Oral Health as the Gateway to Total Inner Health - PCOS Diva

Oral Health as the Gateway to Total Inner Health [Podcast with Trina Felber]

“No matter how frustrated you are with your dental health, you are not stuck with the mouth you have. You’re not stuck with the gums you have.
You’re not stuck with the teeth you have.” – Trina Felber

I find that poor dental health often accompanies PCOS. Over the years, I have struggled with inflamed gums even though I was vigilant with my oral care. In my quest to find the proper treatment for my teeth, I came across a product that has helped me and I am delighted to share it with you on today’s podcast.

I speak with Trina Felber, the founder, and creator of Primal Life Organics, an all-natural dental care company that focuses on oral health as the gateway to internal health. Her mission is to help you gain a complete mouth makeover so not only will your oral health escalate, but so will your overall health.

Listen in as we discuss:

  • The ground-breaking dental research of Dr. Weston A. Price regarding sugar and cavities (and much more!)
  • How acidic foods affect the health of your mouth
  • The necessary toothpaste minerals needed to optimize your oral health (few products have them)
  • What ingredients to look out for in your dental products – more than fluoride
  • Mouthwash, yes or no?
  • What causes bad breath
  • Light therapy for whitening your teeth naturally

All PCOS Diva podcasts are available on:itunes-buttonitunes-button

Resources mentioned:

LED Real White Teeth Whitener at 60% off
Dental Detox Kit
Primal Life Organics
Weston A. Price Foundation


Founder and Creator of Primal Life Organics.  Life roles include: wife, mother of three, dental health and natural skincare expert, Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist, Yogi, Paleo advocate, and educator.  By nature, Trina loves creating products that heal, soothe, mend and repair the body and soul.







I hear from so many PCOS Diva that are suffering with dental health. They have inflamed gums and no matter what they do, brushing teeth several times a day, flossing, really taking extreme dental care, the situation is not improving. I have to tell you that PCOS has been linked in studies to poor gum health. There was a study a couple years ago that showed that the susceptibility for periodontal disease is significantly increased in patients with PCOS, and that women with newly diagnosed PCOS may have increased prevalence and likelihood for periodontists.


This is something that has been really frustrating for me, especially when I was dealing with PCOS symptoms. When things were really exacerbated, I could not get my inflamed gums under control. Now that my inflammation systemically has quelled, my gum health has improved, but I still struggle with finding the right types of products to use. I’ve recently found some really wonderful natural products, and I wanted to introduce the PCOS Diva community to Primal Life Organics.


I invited Trina Felber to come on and tell us more about how we can use all natural dental care to really help with what’s going on with PCOS and our oral health. I’m thrilled to have Trina on the PCOS Diva Podcast. She is the creator and CEO of Primal Life Organics. It’s a all natural dental care company that focus on oral health as the gateway to internal health. After more than 25 years as a registered nurse, Trina has transitioned into an oral health expert, and she created this natural line of products to biohack your dental health for stronger, cleaner, whiter teeth and improved overall health. Welcome to the PCOS Diva Podcast, Trina.

Trina Felber:

Oh, Amy. Thank you so much. I’m super excited to be here mouthing off with you today.


Oh, I love that. Yeah. I’ve known you for a while now, and I recently purchased your Real White teeth whitening system, and I was so impressed with the results and the way it really impacted my oral health, and that I started using your other products as well. I feel like I finally found the solution that I was looking for in terms of finding natural dental products at work.


Your site has a ton of education and information, and you know so much about this topic that I just wanted you to enlighten us. First off, there is a connection between overall inflammation in our bodies and that is linked to our mouth. I was wondering, what really comes first? Is it the inflammation in your mouth that causes that systemic inflammation, or is it the other way around? Do we know?

Trina Felber:

Well, it really does go both ways. It’s hard to pinpoint what caused was … The chicken or the egg, which one came first? But there is research out there that does show that if you have poor oral hygiene, there’s almost no way around it. I don’t want to say hygiene, because that might be the wrong word. You might be brushing your teeth twice or even three times a day and you think you’re doing everything right and you’re very consistent, and you still are suffering from cavities and gum disease and things like that. That doesn’t have to happen.

Trina Felber:

Oral hygiene in the way that we talk about it isn’t necessarily true. It actually comes down to what you’re using, in my opinion. In the studies that I’ve looked at, in the research that I’ve looked at, in my own personal experience, it really does come down to a lot of factors that are controllable. They’re all controllable. This is what I want people to understand. No matter how frustrated you are with your dental health, you are not stuck with the mouth you have. You’re not stuck with the gums you have. You’re not stuck with the teeth you have. . If your mouth isn’t healthy, your body has very little chance of being healthy.

