Heat Up Your Metabolism [Podcast] - PCOS Diva

Heat Up Your Metabolism [Podcast]

So, what’s your type?  Dr. Philip Goglia, nutritionist to pro and semi-pro athletes, stars like Chris Hemsworth, Chris Pratt, Ryan Gosling and even a PCOS Diva, can tell you.  He specializes in metabolic nutrition and divides the population in to 3 types of metabolisms.  I was inspired to interview him after reading his book, “Turn up the Heat – Unlock the Fat Burning Power of Your Metabolism.” His message of eating to your metabolic type spoke to me, and I think you will benefit from what he has to say as well.  Listen in and learn:

  • 3 types of metabolism and how to get the most out of yours
  • are you eating enough food?
  • his guidelines of what starches and sugars to eat and avoid (hint: avoid “fluffy and mushy”)
  • how to build an eating pattern that will heat up your metabolism
  • what to eat at bedtime to help you sleep better

Please listen until the end.  He has a important and special message just for PCOS Divas.

Listen to the full audio here:

A complete transcript follows. 

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philDr. Goglia is the founder of Performance Fitness Concepts, one of the most elite performance nutrition and rejuvenation health and wellness clinics in the United States. He holds a PhD in Nutritional Science, and is a graduate of Duke University, The American College of Sports Medicine and the National Academy of Sports Medicine. Dr. Goglia has been a certified nutritionist for over 30 years. Dr. Goglia designs realistic and achievable nutrition and exercise programs that focus on an individual’s unique metabolic needs, lifestyle, eating habits, stress, training regimens and workloads.

Dr. Goglia’s  bestselling book, released in 2001 (Penguin Puttnam Press) Turn up the Heat –Unlock the Fat Burning Power of Your Metabolism is an acclaimed best seller and a must-read. Dr. Goglia has appeared in numerous magazines and television programs including E! Entertainment, CNN, and the following magazines: People, In Touch, Life and Style, In Style, Men’s Fitness, and Vogue. He is the official nutritional consultant for both the Dr. Phil Show and The Doctors television shows.

Dr. Goglia is not an “armchair nutritionist”. His scientific approach to metabolic nutrition is proven in practice and founded in science. He is consistently on the cutting edge of performance fitness and nutrition and practices what he preaches when he trains daily next to his teammates and many of his elite endurance clients.


Complete Transcript:

Amy:                Hello, this is Amy Medling. I’m a certified health coach and founder of PCOSdiva.com. Welcome to another PCOS Diva podcast, and today I am really honored to have Dr. Philip Goglia with us. He is the founder of Performance Fitness Concepts. It’s one of the elite performance nutrition and wellness clinics in the U.S. Dr. Goglia holds a PhD in Nutritional Science, and he is a graduate of Duke University, The American College of Sports Medicine and the National Academy of Sports Medicine. His clients include not only pro and semi pro athletes but he also is the nutritionist of some of stars from the Marvel comics and stars like Chris Hemsworth, Chris Pratt, Ryan Gosling, just to name a few. Welcome. Thank you so much for being here.

Dr. Philip:        Thanks, Amy. It’s a pleasure being here.

Amy:                I just want to tell everyone how I discovered you. I have a client who is also a client of yours, and she kept telling me that I had to read your book. You have a book out, it’s called Turn Up The Heat: Unlocking the Fat-Burning Power of your Metabolism. I read your book, and it’s fantastic and was a real eye-opener for me as a health coach and working with hundreds of women with PCOS one on one. Through my online coaching program what I have really found is that women with PCOS respond really well to an anti-inflammatory diet.

When we take out foods that are really inflammatory for most of us like gluten and dairy and then add in a lot of whole foods, whole food based diet with clean animal protein and healthy fats and lots of vegetables that our PCOS symptoms seems to subside. I think that we’re all bio individuals that the mix of macro nutrients, your ratios of protein and carbs and fat is really different for each of us, and your book really unlocks the key to figuring out what the right ratio of those macro nutrients are to rev up your metabolism or you say to turn up the heat. Maybe you can explain your idea of metabolic nutrition for the folks listening.

Dr. Philip:        It’s pretty easy. We’ll do a Reader’s Digest version so we don’t bury ourselves in the science of this. There are three metabolic structures that exist. Either some is fat and protein efficient or carbohydrate efficient or they have a dual metabolism. Each three requires certain macro nutrient breakdowns. Like for instance myself, I am fat and protein efficient, so my food program on a daily basis is 50% protein, 25% carbohydrate and 25% fat. If your dual it’s third to third to third. If you’re carbohydrate efficient, majority of food program comes from carbs, a small amount of fat and then pretty much the balance, some proteins.

