read last night, and it’s really fantastic, it’s called Stress Less and Accomplish More. It’s been published by HarperCollins this winter and I’m really thrilled that she’s on the PCOS Diva podcast to talk about the power of mindfulness, meditation, and manifesting and her Ziva technique. So welcome Emily to the podcast.

Emily Fletcher:                  Thank you so much for having me, I’m really excited to dive in and share how this can help folks.

Amy Medling:                    I would love to know how you discovered meditation as a healing modality and what led you to share and develop your technique with literally like 10s of thousands of people all over the world.

Emily Fletcher:                  It’s a bit of an unlikely journey from Broadway show girl to meditation teacher. Before I found this practice, I was on Broadway for 10 years, and it’s what I wanted to do my whole life since I was a little girl. My first Broadway show, about three weeks later after I’d achieved this lifelong dream, it was the saddest I had ever been. It was very confusing to me why I was on Broadway and it wasn’t sunshine and roses, and so I thought, “Well, my happiness must be in the next show, or the next agent or the next boyfriend, or the next zero in the bank account.” I did that for 10 years and then my last Broadway show was A Chorus Line where I was understudying three of the lead roles and that means you show up to the theater with no idea which character you’re going to play. It was pretty stress inducing, pretty high anxiety time.

Finally, that anxiety started leading to insomnia, I could not sleep through the night for 18 months. I started going gray at 26 years old, I started getting sick and injured and it was very confusing to me. Again, why I’m living my dream and it wasn’t this sunshine and roses dream that I thought it was supposed to be. It was a bit of a nightmare and thankfully a woman was sitting next to me in the dressing room. She had a harder job than I did, but she was crushing it. Every song, every dance, every bite of food was a celebration, and finally I said, “Hey, what do you know that I don’t know?” And she said, “I meditate.” I rolled my eyes, and I didn’t believe her because there was not the neuroscience then that there is now. I kept having insomnia and going gray and feeling like I was doing a terrible job, and then finally it got so bad I was so embarrassed about my performance that I thought, “Well, I have to try something.”

I went along to this intro to meditation talk, I was a little skeptical, but I liked what I heard and the first day of my first class I was meditating. To be honest, I didn’t know what that word really meant but I was in a different state of mind, a different state of consciousness that I had ever been in before and I liked it. Then that night I slept through the night for the first time in 18 months, and I have every night since and that was 11 years ago. Then I stopped getting sick, I did not get so much as a cold for eight and a half years after that. I stopped going gray, I’m going to be 40 in March, I have like one gray hair, I was legitimately going gray in my late 20s. I stopped getting injured but most importantly I started enjoying my job again. I thought, “Why does everyone not do this?” To your point, if it was a pill, everyone would take it, but it’s just it makes your life so much better, it makes your pain and insomnia and anxiety go away.

I thought, “Why does everybody not do this?” I left Broadway, I went to India, and I started what became a three-year training process to teach. And then I opened up Ziva Meditation, and I had a studio in New York which was amazing and it started helping people so dramatically. Then they said, “Hey, look, I want my sister to learn, I want my mom to learn, I want my brother to learn. They don’t have access to a teacher in their hometown.” So, that led me to create the world’s first online meditation training, it’s now called zivaONLINE. We created the ZIVA Technique which is the trifecta of mindfulness, meditation and manifesting which I’m sure we’ll talk about. Since then, I’ve taught 15,000 people to meditate which I’m very proud of. I’ve gotten to share these tools like Google and Harvard Business School and Viacom and Barclays Bank and all these unlikely places where you would think they would be meditating.

It’s been just the most rewarding, fun thing that I’ve ever gotten to do and now I love waking up to emails from my students saying, “Emily, my insomnia went away too, my IBS is gone, my inflammation is down, I stopped having panic attacks, my hormones feel like they’re more balanced, I got pregnant and I didn’t think I was going to.” All of these stories are really what motivates me now and selfishly why I loved doing this so much.

Amy Medling:                    Your story is similar to mine and I think a lot of people in this space, we fought out of our suffering, we birthed something that’s really beautiful and helps so many people as a result. I just I thank you for pushing forward and doing your important work in this world.

Emily Fletcher:                  Thank you, that really means a lot coming from you.