Trina Felber:

You can make improvement by making simple changes, and I’m not really adding much to your day or anything to your day, depending on what you decide to implement. It’s a matter of switching the products that you’re using, because unfortunately, the products on the market, even the ones that are sold to us and marketed as natural or healthy or toxin free, they are not formulated in the way that they are actually going to improve your overall help. I can get into it in a minute, but I just want to tell my story if that’s okay about how I-


Oh yes.

Trina Felber:

Yeah. I want to let everyone know I’ve been a nurse. It’s actually almost 30 years now. I can’t believe it. But 30 years of nursing, and then in 2007, I graduated with a degree in anesthesia, my master’s in anesthesia, and that’s when I really learned how things really affect the body at the microscopic level. I went on, my husband and I got married, we had our first daughter, and when my daughter was two years old … I had been making skin care products for about two years at this point, never dabbled in dental.

Trina Felber:

Just as everyone knows for, everyone knows, as a nurse, we were never really taught about the importance of dental health. We knew we had to do mouth care, but that was about it. Mouth care every two hours was on our schedule when we had patients that couldn’t take care of themselves. I worked in the ICU for many, many years, and mouth care was on there and it was simply swabbing the mouth with an alcohol based mouthwash and possibly brushing the teeth with toothpaste once or two a day, and that was the extent of our education.

Trina Felber:

I didn’t really know the importance. I knew growing up that … I heard the saying good health starts inside the mouth. I had no idea what it meant. Today I know that it either starts inside the mouth or that’s exactly where good health ends. If your mouth isn’t healthy, your body has very little chance of being healthy. The opposite is true, though. If your body’s healthy, then most likely your mouth will be healthy, and I can get into that in a minute. That’s where it’s hard to say chicken or egg.

Trina Felber:

But my daughter, when she was two, she had a molar come in that when we were brushing her teeth, we noticed this defect. Something was wrong with this tooth. We took her to the dentist, he took one look at the tooth and he said, “That’s a natural cavity.” Happened in utero. I had no idea this could happen. Happened when she’s being developed. I must have had either bacterial wash or flash infection, viral infection, fever, or stress or something happen with me when that tooth was being developed, which affected her tooth.

Trina Felber:

This is how important mom’s health status is in developing baby. Anyway, he said, “The tooth has such a significant defect that chances are really good we’re going to have to pull that tooth within a year. But in the meantime, since she’s two, we’ll put a temporary filling in it. The temporary filling will last about two to three months. Every time that temporary filling falls out, we’ll decide if now is the time to pull the tooth or put another temporary filling in it.” As I was walking out the dentist office, he says to me, “Don’t worry, mom.”

Trina Felber:

He knew I was upset. I knew that every tooth … The Meridian channel of the tooth, every tooth is connected to an organ, and when you pull the tooth, that Meridian is severed. I was very upset, and he said, “Don’t worry, mom. I know you’re upset. But don’t worry.” We put a temporary filling in it. Now we just hope for the best. I thought, “Oh my gosh, there is absolutely no way I am hoping for the best.” I went home and I started doing some research. I thought, “Gosh, if there’s something I can do to help that tooth. What if I’m not doing the right thing?” I found Dr. Weston A. Price. Are you familiar with him, Amy?



Trina Felber:

Okay. Yeah. Dr. Weston A. Price was a dentist in the early 1900s, right around the turn of the century, 18 to 1900s. He was actually in Cleveland, Ohio, which is right near me. I’m about 30 miles south of Cleveland. He discovered the link between cavities and sugar, and he researched the third world countries, because in the third world countries, when you look at national geographic, you see these people that have bright white smiles and their smiles are big, their jaws are full and their teeth are big and white and they’re not getting wisdom teeth pulled.

Trina Felber:

They have a healthy mouth, they have healthy gums. You take one closer look at them and they’re not obese. They don’t have heart disease. They’re not suffering from thyroid disorders. They’re not suffering from diabetes and all these inflammatory things that we’re suffering from. What he also noticed is, and this was before his time, but what we’ve noticed since then is when these people from third world countries with good dental health come to the US and they supersize, they start eating processed foods, they supersize their meals, they’re now drinking Coca-Cola and other sugary drinks, the first thing that happens is they get cavities and gum disease.

Trina Felber:

Then they start getting other inflammatory diseases, including heart disease, diabetes. PCOS I’m sure is in there. In fact, I know it’s in there, and all of these other inflammatory diseases. Fast forward, I reviewed his research, and from his research, there were three takeaways that I’ll get into in a bit. The three things that I took away that is important and imperative for dental health and dental hygiene to be beneficial for the body. I built my dental program and my products off of his research using these three principles.