There are three structures, these three structures are determined by a health history like a questionnaire that you could fill out actually found within the book or the holy grail of determination is through the use of a lipid profile. Now, a lipid profile provides us with information like total cholesterol, HDLs, LDLs, triglycerides and glucose readings. It’s easy to break these numbers down and ultimately see how your body manages fats, proteins and carbohydrate so that you can type yourself. We know that HDLs are good guy fats, their job is turn down the bad guy fats and then convert them to energy and get them out of our body. You want to have a lot of good guys in our system.

Say, for example, I took your blood and you had a lot of HDLs, let’s say your number was 70 for an HDL, 35 was considered zero. Lead athletes are happy when they are 70 and over. You scored a 70 for an HDL, that’s an incredible amount of HDLs and you have a great capacity to utilize fat and protein efficiently. Then, when you take that HDL and you divide it and your total cholesterol you get a ratio and, I don’t know, let’s say your total cholesterol was in a high 180 or something and we did the division and we discovered that your ratio was under 4.5. now, in average female in United States a healthy female is at 4.5. A male is at 3.5 and athlete has a range of 2.1 to 2.8.

We did your ratio and if you were a 4.5 or less that’s very efficient as it relates to being a female, a healthy female. If your ratio were to sit in that 2.1, 2.8 zone that’s very athletic and really literally that says, “Man, you could have any kind of physique you wanted as long as you follow the rules.” Once looking at the ratio then you take a look at LDLs, bad guy fats. In bad guy fat world there are levels. You have a bad guy fat of under 100 and if your fat number, that bad guy fat LDL is under 100 it tells me that you are utilizing your fat efficiently.

If the number sits between 100 and 130 that always tells me that you’re not eating enough, that’s in an environmental issue that your foods are inconsistently patterned throughout your day. Then ultimately if your LDL sit between 130 and 160 it’s a little bit of an environment and a little bit of genetics as it relates to previous position. There’s hypercholesterolemia and then over the 160 mark it always tells me that you’re not managing fats well, that you have a genetic predisposition they’ll hoard LDL fat and you have a predisposition towards things like arteriosclerosis, things promote plaque.

Then, finally there’s a third of a fat that floats around and it’s called triglyceride fat. Triglyceride fat does not come from eating fat, it comes from eating sugar and it has a direct relationship with insulin response. This is where PCS really finds it’s nest. Triglyceride fat is the stored form of sugar that sits in your liver and it’s a three to five day recall of sugars that you could use because of poor insulin response. A baked potato for example, at some point it converts to glucose and your brain will send a message to your pancreas, it will say, “Hey, I just had potato.

They had sent me 20 insulin taxis to transport that sugar into my muscle to be used as an energy source. Would you please send me 20 taxis?” If your pancreas is smart, if it’s not resistant it will send you 20 taxis, you’ll utilize all of your sugar and you will not store any as triglycerides fats. Your trig numbers will be low, they will be 110 or lower but maybe your pancreas isn’t so bright. Maybe it will only send you ten insulin taxis. At which point you can only transport half of your sugar. The balance of the sugar is left to sit there. No one comes and gets it and ultimately it is stored as trigs or fat.

Trig numbers will go up and up and up before you know it, you’re dealing with type 2 diabetes. Under 110 is what you want. My trig sit around 40, 45. They can be that low. If they sit between 110 and 145 that is always environmental like under eating in your day and unloading sugars later in the day to keep you going. You’ve been going to bed after that. At which point you will take that extra sugar that you consumed and you’ll store it as triglyceride fat. That’s just environmental. Just more like an under-eating pattern.

Now, the number could also sit between 145 and 175 at which point is environmental and genetic like a predisposition towards hyper and hypoglycemia and then over the 175 mark is a full on genetic marker for diabetes. As these trig numbers go up and up and up 200, 500, 700, 800, 900 you have a strong predisposition towards diabetes and an elevated HbA1c level. Those are the structures of all the numbers inherently found within your lipid profile to determine your metabolic type I think the easiest way to determine that or for an example would be to take a look at diabetes in their family background. Let’s say, that you are so fearful of consuming fat you decided to go on a high carbohydrate food plan.