Amy Medling:                    I want to talk a little bit about meditation and maybe some of the roadblocks that some of us might have. I know when you were talking about your own eye roll when your coworker said, “Why don’t you come to a meditation class?” I think even some of the folks listening to this PCOS Diva podcast episode and especially even with all of the wonderful results of meditation that I listed in the beginning of the show. When you realize that, that secret sauce is meditation, there’s you think, “Well, I don’t really have time for that,” or, “Isn’t that a little woo, woo.” How do you coach your clients beyond those mindset blocks around meditation?

Emily Fletcher:                  I would say the biggest roadblock to meditation is that people think that they’re too busy to meditate, right? It’s like, “Okay, I get it, the science is in, I know it’s going to help inflammation, I know it can rebalance my hormones, I know it can help with my anxiety, I know it can help depression and insomnia but I’m busy.” It’s like, “Okay, well, first of all, what are we all so busy doing? Second of all, how much time are all of those things costing you? The insomnia, the anxiety, the depression, the hormone imbalance, the inflammation, the weakened immune system, the increase in body age, the decrease in neuroplasticity. All of the stuff that stress is doing to us because the sad reality is that stress is making us stupid, sick and slow. It just is, there’s a reason why you can’t find your keys when they’re in your hands when you’re rushing to get out the door, there is a reason why you can’t find your glasses when they’re on your head when you’re freaking out about where your glasses are.

It’s because you’re wasting your mental and physical energy preparing ultimately for an imaginary tiger attack or bear attack. It’s like your brain and body are going into fight or flight mode and so they’re preparing for an imaginary predator attack. You’re actually being attacked by a tiger, but because you have all these emails to answer your body is going into fight or flight which paradoxically makes it harder for you to get through your to-do list. When we get stressed, when we get busy, when we don’t take time for self-care, our to-do list that might have taken us five hours before may start to take us eight or nine because that stress is actually slowing us down. The whole point of the book is to really reframe meditation actually as a performance and productivity tool, and it goes way deep into the neuroscience of why stress makes us stupid, why stress is making us sick, why stress is slowing us down.

Once we start to have an intellectual experience and understanding of that, then we’re much more likely to dive into the practice itself. Then when people actually learn, when they invest the time to learn a technique that is designed for them and not just do like a free app or a lot of mindfulness techniques that are very popular, most of the YouTube videos or free apps out there or drop in studios are actually teaching versions of mindfulness which originally was made for monks. If you’re not a monk and you try to do monk meditation, it feels hard. It feels like “Well, I can’t clear my mind and I’m too busy to do it.” But the reality is you probably just never took the time to get trained and you may be trying a meditation style that’s not for you. If you have a technique that is designed for you, if you spend the time to get trained in it, then what most people report is that they become so much more productive.

They’re able to accomplish so much more in their day, they end up needing less sleep, they get sick less often, they’re more creative, more intuitive. So, for the few minutes a day that you invest in the meditation, you end up having so much more time and more importantly I would say more quality time. You’re in less pain, you’re in less suffering, you’re more present with your kids, you’re more present with your partner. It’s just your whole life not only do you have more time but you enjoy the time that you have much more. The biggest resistance to meditation is, “Oh, I’m too busy.” The reality is we’re all, most of us are just running around busy trying to make money and if that’s the goal, well, it’s like well if your brain worked a little bit better and you could do more in less time, do you think it would be possible to actually make more money in less time if you were to invest 15 minutes in the morning meditating?

So, really this is the big, big goal of the book is to just stop anyone from ever saying ever again I don’t have time to meditate. It would be like saying, “I’m out of gas but I don’t have time to go to the gas station.”

Amy Medling:                    Yeah, and I think for women with PCOS, and I just want to remind listeners that we are much more sensitive to stress, our cortisol levels which is the stress hormone are already on elevated compared to women without PCOS. I think the tradeoff for me is obviously for meditating and if you’ve read my book, Healing PCOS you know that that’s part of my daily practice. But it’s not so much the performance, well, I suppose it comes down to performance but it’s the energy that I have in order to be the mom and wife that I want to be. For me, I can’t tell you how much at like … I say usually around 2:30, 3:00 before my kids get home. It’s like when I meditate, so that I have the energy to take on the second half of my day. As you mentioned in your books too, it’s so much more energizing than caffeine, and it really is if you practice the right way and I love your technique.