Trina Felber:

My first product I made was my Dirty Mouth Toothpowder made with a blend of three clays. I’ll get into why that’s important in a minute, but baking soda and essential oils. All of them are food grade, all of them are safe if you do swallow or if your children are swallowing them. But I made that for my daughter and she started brushing with it as soon as I made it, which was probably within two to three weeks after that dentist appointment, and that tooth that was supposed to be pulled within a year and the temporary filling fall out within two to three months, fell out naturally at the age of 12.

Trina Felber:

That original filling was still in place in that tooth, and her tooth had remineralized or put this mineral cap around that temporary filling to prevent bacteria or any kind of inflammation, any fungus, anything from getting inside that tooth and causing a problem with the tooth. I was extremely excited that I was able to actually save that tooth past that year point, but when we made it all the way to the life of the tooth. The tooth got weak or it got loose, wiggled, and she popped it out one day and we were like, “Wow, I can can’t believe this.” I actually saved the tooth. It has to do with the environment inside your mouth, more so than anything else.

Trina Felber:

No, that okay. I didn’t know if you wanted if you had a question.


Oh, yeah. Yeah. What I’ve been finding is interesting is since I’ve been using your products, your clay products, the tooth powder and then the clay and the whitening, it’s not really a gel, but my … I have an area where I have a little recession and I think that it has remineralized because I am not getting any tooth sensitivity, and I’m thrilled about that because the only option that my dentist gave me was a really high test fluoride toothpaste which I was not interested in using. I am seeing the results of that remineralization with your clay products, and I’m just really excited about that.

Trina Felber:

Yeah. Basically, what’s happening … If anyone has sensitive teeth, sensitivity is just a sign that there’s loss of mineral, a significant loss of mineral to the point where your enamel is becoming thinner and not just one area. It could be one area, but could be multiple areas around a tooth or multiple teeth. You have to remember, what’s happening to one tooth is happening to every tooth because it’s the environment. What I mean by that is if your mouth is acidic or when your mouth is acidic, because there are things …

Trina Felber:

The foods that we eat, a lot of the foods we eat are acidic by nature, a lot of the drinks that we drink are acidic. Coffee’s acidic, anything with sugar is acidic, so any soft drinks that has sugar in it. Anything that’s processed, really, is acidic by nature. Red meat is acidic. Anytime we’re eating those types of foods, our enamel is exposed to acids and acids remove minerals from your teeth. The opposite is true when your mouth is alkaline, when it’s exposed and the pH is alkaline inside your mouth.

Trina Felber:

If there’s minerals present, either in your saliva, which is your body’s natural way to remineralize your teeth, or in the foods that you’re eating or in what you’re using to brush your teeth, the minerals will go back into your teeth and replace the ones that you’ve lost. However, there’s a catch to it. The minerals have to be the same mineral that you lost. If you lost a manganese mineral from your teeth, because our teeth have … Calcium and phos is the primary, but they also have many different minerals in them that make them strong.

Trina Felber:

If you lose a manganese and all you have in your dental product is calcium or phos, you’re never going to replace that mineral. You’re only going to replace the calcium and the phos minerals. It’s really important to make sure that what you’re brushing with is alkaline. These are the three things that I learned from Dr. Weston A. Price, and this is how I develop my dental line. First of all, your products have to be alkaline. Most of the products on the market are either neutral or they’re acidic. If you’re buying something that’s a big brand, chances are really good it’s acidic.

Trina Felber:

If it has SLS in it, triclosan, if it has any artificial flavor, artificial color, anything that doesn’t appear to be natural. Peroxide is another ingredient that would be cause something to be more acidic. Those are ingredients that are going to cause minerals to be removed from your enamel as you’re brushing your teeth. Anything that’s natural, natural products do a better job, I would say, but most of them don’t make the product alkaline. What would signify what you’re using is alkaline is baking soda.

Trina Felber:

I do a blend of three clays with baking soda. The baking soda just makes sure that when you’re brushing, your mouth is alkaline so that the minerals that are present in my tooth powder, that’s the next thing, there have to be minerals. First, it has to be alkaline, second, it has to have minerals. If there’s no minerals present, the alkalinity will reduce the bad bacteria. Bad bacteria inside your mouth, the bacteria that causes cavities and gum disease is acidic. It creates its own acid. It’s just like cancer.

Trina Felber:

It’s just like inflammation. It’s just like everything else. It creates an acid inflammation inside them mouth. What that does is kills your good bacteria, causes gum disease, wears away at your enamel, causes leaky gum, where then this inflammation can then get into the body right there inside your mouth from your gum tissue. When it gets in through your gum tissue, the important thing to understand is when you’re ingesting food or through your digestive system, we have a protective mechanism to prevent things from harming us, and that would be your liver.