You’re afraid of fats so you’re not going to eat any fats which means your protein intake will be low and you’re going to start a very proteinous food program like your friend did who maybe lost 20 pounds on a high carb food plan. In your family there’s a history of diabetes. This inability to manage sugars well. Is that a good food program or bad food program for you to start? Obviously, you have a genetic sensitivity toward sugars and you’re about to start a food program that’s high sugar. You can guarantee that you’ll be able to stand it for a week or so and then you’ll start to crash and burn as your triglyceride levels elevate. You stimulate all these crazy cravings.

The same could be true if you are fat and protein efficient. Let’s say you wanted to start a food program. It was very Atkins-esque, very high protein and you are afraid of carbohydrates. A friend of yours just lost 15 pounds on an Atkins type food program. You say, “Hey, I’m going to start that thing. I want to drop some weight too,” but your dad, he died of a heart attack. You have very low HDLs, very high LDLs. You’re a plaque builder, yet you’re starting your food program that’s high fat, high protein. Is that a good idea or bad idea? Not such a good idea.

Maybe the sheer consistent caloric pattern of any food program will pull five or ten pounds off you, but at some point your body will rebel against in a food program that doesn’t suit you and then you’ll start gaining your weight back and stimulating cravings. It’s interesting and that you can eat really helpful food like you can stay and I have many patients that say, “I don’t eat McDonald’s. I don’t eat junk food. I eat healthy food.” I say, “I complete agree with you, but are those foods designed in a particular nutrient pattern that best suit you?”

They sit there and they look at me like a possum in headlights like, “What? What did you just say to me?” I said, “Does it suit you?” Everybody is different and ultimately there are three metabolic types that exist. Either someone is fat and protein efficient, carbohydrate efficient or dual. Do you know the type that you are? Because though you eat healthy, if you’re eating foods that might be helpful but don’t suit you in the correct macro nutrient pattern, at some point your body will adapt to protect self and you’ll hoard more fat than you should. That’s like the metabolic question. What type are you? Then, really the next question is pretty simple. Do you eat enough food to actually convert fat to an energy source.

To a civilian that sounds crazy like, “What do you mean eat enough food? What? Are you crazy? I’m trying to diet here. I’m cutting back on my meals.” Then, you say to them, “What you’re telling me is you view food as adversarial?” They say, “Yeah, foods what got me here in the first place. It made me fat. That is definitely adversarial. I feel like I’m in the middle of Vietnam War here.” You say, I don’t know. Let’s talk about metabolism for a second. Let’s get a feel for what it really is. You might say to a civilian, “Hey, do you think metabolism is hot or cold or fast or slow? What do you think it is?” Generally we always hear, “I have a fast. I have a slow one. My metabolism is so slow.” Ultimately it’s not.

Metabolism is really hot or cold and the reason why metabolism is hot or cold is because it is just a function as heat because calories, the things we eat, are heat energy units. Calories are heat energy units. Your metabolism is a function of that heat and then finally fat will only convert the energy and the caloric-ally hot environment. Now, here’s the question, and it will sound completely counter intuitive. How many calories do you have to eat a day to generate enough heat to utilize fat effectively as an energy source and repair your muscle? Now, I know that sounds counter intuitive, but let’s pretend that we’ve lined up 20 of the best athletes in the world and let’s talk to them for a second.

We say to these athletes, “Hey, you guys, this week you have to give up something. Training or food? What will you give up?” Every athlete will say, “I’ll dump the training. I’ve got to maintain my food.” Then, the civilian guy asking them that will say, “That’s nuts. I’m training my ass off. I’m trying to eat less. I’m trying to drop my weight. I’m working so hard at it. Food is making me fat.” Then, the athlete guy says to the civilian guy, “I hear that you’re training like crazy and you’re trying not to eat. How’s that working for you?” The civilian guy will always say, “Come to think of it, not so good.” If you pull a big, huge guy, 380 pound guy off some transit bus or something or here in Santa Monica walked up even said, “Man, you’re huge. You obviously must eat a ton of food.” He’s going to look at you dead in the eye and he’s going to say, “Are you nuts? I have maybe two pairs of pants to fit if you call those fitting. I look horrible in the pants that barely fit me and I even look like more of a wreck out of my clothes. I got a doctor that’s up my ass about my cholesterol, my high blood pressure. Do you really think I overeat? What are you? Crazy?” He might overeat at a particular meal because he under-ate all day long, but then back to that athlete guy the athlete is saying, “Yes, exactly.” You under eat because when you train and you work out be it walking an hour a day, walking half an hour three days a week, going to the gym with weights, Pilates, whatever it might be.