Emily Fletcher:                  Thank you for saying that and thank you for highlighting specifically how these techniques can help people with PCOS because you’re absolutely right. When we go into that fight or flight thing, when I mentioned like when you’re stressed, your body basically starts preparing for an imaginary tiger attack. Then the chain effect of chemical reactions that happen in the body is that our digestion gets flooded with acid to shut down digestion and then that same acid seeps into our skin so that we don’t taste very good. That acid PS is adrenaline and cortisol. Those chemicals, those stress hormones are acidic in nature, they shut down digestion, they make you not taste good if you were to get bitten into by that tiger. But that acidity can increase body age, your bladder and bowels will evacuate so that you can be light on your feet. You can fight or flee the tiger.

Your immune system goes to the back burner because who cares if you’re going to get cancer if you’re about to be killed by a tiger? Now the body’s not healing itself, repairing itself in the way that it knows how to because you’ve got this low grade chronic fight or flight thing going on all the time. It can take down your sex drive, it can take down your fertility because if the body’s primary focus is staying alive and if it thinks that it’s constantly being attacked, then procreation becomes the back burner at best. When we get out of fight or flight, when we start to practice and incorporate meditation into our daily practice, we get out of fight or flight and move into what I call stay and play. And then the body can start to function as it was designed, it can start to think about things like sex and babies and creativity and intuition if it’s not constantly in survival mode.

Amy Medling:                    Yeah, and I talk about that it’s the same thing with women that are trying to conceive with PCOS, and PCOS is the leading cause of female infertility. I do think that stress is a huge factor, and I think that for a lot of women just managing the stress can play a huge role increasing fertility. You write in your book like in your studio you have witnessed 70 babies being born as a result of the meditative practices of the moms and overcoming their fertility.

Emily Fletcher:                  Now it’s even more than that, I think and I know that could be PCOS. Like I’m 39 and I’m in New York City so in your New York City people tend to wait a little bit before they have their kids. I’m sure part of that is the lens through which I’m seeing it. I just had my first child seven months ago, but I will say that I’m 39 and I got pregnant on my first try, and I miscarried that child. But then we got pregnant again and it was an accident a few months after the miscarriage. I know that age, this age thing like really stresses a lot of people out as they start to approach 35 or 40, and I just want to highlight that I think there’s some really bad science out there about maternal age and fertility. I’m not a doctor, I’m not a scientist, but my husband is a data guy and when he really looked into the data around maternal age and fertility and he was like, “This is crazy, this is really bad science because what people are doing is that they’re conflating maternal health with maternal age.

While, yes, maternal health does impact fertility and we need all systems to be firing because most people tend to get less healthy as they get older. We’ve assumed that as you get older, your fertility goes down. But if you are getting more healthy as you get older, then it is possible for your fertility to increase. There’s actually a case study in the book, Stress Less and Accomplish More, there’s a case study of a woman who was, I think, she was 42 when … No, that might be a lie. She was over 40, she might have been 40, I can’t remember her exact age but was over 40. She had had one child and she wanted to get pregnant again, she came to Ziva, learned to meditate because her doctor had said that she wasn’t even a candidate for IVF, that her fertility markers were too low to even try IVF. She came to meditate, she meditated every day twice a day for two years and then she went back to her doctor and they did the same tests.

She had the fertility markers of an 18-year-old, like everything had shifted and so, she’s two years older but her fertility had increased. Because she had a hard day there because had done the same test with the same doctor, pre and post her meditation, that’s why I included it in the book. But I have anecdotal stories of that all over the place. I just if age is stressing someone out who’s listening to this, something like, “Oh, my timing and this and the other,” I just feel like do yourself a service and just take that weight off of you and do everything you can to optimize your health, optimize your mental space. I know this is easier said than done, but the more we can get into surrender, the more we can get into flow, the more we can get into trust and receptivity. These are very feminine qualities that we need to turn up when we’re looking to conceive.

Versus a lot of us try to approach fertility with a very masculine approach. Like, “I’m going to try everything and I’m going to work so hard and I’m going to just make it happen on my timeline.” That’s very counter to a decidedly feminine aspect of life which is conception, receptivity.