Trina Felber:

When you brush or eat or anything, and it … By the way, no matter how safe you think you’re being with toothpaste, they have shown studies that you always swallow a small amount, even if you think you’re not. Tooth pastes that has triclosan in it is definitely disrupting the bacteria in the gut, as well as the mouth, and the same goes for sodium laureth sulfate and the other like hydrogen peroxide and things like that. But anyway, when you ingest something through your mouth, your body tends to send it to your liver to detoxify, cleanse the blood, get rid of those things so that your body’s not harmed.

Trina Felber:

It does a pretty good job with that. We call that first pass through the liver. But when you’re absorbing things directly through your gum tissue, your gums are … The toxins or the inflammation is getting directly into the bloodstream at the vascular level. At the vascular level, the blood is going back to the heart to be pumped throughout the body. These toxins, this inflammation is getting pumped in or brought into your body in an area that is going to not go directly to your liver. It’s going to go directly to your brain. It’s going to go …

Trina Felber:

Or indirectly, I guess, through your heart, to your brain, your lungs, your liver, your kidney. Your liver in the other direction. The important thing to know is that we’ve got to keep our gums healthy because that is the main way that inflammation is getting in through our body. There’s been direct links from inflamed gums to everything that I mentioned before, including Alzheimer’s and heart disease and things like that. The plaque that’s found in clogged arteries is the same plaque found on the teeth, and it’s because it’s bacterial based.

Trina Felber:

The bacteria creates this hard shell. It’s a biofilm. We call it plaque and it’s acidic by nature. You want something that’s got a blend of minerals in it. The best way that I have found and with Dr. Weston A. Price, where he really recommended or found is that the soil is what was delivering minerals to the teeth. Our ancestors years ago, gosh, long time ago now, when they were eating carrots or anything grown in the soil, any vegetables and fruits, they were getting a good mineral content because the soil had high mineral content.

Trina Felber:

Today, even if you’re eating organic foods, the minerals are depleted in the soil. You are becoming mineral depleted because the soil is mineral depleted. By putting clay in toothpaste or tooth powder, I am putting in a blend of all of the minerals in the right form, because they have to be in the ion form, in the right form with alkaline baking soda to pretty much ensure that as you’re brushing your teeth, you’re going to be brushing those minerals back into your teeth. It’s very gentle for your gum tissue. I’ve also added hydroxyapatite.

Trina Felber:

That’s another ingredient that’s really popular. I say it’s the safe fluoride because fluoride has so many detrimental effects. It’s not a natural part of your body by any means. The only reason you were born with fluoride in your body is because your mother had fluoride in her body. You should not have been born with fluoride in your body. But babies are being born with fluoride because of the toxicity levels inside mom. But minerals from clay and hydroxyapatite. Hydroxyapatite is calcium and phos, the exact same minerals found in the teeth.

Trina Felber:

I blend hydroxyapatite with a blend of three clays to ensure that all of the minerals are present. The other factor is the one clay that I do use is called French green clay. It’s from the French sea. It’s green because it has the phytonutrients from plants, including LJ. What this does for your teeth and your gums is it reduces inflammation and reduces pain. It’s an analgesic and an anti-inflammatory.


Oh, that’s interesting.

Trina Felber:

Yeah, isn’t it? It’s really great for your gums as well as your teeth. As a nurse, I know that if I can reduce pain and inflammation, I can speed healing much faster. That’s the reason that I do a blend of three with the baking soda. Then the last component that I walked away with from Dr. Weston A. Price was the fact that it has to detox. It has to detox. I’m not talking clean your teeth, I’m talking pull toxins from the tissues of your mouth because your mouth is exposed to a ton of toxins just by breathing and talking all day long.

Trina Felber:

Not even just, yeah, what you’re eating and drinking. It’s what’s in the environment. Plus heavy metals. Heavy metals are in tap water, and if you’re exposed to tap water, taking things, drinking any type of products that might contain tap water, you are exposing your body to heavy metals and other toxins, including drug waste. Those things can get into your gum tissue. When you’re brushing with a clay-base, this goes back to the clay, clay is a detoxifier. Clay and charcoal pull toxins from tissue and can help keep the tissue clean.

Trina Felber:

My clay-based tooth powder, I also have a version that has added charcoal, it has the same blend as charcoal added for added detox, it definitely will help keep the tissues cleansed so that those toxins don’t get into your bloodstream through your gum tissue. Because even if your gums are healthy, toxins can still work their way through just by nature of being in there and your blood flow and bloodstream is so prevalent in your gum tissue. Definitely, even if your gums are healthy, you want to make sure that you keep them cleansed with pulling toxins out of the tissue.