All of that action is nothing more than a breakdown of tissue. A catabolic event and athletes and when you train we all want to do that. We want to create that catabolic event which is why we get a little sore, but then you want to keep it there. You want to stop it. You want to stick a wedge in that event and you want to get to an anabolic event where the tissue repairs. The wedge between the two events is nutrition, hydration and recovery. If it’s the wrong size wedge caloric-ally if there aren’t enough calories in it to promote repair and muscular activity is the wrong nutrient pattern that doesn’t suit you, you will remain catabolic and waste. In the process you’ll hoard fat to protect yourself.

Fat is held in a caloric-ally cool environment. You’ll always hoard fat if you’re under feeding. You might lose some weight when you underfeed, but remember if you make a size of your fist so slightly larger than the size of your fist is five pounds of muscle. If you put five of those fist together maybe even six you have five pounds of fat. Fat is volume. It takes up a lot of room. Muscle is heavy and dense, so it doesn’t take up much room at all. Yes, you might lose some weight when you drop your calories and exercise a bunch, but you just lost the wrong kind of weight. Then, you don’t take up much less room in the room you find out and you’ll say, “I’ll diet even more.” You stop eating the one and only apple you have each day and then you’re so poorly repaired that literally at some point you bend over to pet your cat and your back goes out.

Amy:                I want to really emphasize what you said there. Because there are so many women that are out that really let the scale rule their lives, and if they are not seeing progress on the scale then they throw in the towel.

Dr. Philip:        Absolutely.

Amy:                You said there was that … I just want to pull this out of your book just to clarify. You say in your book, “Since fat is four times the volume of muscle, I always tell clients that their goal should not necessarily be to lose scale weight,” but ultimately, as you said, take up less room in the room. If muscle weights more than fat, a person should strive to weight as much as possible per square inch but to have few total square inches.”

Dr. Philip:        Take up the least room in the room as much as you can, right? Because ultimately muscles supports your posture. Your spine doesn’t, your muscle does. You want to be heavy and dense but at the same time of being heavy and dense you want to take up lesser of the room. This is why they have dress sizes not dress weights. Not that I wear dress but I’m just saying.

Amy:                Yeah. I just think that’s so important. I want to say that I read your book in early winter so probably like January, February. I found out through doing the little quiz and looking at my lipid profile that I’m a dual metabolism which I don’t think a lot of women with PCOS are … I mean, this is just …

Dr. Philip:        No. They are mostly fat and protein efficient, the women with PCOS.

Amy:                I figured that I was not eating enough fat and I grew up in that fat free Snack Well. That’s what I like to call it.

Dr. Philip:        Sure. That’s right. High carbs.

Amy:                High carbs, high sugar and fat was evil. I was not eating enough fat; I think I was still throwback from that era, so I really increased my fat so that it was more than even percentage of macro nutrients, and I can tell you that my energy has gone through the roof. Also, I was able to lose a little bit of … Women with PCOS we have insulin resistance. We have that excess belly fat, and with that and doing Pure Bar workouts like that is gone, and I really attribute it to adding more fat to my diet which really for many of us sounds so counter intuitive, but maybe you could speak to PCOS and insulin resistance and the typical metabolic type that follows along with that.

Dr. Philip:        Yeah, let’s do that. It relates to insulin resistance and PCOS, the most important thing to understand is in more civilian term is that promotes huge inflammation like inflammatory markers. Insulin resistance means your body starts throwing out more insulin to try to manage the carbohydrate pattern like more than it needs, and then the insulin guys they get confused and can’t do anything, or it starts throwing out less and less and less. Over a bunch of insulin in your system that can’t be used or managed will promote inflammation and fat gain and then the exact same is true with not enough insulin. Same deal. Obesity, fat gain, water retention, inflammation.

First and foremost, it’s funny as I look through yesterday a whole bunch of different websites about nutrition, not one of the maybe 12 nutrition sites for PCOS said what you had said earlier to me before we began this podcast is stopping that craziness about foods that are inflammatory. You have to remember what the inflammatory foods are and here they are. Anything that is yeast, mold and gluten bound and then anything that might be considered a dairy. Dairy is like eating moderately hard phlegm. First, it contains maltose and lactose sugar that we cannot utilize as adult especially.