Amy Medling:                    Yeah, I love that comment and that’s something that I’ve been trying to really talk about is even just the way that you approach PCOS, so much of the language that we hear. Even in fertility, I just saw a course being offered called Conquer Your IVF, but it’s like the conquer, wage a war, a battle, and that language is very right. That masculine energy, and as women with PCOS we’re already dealing with elevated male hormones like androgens that we really need to shift more of a feminine approach to our life. At least that has really helped me and I see that help a lot of women especially around your fertility journey. That whole idea of surrender I think is so powerful.

I also I love that you brought up about maternal age, and just to remind everyone that women with PCOS tend to remain fertile longer and actually your fertility increases as you age. It’s really, if you start meditating twice a day and you’re in your early 40s and you find yourself pregnant, don’t be surprised.

Emily Fletcher:                  Yes, I have another student who’s 44 and she just got pregnant with her first child and so, it is possible. One thing that I love also about meditation, not to get too woo woo or too hippy dippy, but if you’re meditating every day twice a day then you have these two beautiful opportunities a day to just sit and connect with your baby. Just connect with the spirit of this child and say, “Hey, you know what, I’m ready for you whenever you’re ready. I’m here, I’m doing my work, I trust your timing, but I just want to let that I love you, we’re ready for you when you’re ready to come in, and I surrender. I trust your timing.” I feel like it’s a sweet but gentle practice that you can start to do instead of like, “All right, baby, I have to get pregnant in the next three months on my timeline. If I don’t get pregnant and dah, dah.” It’s just too aggressive and it’s not we don’t get to decide by ourselves, it’s a relationship and the babies get a say as well.

Amy Medling:                    Yeah, I love that point. Well, I would like for you to talk to us about the Ziva Technique and how is that different from the type of meditation that … I originally thought of is like sitting on your meditation pillow chanting Ohm, how does your technique differ?

Emily Fletcher:                  Yes, so this is what a lot of people think, they think, “Well, I have to sit in uncomfortable positions on a floor with my back hurting, and I have to have fancy fingers and I can’t move. If I have an itch, I can’t scratch it and I have to focus and control my mind and concentrate.” We don’t do any of that stuff at Ziva, but that is a decidedly monastic practice, that’s a very monk like meditation. Not that there’s anything wrong with that but it’s just if you’re not a monk and you’re trying to practice monk meditation, that might be why it feels so hard. Whereas, what I teach at Ziva is based on a 6000 year old practice but it’s actually designed for people with busy minds and busy lives. It is designed to be integrated into your life to make you better at life, to make you a better partner, a better mom, a better employee, a better boss. What we teach at Ziva is a beautiful trifecta of mindfulness, meditation and manifesting. The three Ms as we like to call it, mindfulness, meditation, and manifesting.

Where this can get confusing for some books is that a lot of people are using mindfulness and meditation as synonyms but they’re not the same thing. Mindfulness is more like a monk practice, it is more about focusing and concentrating. Most of the apps out there, most of the YouTube videos and the drop in studios are actually teaching what I would call mindfulness. Which is anytime you are directing your focus, anytime you are someone’s guiding you through something. Any guided meditation is actually what I would call mindfulness and that’s very good at dealing with your stress in the now meaning like, “Well, I had a stressful day at work so let me listen to my app for 10 minutes and I feel a little better in the right now.” It’s like taking an aspirin when you have a headache versus meditation is very much going after the root cause.

Meditation is all about getting rid of your stress from the past. It is going in and giving your body deep healing rest that is dealing not only with your stress in the now but all the stress that we’ve been accumulating in our body over light, over decades. The dog that barked in your face when you were 10, your parents divorced when you were 12, your breakup when you were 20. All that stuff gets stored in your body, and that stress over time leads to elevated cortisol levels, it leads to inflammation, it can lead to any sort of chronic disease. What we do with the meditation is that we actually induce very deep healing rest. Rest that is five times deeper than sleep. For a 15-minute meditation, that’s the equivalent of over an hour of sleep, but you don’t have a sleep hangover on the other side. This is awesome because it means you can steal away for 15 minutes at work or you can meditate for 15 minutes in the car before you pick up your kids from school, or you could meditate for 15 minutes on a train or on a plane.