I was wondering if the charcoal and those detoxifiers help with … A lot of women with PCOS tend to have candida and can have thrush. Could that help with getting rid of-

Trina Felber:

Totally. Yeah, totally. The teeth whitening system that you talked about, it’s called Real White, and we called it Real White because it’s real ingredients, it’s not artificial, it’s not chemicals. It’s nothing like that, and it creates a real true white tooth in a different way than peroxide. Peroxide whitens the teeth. Peroxide, first of all, is not good for your mouth. It will kill the good and the bad bacteria, which you don’t want. You do want to be able to keep your good bacteria healthy because your good bacteria is what is going to fight the bad bacteria.

Trina Felber:

It’s going to help keep your gums and your teeth healthy, and it creates that alkaline environment. It’s going to allow your saliva to function the way it’s supposed to. To start digestion, to get rid of bacteria and viruses and fungus right there inside your mouth. Your saliva is really your immune system. It’s really the very basics of our immune system is our saliva. Anyone that has a dry mouth, if you’re not drinking enough, if you’re dehydrated or if you’re taking medications or supplements or something that’s going to diminish your saliva, you are impairing your immune system.

Trina Felber:

You’re impairing your body’s ability to fight all viruses. I’m talking the virus that we just were exposed to. Every virus, the common cold, the flu, my customers report back to me, and I say this for myself as well. When I switched or when they stop using the other stuff and switched to a protocol like mine, they no longer suffer from the common cold and the flu. When they do get sick, it’s less, primarily because what we’ve done is we’ve made your mouth more alkaline and we’ve given your saliva the ability …

Trina Felber:

Because it’s not acidic in your mouth anymore, the ability to actually function the way it’s supposed to and kill viruses, kill bacteria, kill fungus inside the mouth. Then that transcribes as you swallow your saliva and you swallow the good bacteria. Remember whatever is inside your mouth, you swallow and you inhale it. By that, I mean your mouth is not like Vegas. What happens inside your mouth doesn’t stay there. It travels, either swallowing it. Good, bad or indifferent.

Trina Felber:

If you’ve got crap in your mouth because you’ve just been exposed to someone who’s sitting next to you and they’re sneezing and you didn’t know it, but particles dropped inside your mouth or on your cup and you put it in your mouth. If your saliva doesn’t kill that, you swallow it. Then once it gets to your gut … Our gut is acidic by nature. Your mouth is supposed to be alkaline to kill this stuff. Everything that’s bad is typically acidic. Inside your mouth, if it’s alkaline, it will kill it.

Trina Felber:

If you swallow it because your mouth is acidic and it’s alive, it gets to your gut, which is acidic because it has to break down food, and then it thrives, and then we wonder why our gut is sick. Your gut starts inside your mouth. But where most people think it starts is in small intestine. But that’s not true. It starts inside your mouth with the good bacteria, the alkaline environment. Then when you swallow the good bacteria, you feed and seed your gut to be healthy from the start of the mouth.


Before you go into … Hold on a second. Before you go into that, just tell us … So many of us with PCOS, as I mentioned, are brushing our teeth multiple times a day to try to get on top of this, but also using mouthwash. I know that was something that I was doing thinking that I was doing something good for myself. You just talked to us all about this healthy bacteria that we want inside our mouth. What happens when we use mouthwash?

Trina Felber:

Oh, that’s a great question. Mouthwash, I would say about 95% of the mouthwashes out there are destroying your health. There’s only a few that I’ve seen that are either going to benefit you or not going to hurt or benefit you. They’re just going to be. I usually tell people mouthwash is a no no. Because unless you know what you’re really looking for, it can undo all the good. You could brush with my Dirty Mouth Toothpowder, if you use the wrong mouthwash, you’ve just destroyed what we just tried to do, because mouthwashes typically contain alcohol.

Trina Felber:

They’re most likely alcohol-based. Alcohol is going to destroy everything. When you read the big brand labels that say kills 99% of bacteria, that’s not a good thing. That’s really a bad thing for your health. You definitely want to stay away from those. You want to stay away from anything that’s got the peroxide, anything that has triclosan in it, anything that has any of the artificial stuff, artificial color or artificial flavors. Really mouth washes are unnecessary when you’re doing the right protocol.

Trina Felber:

Here’s the thing. Most people use mouthwash because they have bad breath, and the bad breath is your body signal that there’s an imbalance in the bacteria inside your mouth. Imbalance meaning you have too much bad stuff and not enough good stuff. What happens when we swish with alcohol-based mouthwashes is we’ve just increased the bad stuff. We’ve killed all of our good stuff, and now our mouth is acidic and we are exposed to bad stuff all day long and the bad stuff harbors, it hides. It hides under your gums, it hides between your teeth, it hides on your tongue, that gunk on your tongue, that white coating.