Ultimately, really when you think about dairy consumption in the animal kingdom, we’re the only animal in the entire animal kingdom that ingest dairy after birthing because maybe Ben and Jerry’s is on each corner, it tastes good, but it doesn’t necessarily suit us. In fact, if you talk to those 20 athletes that we were talking to earlier and ask them, “Hey, I came here to take your dairy order, what can I get you?” None, we’ll give you an order because it inhibits the use of oxygen, that’s horrible for asthma the utilization of oxygen, and it adversely affects digestion. If you have GERD reflux, irritable bowel syndrome, dairy is the devil for you. It’s going to promote all kinds of inflammation and a horrible gastric distress and a bunch of gas and bloating or gas (more gas than the Exxon Valdez held). Dairy is out.

Then, you say, “Okay, well I get the yeast and mold and gluten but what does that mean in real foods?” That is really easy to understand. It just means that no baked goods. Nothing fluffy or mashy. No bread breads, no muffins, no bagels, no white breads, no sandwich breads. Nothing that has yeast or mold in it. Stick to the one ingredient starches. Those multi ingredient starches like the bread breads. Always contain yeast and mold. Focus on the one ingredient guys like potatoes, rice, yams, sweet potatoes, corn, oatmeal, oat flakes, oat puffs. Look at your starches and ask them, “How many ingredients are in you?” If they tell you more than one, you don’t get to eat it.

Now, if you want a sandwich-esque thing, and it certainly does show up from time to time, I’m certainly okay with the use of wrap because there’s no yeast in it. That’s not risen so it’s just flat or even like the use of a pita because it is low yeast. Mostly focus on your rise and yams, and sweet potatoes as it relates to the reduction of inflammation. Yams and sweet potatoes are fantastic choices. They actually have anti-inflammatory benefits, but the yeast, mold and gluten as it relates to PCOS it’s very interesting how sensitive your system and your hormonal system become to the ingestion of that.

In fact, it’s interesting just looking at some of the research apparently, I didn’t know this, but it is a pretty big number, 50% of PCOS women will be type 2 diabetic by the time they hit age 40. That’s pretty crazy. That’s a rough stat. Another rough stat was that 50 to 60% of women with PCOS are trying to manage obesity in fact there was one medical website that said it was up to 80%. I just find that so horrific because the inflammation that is out there for PCOS is so contraindicated. One website says consume dairy, another one says consume grains, another one says low glycemic, but they don’t tell you what that means or how to manage it. Then they tell you they eat dairy after they tell you that. It’s a web of information, and it’s nice like Amy I’m talking to you that you actually have your thumb on the pulse. It’s very cool. I can’t say that many folks do.

Amy:                I think it’s just so frustrating for women with PCOS because you’re right, there are so many contradictory opinions out there, and they’ll go to their nutritionist and they are getting one story and then they go online there’s another one. It’s really hard and being a Diva it’s really about knowledge and educating yourself so that you can advocate yourself and that’s why I’m doing these podcast so that we can reach put to experts like yourself and get the information we need to make appropriate choices.

Dr. Philip:        I would say, of course. I would say this, I would say like, as it relates to real food choice-making that also took PCOS should really look at themselves from more of an athletic stand point because I would say that generally the majority of folks dealing with PCOS are fat and protein efficient. At which point there are some rules you got to follow, so here are the rules. No starch at night. Your dinner meal should be protein and vegetables only. Why would you consume starch in the evening when you’re going to go to bed after dinner. You’re not going to marathon. You’re going to go to bed.

If you consume starch that dinner meal you’ll store it as triglycerides fat that will promote the inflammation that you’re trying to get rid of. Do not be afraid of starches though because if in fact you are fat and protein efficient, 25% of your food program should come from a sugar like a starch or food groupings. If you like fruit, and you want to use those as snacks, always attach it to a fat to reduce the glycemic spike. As soon as you attach your protein fat grouping to a sugar it doesn’t spike you and there’s a slow rise of energy with this long chain release of energy. They will provide you with a few hours of a nice energy pattern rather than spiking and dropping like a simple sugar.