Then you have this hit of energy and this hit of productivity and creativity on the other side. It’s like you take a little mini-vacation for your brain. Over time, then it’s chipping away slowly but surely bit by bit, day by day, it’s eradicating the entire backlog of stresses you’ve ever accumulated. Then the manifesting is what we do at the end. So after your meditation, we take a few minutes with your eyes closed and we practice what I call manifesting which is simply you consciously creating a life you love. It’s you getting intentional about what you want your life to look like. While that is simple, because it is, it sounds simple because it is, lots of people aren’t doing that. A lot of people instead of asking questions like, “What’s my dream job look like? What is my dream relationship look like? What is my dream relationship with my body look like?”

Instead, we ask questions like, “Why did she get a raise and I didn’t? Why can’t my husband just go to therapy? Why can’t I lose this weight? Why do I have PCOS? Why don’t I have more money?” We ask these negative questions and then we get negative answers, and so what I recommend in the manifesting is that we get very disciplined about curating and creating the life that we want. We start imagining our dreams as if they’re happening now. It’s not just magical thinking, there’s actually a decent amount of neuroscience around this. The brain does not know the difference between a real memory and an imagined one. If you start to utilize your creativity and imagination to get intentional about, “Well, my dream vacation would be Hawaii and I’d love to make $80,000 this year,” and actually picturing yourself healthy, picturing your hormones working beautifully and balanced, picturing yourself pain free, picturing yourself enjoying your time with your partner.

You think you can picture yourself with a really active libido, and it’s we take all that same time and energy that we’re wasting on worry and stress, and we instead use it and flip it towards the creative and towards what we want to make in our lives.

Amy Medling:                    Also, as I was reading through the Ziva Technique, during that manifesting time too you have a little focus on gratitude and being like really present with what is going on good in your life. That’s something that I think has been so instrumental in my healing and I love that focus on gratitude as well.

Emily Fletcher:                  Yeah, because the thing is if you had a friend who only asked you for things and never said thank you, eventually you might be a little annoyed and you might stop enjoying giving them things. I think it’s the same with nature, if we just are constantly asking for things but never saying thank you, then maybe nature stops wanting to give us so many things. Also, it’s virtually impossible to feel anxiety and gratitude simultaneously. It’s basically we’re rewiring the brain to start to look for everything that’s going right, and then we start to put our attention on the flowers of our life. We start to water the flowers instead of watering the weeds.

Amy Medling:                    Tell us when is the ideal time of day do you think to meditate and then how long do you think it will take to really see a difference in some of those PCOS symptoms that I was mentioning? Is it something that you need to commit to for weeks, months? What do you think?

Emily Fletcher:                  Good question and I would say, if you don’t have any training, I would say meditate for zero minutes a day. I’m pretty serious about this because meditation is simple, people think that they should already know how to do it. So then they sit down and they’re like, “All right brain, stop thinking. I’m sure I would like snacks, snacks are delicious. Wait, now I’m thinking about snacks. No, I suck at meditation, I quit.” And then meditation just becomes another thing to feel guilty about and another thing on a long list of things that we tried and failed at. I really recommend that you treat it like any other skill and that you first invest the time to train yourselves and that may be reading a book or taking an online class or finding a teacher in your hometown.

But it is a skill and there are different types of meditation, and if you don’t have any support through that, it can be really confusing and frustrating and you could just actually waste your time. Your time is your most valuable resource that you have. Step one is get some training and then once you have some training, what I teach in the book is simply 15 minutes in the morning and then 15 minutes midafternoon, early evening. If you think about that, that’s 2% of your day. I know it sounds like a lot of, people are like, “I’m so busy and I feel overwhelmed,” but it’s the stress and anxiety that makes us feel overwhelmed. When you start meditating, you become much more adept at prioritizing your time and executing more efficiently. The question is are you willing to invest 2% of your day to make the other 98% of your life more amazing?

When you look at it in those terms, it seems like a no brainer, like, of course, I would invest 2% of my day to make 98%. Amazing. I recommend 15 minutes in the morning and then 15 minutes midafternoon early evening for Ziva. But if you’re just doing an app or if you’re doing a guided visualization or some breath work or something, then you can be more lenient about the times.