Trina Felber:

It’s very difficult to actually get rid of all of the bad stuff with something that’s acidic by nature because acids cause them to thrive. They create acid. It’s not going to kill them. Your mouth tastes fresh after that because you’ve used this alcohol that’s basically so potent that your mouth feels really fresh, but what you’ve really done is destroy your mouth. Really what I tell people is what I created was a gum serum. Let me go back to bad breath. You should not have bad breath. That is something that we have believed.

Trina Felber:

We have been brainwashed into believing that bad breath is normal, and it’s just a fact of life as you get older, and that’s totally not true. I do not wake up with bad breath in the morning. I do not have morning breath. I do not get fowl breath during the day, unless I’m doing a talk and I’m starting to get dehydrated. That is the only time that my mouth starts to get sour tasting, and then as soon as I drink and rinse my mouth, my mouth is fresh. I do not need gum, I do not need breath mints, and it’s simply because I’ve supported my good bacteria.

Trina Felber:

Bad breath is a signal to you that if you do not fix the bacteria imbalance, you are on your way to gum disease and cavities, and then all the internal inflammatory problems. The other problem with bad breath and the wrong bacteria is that nitric oxide production in the body only occurs when the bacteria inside the mouth is healthy and the bacteria in the gut is healthy. When you look up the process of how nitric oxide, and if you’re not familiar with what nitric oxide is, it is a potent vasodilator.

Trina Felber:

Think about people that get chest pain and they give them a nitro tab. That’s basically what they’re doing. They’re giving them a powerful vasodilator to dilate the arteries to increase blood flow to the heart to get more oxygen to the heart so they don’t have a heart attack because it’s the lack of oxygen that causes an ischemic event and inflammation. Your body makes nitric oxide, and the mechanism is because of the saliva, the good bacteria in the mouth and the gut.

Trina Felber:

Those are the three musts. If you don’t have those, then your nitric oxide production greatly declined, and then you’re at risk for … This is the other component of heart disease. Erectile dysfunction for men and women. Infertility is related to the … Your immune system is directly related to nitric oxide production. Your ability to sleep and stay asleep. All of these things. That’s why your mouth is extremely important. Where was I going? What was your question?


Yeah. I interrupted you when you were starting to talk about the light therapy. Let’s go into that.

Trina Felber:

Yeah. Yeah, the bacteria. Getting back to the bacteria, you can fix that. You can change that. It’s super easy to change it. The light therapy. My dental products, I have a … I’ll give Amy links where anyone that’s listening will get a significant discount on the products if you’re interested. One of the links will be for my dental detox kit. It’s a 60-day kit that I put together that has everything that you need in it to detox your mouth. It has a morning and nighttime tooth powder. It has the gum serum that I’m talking about.

Trina Felber:

Or my gum serum instead of mouthwash. What you use, it’s an olive oil base. Olive oil is extremely good and beneficial for your gum tissue. I blend it with 11 essential oils that are going to reduce inflammation, support your good bacteria, kill the bad stuff, penetrate your gum. It’s an oil base, so it’s going to penetrate your gum tissue so it can get into the tissue to fight anything that’s going on, inflammation that’s going on inside the gums and it’s going to help speed healing.

Trina Felber:

It’s got a gum serum in it. It also has a copper tongue scraper. You take care of my copper tongues scraper, you can have it for life. Then it also comes with a bamboo biodegradable toothbrush with charcoal-infused bristles, and then floss picks that are biodegradable as well. Then I throw in a free detoxing deodorant, because most people struggle with natural deodorants and waste so much money on them that I’m gifting one, that if it works, it works. If it doesn’t, you didn’t waste money on it.

Trina Felber:

That’s all in the detox kit. If you’re using my detox kit, it will help to reset the microbiome. Brushing twice a day is going to help get your saliva back functioning to the point where it will help with your immune system, it will help with whitening your teeth because it’s going to help put the minerals back in your teeth. My powder is going to help remineralize your teeth, strengthen your gum, strengthen your teeth and rebalance your bacteria so that nitric oxide can happen and your saliva can then help.

Trina Felber:

The teeth whitening system is the next thing that I recommend for people. Many people jump right in with both because they both do the similar thing or the same thing, the end result. But with the teeth whitening system, you can get results much faster because of the way light therapy happens. It’s a mouthpiece that you has both red light and blue LED light. They are set at the wavelength for inside the mouth. Similar red light to what people use for skin therapy, for healing and anti-aging purposes.