If I were to say well here’s a typical meal pattern, I would say, “Look, in the morning, have a one ingredient starch like oatmeal or oat flakes or oat puffs or even a wrap. Have an egg with it or maybe two along with a simple sugar like a fruit. For a mid-morning snack, just use a simple sugar. Use a bridge to get to lunch. It could be a fruit like a bowl of berries- something that might be considered a lower sugar high-fiber choice, but remember a fruit is a fruit, and they are all sugar. To say lower sugar is, I don’t know, a bit misleading, but it is slightly higher fiber, so let’s say that. Just use a higher fiber fruit. Maybe attach 12 almonds to it, and then you’ll get a longer chain release of energy and definitely do that if you have a tendency to push your lunch later into the afternoon, not around noon, but more like 1, 1:30, 2:00.”

If that’s the case and you had this long spread between breakfast and lunch, always choose a fruit and 12 almonds or fruit and tablespoon of almond butter as a midway snack. Now, your lunch. Your lunch should have a starch in it. It should have a protein and a vegetable in it, and choose your starch as wisely. Like a cup of rice, a baked potato, a yam, a sweet potato, a wrap. Choose one of these guys and then have four ounces of protein with it like a chicken breast, something the size of your hand from the wrist up including your fingers when your fingers are close sitting there in front of you. Four ounces of protein and a vegetable for digestion. Maybe a garden salad, maybe something steamed, maybe something that’s high iron like asparagus, spinach or tomatoes.

Then an afternoon snack like another fruit and 12 almonds. Maintain an energy pattern. Don’t be afraid of eating. Maybe late afternoon because dinner runs late you need just a little simple sugar to get you to dinner because of a sugar craving perhaps. Maybe then at that point you do use a sugar like a fruit like an apple. After lunch, fruit and 12 almonds. Late afternoon if necessary a fruit only and then dinner protein and vegetables only. Try to get in as much fish as you possibly can at night. The fatty acids found in fish promote a reduction of inflammation. They help deliberate other fatty acids. They promote fat metabolism. Choose the fattier fish like salmon, arctic char, black cod, sea bass, escolar. Don’t be afraid of a fatty fish, they have many benefits.

Then, vegetables and salad with that, and then what’s interesting is that after dinner many times just a little bit (like just up to 50 calories) of simple sugar like half a cup of berries will spike your insulin while you sleep to promote a deep sleep, a deep glycemic state sleep, and that’s called stage four sleep. At that point you will REM, release more growth hormone, burn more fat, so a smidge, I’m talking a tiny amount, of simple sugar after dinner will help provide that for you. It provides a great metabolic effect and that’s like I don’t know, a typical food day and it helps. That helps.

Amy:                No, that’s great. I know that’s going to be really helpful for a lot of women and I want to encourage people to pick up your book so that they can take a look and type themselves and make sure that … See what their metabolism type is. There are women out there that could be dual metabolism like myself. I did want you to explain to us what happens when you skip one of those meals. I know a lot of women with PCOS skip breakfast. Often they are not eating much until dinner time. What happens to your metabolism when you skip a meal?

Dr. Philip:        It’s interesting. I ask many of my patients like, “Hey, what happened to breakfast?” “I wasn’t hungry.” Remember, your food program isn’t built around hunger. I don’t want your hunger pattern to control your meal pattern. I want your meal pattern to control your hunger pattern. Even if you’re not hungry in the morning, you’ll establish your caloric heat pattern, and you stabilize that heat pattern throughout the day with a proper macro nutrients to provide you with an energy pattern the tissue repair so you get to the end of the day. If you skip a meal, you actually take away heat and metabolism cools.

This is interesting as a little bit of math but bear with me while I talk about this real quick because it shows the importance of consistency and the importance of thumb printing your pattern, like not skipping meals, but eating a little bit of each thing just to get to the next meal type thing. When you start a food program, you don’t get hot caloric-ally right away. It takes your body 48 hours, two days to understand new heat. At the end of those two days, then you can start counting out of your timeline or the days of the week, so you start this thing. The first 48 hours of your food program was a no brainer.

You are focused like Eye of a Tiger, and then you start this thing, and then the day one is great, day two is great, day three is great, but let’s say in day four, you didn’t forecast so well and you mismanaged your meals perhaps because of a meeting or you had to pick up the kids. It was camp because it’s summer. Something goes on and you mismanaged your food. Remember, if you mismanaged food or meal, you mismanaged calories. If you mismanaged calories, you mismanaged heat. Metabolism will now cool so it cools, and you lose that day that you’re in for the efficient use of fat. There’s one day lost, but do you remember how many days it takes for you to ramp up?

