Jumpstart Client Spotlight - PCOS Diva

Jumpstart Client Spotlight

N. Chandler  – Jumpstart Diva
“In 2007 my husband and I decided to start trying to have a baby. By surprise we were pregnant less than a month after stopping the pill.  I couldn’t believe it was so easy and quick!
In 2010, we were ready to start trying for baby #2 and  I stopped  the pill  thinking we would be pregnant soon. After 6 months of trying,my OBGYN did some tests and an ultrasound and found out I wasn’t ovulating.  So she put me on clomid to help and  I got pregnant about 4 months later.  Sadly, I miscarried at 15weeks.  I was so sad. I couldn’t believe this was happening to me. How did we go from getting pregnant right away with our son, to going through all of this?
Since I didn’t think anything was really wrong with me, we kept on trying for baby #2 and another 6 months went by and I was not pregnant.  When I went back for my annual physical, I explained my situation to  another OBGYN in the same office.  She started to tell me I have PCOS and  explained the symptoms.  I was thinking that is so me!!  I was relieved to know I was getting “answers” and solutions to my problem.
When I got pregnant in 2007, I was only 160lbs and in the best shape of my life. When I got pregnant in 2010 I was at 200lbs (I am 6’0ft so it’s hard to tell) so when I did get pregnant, my PCOS went into high gear with the 200lbs and caused me not to ovulate and to miscarry without proper treatment. My OBGYN put me on metiformin and I found PCOS Diva the same day and did her Jumpstart that same month.
I decided along with the metformin, I would take all the vitamins she recommend, change my diet, remove sugar from my diet and drink water (love my Trevis cups) lots of it. In 4 months of doing this I lost 40lbs which brought me down to 170lbs!!!
I was so proud because people really noticed me losing all the weight and commented on how I was looking great. It felt good! . Well after 2 years of trying for baby #2 and within 4 months of being diagnosed with PCOS, we are now pregnant and due in January!  All the pain and struggle was worth it!!
Having PCOS  was a shock, but honestly I am glad to know what is going on with my body and I know I can do something about it and take control of my own body and not have it run my life or ruin it! I own an Stroller Strides franchise and teaching the class was my exercise program, eating right and following what Amy teaches,  I got my life back and look great. I am early in this pregnancy but I already feel healthier with having my PCOS under control and it not controlling me! If you want to have a baby or even feel better about yourself you can do it with PCOS Diva for support!”
-N. Chandler
Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome Treatment in USA, PCOS Medication in USA, PCOS Diet And Weight Loss in USA, PCOS Hormonal Imbalance Supplement in USA, PCOS Infertility And Pregnancy in USA

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Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome Treatment in USA,PCOS Medication in USA,PCOS Diet And Weight Loss in USA,PCOS Hormonal Imbalance Supplement in USA,PCOS Infertility And Pregnancy in USA

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  1. Thank you so much for sharing your story. People like you inspire and give me hope to keep going! I’ve lost 32 pounds in about 6 months and I am more determined than ever to get off these next 30-40 pounds. We’ve been trying to conceive for almost two years. I love the PCOS diva website and the inspiration it gives. This PCOS journey seems very lonely most of the time. Thanks for giving a girl, like me, hope and inspiration. 🙂