Trina Felber:

But the red light therapy inside the gums reduces inflammation. Remember, light therapy penetrates. Penetrates into the tissue, a certain degree, a certain amount. It could possibly penetrate to some degree between the teeth and into the gum pockets, which is extremely important, especially for the blue light, which I’ll tell you in a second. But for the red light, it’s going to penetrate, reduce inflammation, reduce … It’s going to help increase blood flow, which is going to increase detoxification of the gum.

Trina Felber:

Because anytime you increase blood flow, you increase nutrients, increase oxygen and reduce bacteria or any kind of toxins. The body can then get rid of it a little bit more efficiently. The red light also stimulates collagen, which, Amy, as you were talking about with gum recession, all three of those things are extremely important with building back your gum tissue. Takes long. It takes a while. It’s not something that happens overnight, but the first thing is stopping the cause of it, which is usually the wrong products and the acids in the mouth, the bacteria.

Trina Felber:

The second part is then helping to regenerate with collagen and reducing inflammation in blood flow. The red light therapy helps with that. Blue light is really impressive. I love blue light inside the mouth. Harvard did a study. We’re talking about bacteria, and at the core, the root cause of almost everything inside of the mouth is bacteria. Bacteria causes an acid built up and it destroys the tissue, it wears away your enamel because of the acids it produces. If we can keep the bacteria in the mouth healthy, then we can significantly reduce and start to heal.

Trina Felber:

Blue light, Harvard found that, at the right nanometers, which ours is set at, inside the mouth, the bacteria that causes gum disease and cavities has this particle or piece to it. I call it a heme. It’s a red portion to the bacteria. When exposed to blue light, that portion of the bacteria explodes. When that explodes, the bacteria is dead. In essence, bacteria that’s exposed to blue light inside the mouth explodes and dies. There’s nothing more impressive than something like that.

Trina Felber:

When you think about blue light penetrating, if it can penetrate into the gum pocket, the bacteria that hides down there is really the bad stuff because it’s creating. You can’t get to it. If the blue light penetrates deep enough, then it can possibly even get to the bacteria that’s underneath there. Using both of those, the system comes with a one month supply of our gel, which does not contain any harmful ingredients for your body or for your teeth.

Trina Felber:

Peroxide is the number one ingredient in teeth whitening systems, both in the office and at home. The reason I wanted to create a system that uses a safe gel is because peroxide destroys your enamel and it destroys the infrastructure, the inside of the tooth. I know we mentioned this off camera before we started, peroxide for anyone that still has a amalgam fillings or the silver fillings, peroxide … There’s a video on YouTube. If you search on YouTube for the vapor …

Trina Felber:

I think it’s called the vaporizing tooth. They show what peroxide does to silver or amalgam fillings. It causes it to literally vaporize, and that vapor is inhaled when you breathe. Anyone with any type of metal fillings should always avoid anything with peroxide in it inside the mouth. I don’t feel that peroxide’s necessary for any reason other than the occasional using it, I don’t know, during the stress of all these viruses coming by. Nebulizing peroxide can be helpful.

Trina Felber:

But that’s different than brushing twice a day with something that’s got peroxide or using a very strong peroxide inside the mouth to whiten the teeth. The way that peroxide whitens the teeth is devastating to the actual tooth itself. Peroxide upholster moisture out of the layer beneath your enamel. Your enamel is the thickest part of your tooth. It is the whitest part of your tooth. As you get older, if you’re not replacing the minerals because of what you’re eating, what you’re using or because your saliva’s not functioning, then your enamel starts to get thinner, thinner, thinner, thinner to the point where you might actually be seeing your dentin.

Trina Felber:

It almost becomes transparent. People tell me all the time, “My teeth are almost transparent.” What I’m seeing is a grayish tinge or a bluish tinge. That’s because your enema is so thin that you now see your dentin. Your dentin is grayish bluish or yellowish tinged. It’s fluid filled. It has antimicrobial, antiviral type of properties to it or proteins in it. It also has some minerals in it, but it is your shock absorber. You need the fluid in there to keep the tooth healthy and prevent toxins from getting into the bloodstream and the nerves that are housed in the pulp underneath the dentin.

Trina Felber:

How peroxide whiten your teeth is that it pulls the moisture out of the dentin layer. Because if you pull moisture out, the tooth becomes more opaque and your tooth instantly looks whiter. You have done nothing to actually whiten or strengthen the enamel, which is the white part of the tooth. What you’ve done is destroyed the inside of your tooth. Now you are more prone to fracturing a tooth, bacteria and anything getting inside that tooth and risking that tooth, the life of that tooth. What I did is the gel. I created the gel that is an olive oil-based. It’s not going to be painful. It’s soothing and healing to the gums.