Two days, you’ve lost the day that you’re in. It will take you another two days to recreate your heat pattern, you’ve just blown three days. If you do that twice a week you lost six days. You’ve lost a week. Consistent pattern is key and though it sounds counter intuitive, the most important thing with your nutritional in-discrepancies, like if you were to sneak something in is that you add it into your food program. You never, ever, ever substitute. If your afternoon snack was a fruit and 12 almonds, and some Starbucks cookie wrestled you to the ground and forced itself down your throat and you ate it, knock yourself out. Eat the damn thing, it’s a terrible thing I’ve seen it, I’ve watched it. I’ve seen it outside on the sidewalk. Like the Starbucks cookie gang wrestles you to the ground. Eat the thing if you want it, but eat it for the taste. Please don’t eat it because you’re having a bad hair day or because your fax machine jammed, because the kids are driving you nuts, eat it because you want the flavor. Then, at that point remember you still have a fruit and 12 almonds to eat and another perhaps late afternoon snack of a fruit only and dinner too. Don’t substitute, add-in, and I promise you you’ll always add in less than you think and across your seven day week of food programming always take one date night meal a week. Get it out of your system. Stop being romanced by these foods. Take your one date night meal.

Eat whatever you want. You’ll feel horrible for the next 48 hours, you’ll be in digestive food jail hell, and then you’ll regroup and slowly, but surely you’ll realize you know what? It’s not that good. I don’t dig it that much. Control your food pattern with meals. Let your meals regulate your hunger pattern. Don’t let your hunger pattern regulate your meals, and even if you’re not hungry, thumb print that pattern. Take a bite of each thing, toss it aside but don’t skip your meals. If it’s 11:00 at night and you haven’t eat meals 5, 6 and 7, get a fork. Now, you’ll have a horribly difficult digestive sleep. It will be nightmarish for you, but it teaches you a lesson and at least you get your calories in as far as the heat pattern is concern. Get your food in.

Amy:                I think it’s still important to realize that and you have to do it through trial and error that that nothing taste as good as feeling good feels. Once you’ve reached that point when you really feel good the pizza and beer, it’s not going to be so enticing because you’re right, you’re in food health for the rest of the evening.

Dr. Philip:        The nightmare.

Amy:                In the few minutes we have left, I’d love for you to tell us your thoughts about hydration. I know you mentioned that, it’s your key. Hydration and recovery. How does hydration fit into turning up the heat?

Dr. Philip:        Water is key, it’s interesting. The Colgate Institute of Water has come up with some numbers and then the National Academy of Sports Medicine has filed suit behind it. Here’s the rule for water consumption. The rule is, if inactive like literally just listing the paint dry on a wall all day long and doing nothing. The rule of thumb is half ounce of water for every pound of body weight that you weigh consumed every day. If you’re active, like moving around and doing civilian things and training a couple of times a week and picking up the kids and going to the bank, that type of deal, then the rule of thumb is one ounce of water for one pound of body weight.

If you weigh 200 pounds, your max number is 200 ounces which is six liters. There are 33 ounces in a liter and your minimum number is 100 ounces which would be three liters. Now, this is why water is important. Aside from moving nutrients and toxins through your system water regulates temperature. As you think water it circulates through you. We just naturally perspire and sweat as we consume water to regulate our temperature so we operate efficiently in different environments in our day. Now let’s say the water is low, and then our body starts to have difficulty managing temperature pattern.

Our bodies will perceive that as trauma. Our bodies always hate trauma, and we’ll always try to figure out a way to adapt to make sure that we survive. Adaptive mechanisms always hoard things and collect things to protect us. The hoarding and collecting mechanism is insulatory. It’s a type of thermostat, metabolic thermostat that we have. Our bodies will start to hoard fat to act as insulation to control temperature. If your water is low, you will hoard fat. If your foods are perfect like perfect, perfect, perfect, and your water is low, you will hoard fat.

Water literally is the ultimate umbrella that all the nutrition is built underneath. Get your water in, and the more you drink, the more you’ll thirst. In the beginning you might say, “Goglia’s nuts. I can’t drink this water. He’s out of his mind.” Slowly sip on it. Know that in an hour of exercise, you should be consuming one liter and if you haven’t consume a liter sit there on a bench or something, finish your liter before you move on to the next thing. Play a game with it. As you drink more water you’ll increase your thirst pattern. Before you know it, you’ll be craving the water, and you’ll be drinking all the water that you need to regulate your temperature pattern but without it you’ll always fall short of body fat utilization. Water is the uber-God, man, it runs the show. That’s the water story.