Amy Medling:                    When I was reading your book, I took a couple notes and there were two statements that really stuck out for me, and I think that this is so true that you say you don’t know how bad you’re feeling until you don’t feel it anymore. That that meditation it’s also like putting on reading glasses that you didn’t know that you needed but now everything comes into sharper focus. I can tell you I’ve experienced both with meditative practice.

Emily Fletcher:                  Yeah, it is. It’s crazy, it’s like that stress becomes just like a white noise in the background, like an AC that’s on or a buzzing of a TV and after a while you don’t even hear it. You don’t even know that it’s slowing you down or that it’s making you sick or that it’s stressing up, but then when it goes away, then you’re like, “Oh, peace. Oh, there’s space. Oh, I have more mental energy. Oh, I have more physical energy. Oh, I actually want to get up and work out. Oh, I actually want to have sex. Oh, I actually have the energy to cook food for myself.” It is a bit like a white noise that we just need to flip that switch off.

Amy Medling:                    The other thing that I wanted to say is so many of us with PCOS we tend to be perfectionists, and I think what you said about meditation, it’s you say in the book we meditate to get good at life, not good at meditation and that it really doesn’t have to be perfect. It’s important, obviously, to get the training and to learn a good meditation technique like the Ziva Technique, but it doesn’t have to be perfect.

Emily Fletcher:                  Yes. 1,000%. This is like the drum I will beat probably until the day I die. We meditate to get good at life, not to get good at meditation. It’s not about clearing your mind, it’s not about having a perfect meditation. It’s you invest this time so that you can be more amazing and the rest of your life. And then, yes, once you have a technique, once you feel you have it under your belt, then you just do it. You just get it done, you don’t let perfect be the enemy of good, you just fit it into your life in a way that works.

Amy Medling:                    Can you tell us more about how we can learn the Ziva Technique? You have your new book, Stress Less, Accomplish More, that just came out. I know you have online programs as well and online Facebook group. Can you give us more information about all of your resources?

Emily Fletcher:                  Yes. Thank you so much for asking. The book is coming out, I’m not sure exactly when this is going to release, but book comes out February 19th. It is available now, you can just go to Amazon and either pre-order or order it and it’s called Stress Less, Accomplish More. And then if you had to stresslessthebook.com, there’s a lot of companion bonuses there. Then if you’re not really, some people just aren’t readers, they don’t learn that way. Some people really like more interactivity. So, we have a beautiful online course and that is called zivaOnline. It’s 15 minutes a day for 15 days and at the end of it you graduate and you have this beautiful trifecta of mindfulness meditation and manifesting to take with you for life. Then I also teach live in New York and LA. If people want to take a trip in, you can do that. That’s a great step two to the online training.

Amy Medling:                    So really like wherever you are in your journey, there’s now something for you to do the book, you could do zivaOnline or you could learn live, and our main website is simply ziva, that’s Z-I-V-Ameditation.com. That gives you all the information on the book, the online course and the live course.

Emily Fletcher:                  Well, I’m so grateful that you came on to the PCOS podcast, Emily, and talked about your new book and the ZIVA Technique. I really encourage listeners to make sure that they have some type of meditation practice because it will really help improve your PCOS symptoms. I promise you it’s one of the best gifts, and it is a gift that you can give yourself, the gift of time and I hope that everyone will pick up a copy of your book. I can tell you, I know you were talking about the book being focused on productivity but it is very, very applicable to all PCOS Divas, it’s really a wonderful book.

Amy Medling:                    Thank you so much for taking the time to read it and for sharing it. I will just highlight that the first third of the book is basically breaking down a lot of the neuroscience behind how stress is impacting us. Things like advanced body age and insomnia and hormone imbalance and infertility. All of these things can just be exacerbated when we’re stressed. I do hope that it proves to be a useful and helpful resource.

Emily Fletcher:                  Yeah, I mean, because knowledge is power, when you know what stress is causing, the side effects it’s causing your body, it really helps you to be more proactive and take charge of your health. So, another tool for your PCOS tool kit and thanks again, Emily, for joining us and thank you for everyone for listening and I look forward to being with you again soon. Bye-bye.

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