Trina Felber:

It has essential oils that are going to help whiten the surface, reduce the bad bacteria, support your good bacteria, and then it has two clays in it for the same reason as the tooth powder. It’s going to help rebuild the enamel. Your 15-minute treatment with your gel and your mouthpiece on is going to hold that gel in place longer than brushing and it’s going to expose your enamel … That is alkaline because the gel’s alkaline. It’s going to expose your enamel to a plethora of minerals.

Trina Felber:

It has hydroxylapatite in it as well, so that while you’re doing your treatment, you’re rebuilding the white part of your tooth over time. Sometimes it happens very quickly for people. Sometimes it takes longer. It depends on your immune status, your health status, your diet, everything. But it will help to rebuild your enamel and whiten your tooth. It will remove surface stains very quickly. If you are someone that drinks a lot of coffee or red wine, and you have surface stains, you might see a whitening effect very quickly from removing the stains.

Trina Felber:

But the overall power, the super power of the gel is the fact that it can help rebuild your enamel, make your enamel thicker. What that means for you in the long run is better dental checkups, less risk of breaking your teeth, less risk of cavities, less risk of gum disease, and all the other factors that come along once those things are out of place. Your body then doesn’t have that inflammation constantly entering and then can focus on healing the body on the inside.


I can attest, I’m a probably four cup of tea a day drinker, and that’s what I was really looking for, is something to help with those surface stains. I just finished my four week course, and it absolutely has done that. I have some refill kits, so I’m looking forward to continuing to use the light. But I think I’ve noticed more the benefits of the rebuilding the enamel. As I mentioned, I don’t have any of the sensitivity that I would have with the peroxide-based-

Trina Felber:

Yeah, totally.


… whitener, which is awesome. Now I’m horrified that I was using those in the past and I was doing such damage. I know.

Trina Felber:

Well, we didn’t know. We didn’t know, and that’s why I’m grateful to you for helping me spread the word because whether you decide to purchase my products or not, yeah, I leave that completely up to people. I really want you to understand what’s going on, and then make the decision that’s right for you and your family. The teeth whitening kit, I can tell you though that anyone that purchases it or wants to purchase it, I have a link that I’m going to give Amy that will be in the notes, that if you click through that link, you’ll save 60 …

Trina Felber:

It’s about 60% off the kit itself, and then you can also get the detox kit through that at a discounted price as well. You don’t have to click both links if you’re going to get the teeth whitening. If you want to look at it a little bit closer, look at that one, and you’ll be able to buy the detox kit with that through the process of the checkout.


Well, I just honestly want to thank you, Trina, because you really have given me the solution that I was looking for. I had been using a charcoal-based toothpaste that just makes such a mess.

Trina Felber:

One thing I want to mention really quick, Amy, because if someone’s looking at their tooth powder or toothpaste and it is charcoal-based … Charcoal and baking soda. I get this all the time. “Can I just use charcoal? Can I just use baking soda?” When I tell people, the three components that I talked about has to be alkaline, has to have minerals, has to detox. Charcoal alone does not have minerals in it. While it’s not going to hurt, it’s better than most things on the market. You are never going to replace minerals with just charcoal.

Trina Felber:

Baking soda’s the same way. It doesn’t have minerals in it. That’s why the combination. You need all three, you need the minerals plus the alkaline. You need clay, charcoal. Charcoal’s benefit because it helps to detox, whiten. But you really need that benefit of the clays or hydroxylapatite blended with baking soda in order to have the benefit of strengthening the teeth. That’s the key. Because people ask me that all the time and I’m like, “You know what? If you run out of your powder or your toothpaste that is healthy and formulated correctly, if you’re traveling and you forget it, you can call the kitchen or just use baking soda or charcoal until you can get a replenishment”

Trina Felber:

Do that. Don’t go to the store and buy something horrible. You’re better off using baking soda and charcoal alone, but don’t use it long term. I would say, at the most, a couple days to a week until you can get the proper stuff because it doesn’t contain the minerals in it. Your teeth will just leach minerals every day that you’re not replacing them.


This was so interesting, and I love that all of your research was based on Dr. Price’s work because his research was really groundbreaking. We’ve learned so much in the last few … through the Weston Price Foundation. I think that we’ll link their website as well in the show notes.

Trina Felber:

Yeah, it’s a phenomenal foundation.


Well, thank you so much for the work that you do, and I’m so glad to be sharing this information with my community. Thank you everyone for listening. I look forward to being with you again very soon. Bye-bye.

Trina Felber:

Well, Amy, thank you. If anyone has any further questions, they can always reach out to my support team at support@primallifeorganics.com.


Perfect, and we will put that in the show notes as well. Well, I look forward to being with everyone again very soon. Bye-bye.


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