Amy:                I’d like to leave listeners on a hopeful note, and there’s a great quote in your book that I just wanted to read and want women to hear this. You say, “In general I find that the female clients who come to me for nutrition coaching want to be lean and thin. These results are not always possible, however I tell each of my clients you have been dealt certain genetic cards. There is a lot you can do with those cards. You cannot develop a body type that you do not possess. Instead strive to do the best you can with what you have. Most of the time I promise that you’ll find that pretty darn amazing.

Dr. Philip:        That’s right.

Amy:                Yeah, tell us so women who are fat and protein efficient, what is possible for their bodies?

Dr. Philip:        Look, these fat and protein efficient women will always be some of the most athletic females. You’ll always have a really nice taper, good solid muscularity, and you will be vital and have a strong resilient immune system. I am fat and protein efficient. I’m a three time cancer survivor, and I can promise you that that type of metabolism delivers like the SUV of road vehicles. It will deliver like a mail for you as long as you follow what your rules are. Then, don’t have expectations, have an appreciation for the journey.  Like don’t walk around expecting and deserving with that conversation in your head, “I should have this. I expect I’ll lose … By the end of … ”

Don’t do that to yourself. It’s unnecessary conversation. Be joyful and be happy with the journey that you’re on about foods and know that you are constantly fueling and feeding your body and that, that is all about self-care. Self-care is not a conversation about expecting and deserving. Self-care is checking in with yourself and asking yourself, “Am I leading the life I want? Who am I being that have the life I want?” Make a list because if it’s not the life you want, if it’s not the physique you want, ask yourself who are you being not to have that happen.

You can come up with the answers right away and check in with yourself, “Am I doing what I should be doing to honor who I am? Am I living fully to appreciate my entire core identity?” Who I am? What is my being? You know what? Some people will really dig it and love it and other people won’t and who cares? As long as you love it and dig it, that’s the most important thing.

Amy:                That’s what being a PCOS Diva is all about. It’s being your authentic self and taking extreme self-care so, gosh, what a great way to end this call, and I just want women who are listening that want to learn more about your protocol and your practice. How can they reach out to you?

Dr. Philip:        I think a couple of ways, I was talking with you with all this. I think that if they want to email into you and you forward me the email, I promise I’ll get back to everybody. I’d love to establish a forum like a conversation that’s on-going be it we address them directly. I would really love to have you in the mix as we moderate the answers back and forth because I think that’s an extraordinary community and I believe there’s always power in information and there’s a lot of love in community and you can’t exchange that for anything else. Then, ultimately, you can always check out my website. You can always send me an email question direct that’s fine. It’s philip@pfcnutrition.com. I’m literally always here at the office, man. I’m here all the time.

Amy:                We will set up FAQ then for questions that come in and your answers and we can share them with everyone in an FAQ on PCOS Diva. I think that sounds great.

Dr. Philip:        Yeah, that will be great.

Amy:                Thank you, Dr. Goglia and thank you for everyone listening. Until next time.

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  1. I go to the gym at 6 am- I always get confused whether or what I should eat before training – I use to train fasted but I think that caused too much stress on my body- what would you suggest as quick snack that early in morning? Organic protein shake? Coconut oil? Fruit? I do a mixture of weights and hiit – thank you Catherine

  2. I think you have to honor your intuition and eat something. I work out at 7 and have to eat something before I go. I usually eat apple with almond butter. That works for me, and then I come home and have a Protein Smoothie.

  3. I have a question about intermittent fasting recommended to help with insulin resistance (Dr. Lara Briden, N.D. and Dr. Felice Gersh, M.D. OB/GYN) vs. what Dr. Philip Goglia says about not skipping meals (e.g. breakfast). This is a confusing point to me and I’m not sure what to believe…

  4. I agree, I think you have to experiment on your own. I know I am best without eating something before bed.

  5. I bought this book and find it very complicated and difficult to understand. Especially, how the Quick Start program applies to all body types, when the breakfast and snacks have no protein. I would be so hungry if I only ate oatmeal and fruit for breakfast. The takeaways that I got from the book are that I am most likely fat and protein efficient, which I basically knew, and to drink a lot of water, which I already do.

  6. check out intra workout shakes. I found this program through renaissance periodization that says if you are working out first thing in the morning to have a protein shake with fast digesting carbs, like powerade powder, nesquick, or coconut water. this will give you carbs for energy and protein so your muscles don’t break down.