What Your Poop Says About You [Podcast] - PCOS Diva

What Your Poop Says About You [Podcast]

PCOS Podcast 103 - What Your Poop Says About YouMany women with PCOS suffer with digestion issues like IBS, bloating, gas, constipation, and diarrhea. In this podcast, Dr. Marisol offers simple solutions for digestion issues that aggravate our PCOS and make us feel crummy. Her 5-step solution and suggestions for “micro-maneuvers” will help alleviate symptoms by getting to the root of the problem. Listen in (or read the transcript) as we discuss:

  • What is the perfect poo?
  • What it means if you’re a hyper-wiper or your poo is very smelly
  • Why the birth control pill and Metformin damage your gut and what to do about it
  • How fixing your gut may make getting pregnant easier
  • The impact of stress on digestion

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Full Transcript:

Amy:                     So, today you are in for a real treat. I am going to introduce you to one of my favorite Naturopath doctors, Dr. Marisol Teijeiro, and I met Dr. Marisol this summer and we became fast friends. We have a lot in common, we both have been able to successfully manage our PCOS. And as we got talking this summer, we both overcame some digestion problems with PCOS and she is the Queen Of Thrones and is one of the smartest ladies about gut health and digestion that I’ve met.

Amy:                     And I’m just so excited to introduce her to my PCOS Diva community because I know from so many of you that suffer from digestion issues as well, like IBS and oh my gosh, how many of us have dealt with bloating issues and you know, Dr. Marisol has so many simple solutions for digestion issues that really aggravate our PCOS and make us feel crummy. So without further ado, I want to introduce Dr. Marisol.

Marisol:                Amy, thank you so much. That’s such a sweet introduction I love that, I love you too.

Amy:                     I want to give my listeners just a little bit more information about the important work that you do, so you are a world leader, renowned for your passion for cleansing and gut health, not only as I mentioned, because you have the degree on the wall, but you’ve also experienced digestion issues and really figured out the hierarchy on how to get healthy. And as I mentioned, you’re known as the Queen Of Thrones, which I just love and I know that, you know, many Divas may already have kind of been introduced to you through the work that you do with castor oil. I know you’ve written an article for PCOS Diva about that. And so I want you to talk more about that as well, but you practice at Sanas health practice in Canada, and you have books, and programs. And I’m just so excited to have you share your vast knowledge with us today.

Marisol:                Thanks so much. it’s just I’m on mission, right? You know, and the PCOS community for me, is a community that I hold very near and dear to my heart because I, years ago, now I have no clinical signs of it, but it’s PCOS is actually what drove me to become a naturopathic doctor, ironically. And it was way back when I first got diagnosed at 26, I was at this point in my life where I wasn’t feeling great. I wasn’t awesome, but I knew I wanted to do something different with my life so I can achieve my dreams and you know, I got the diagnosis suddenly of PCOS and I was about to start naturopathic college, but because they said to me that I might not be able to have children, I really got frightened at that fact. I really hadn’t thought about having children before then.

But when it’s decided for you by somebody else or someone tells you that it very much scared me. And at first it actually stopped me from going to naturopathic school. But then I realized the way that I was going to be able to figure out what was happening with my body was to actually dive into naturopathic school and that’s what I did. And I came out the other side and now I’m here, you know, 15 years later, I have no clinical signs of PCOS, which is excellent, and my biggest thing was that I had both PCOS, but I was also suffering from a lot of digestive disturbances my entire life. You know, as a child I was severely constipated, as was my mother. And so, for us it was so normal to have constipation. It was hey, you know, when did you go last, you know, every three or four days.

And now, you and I, we think that that’s, as you know, it’s not really good when you don’t go every day, right? And then, you know, later on in my life I was the opposite where I just, because of so much stress that it was creating havoc in my body, including aggravating all my PCOS symptoms. You know, having a mustache or facial hair and my hair wasn’t the healthiest, it felt like it was falling out, very thinning. You know, if I would gain weight I was a thinner version of PCOS, but I would carry all my weight in my abdomen, right? Like central weight gain. And you know, I had a clinical ultrasound approved cysts on my ovaries. And all the stress that was blowing through my body, was just causing me to have severe diarrhea, IBS of the diarrhea type.

And it was through all these problems and all this pain that, you know, I found my mission. I often say it’s that there’s like… you know, the staircase to heaven begins in hell, right? Our pain and our suffering and those things that connect us as humans, you know, I connect with you Amy, because we lived through those things and with the PCOS Diva community, we’ve lived through those things. But it’s through those and us working through our problems and getting better and helping others that we do reach our ecstasy and our heaven. So, that’s what I’m on mission now, is to really teach people all about their stools, so I figured that it really is digestive health that is the baseline to improving all conditions, whether they’re hormonal and neurological, you know, anxiety, depression, if they’re hormonal of PCOS variety, estrogen dominance, thyroid condition, or even immune problems like autoimmune conditions that, you know, the big majority of the root cause is within the gut.

And we actually have at our disposal the best fortune teller, yes, you could say, or oracle for our health that we can see every day or whenever we go to the bathroom. So, it’s our stools that are the clue that says everything about you. So that’s why I’m on a mission to teach people and then help them from there have improved their digestive health so that they can really thrive and fulfill their dreams and do as I’m doing now.

Amy:                     And I think what I’ve really loved so much about your work is that you kind of take away sort of that taboo about talking about your poop and you really make it fun and funny. And I know when I met you this summer, you gave a presentation and it was kind of like a poem about poop and how to tell if your gut is healthy or not. And it was so cute and funny. And I really want you to kind of dive into… And I’m going to say this, this is sort of the title that you sent me and it just makes me laugh, but “What Your Poop Says About You, Royal Flush and 11 Golden Nuggets About Your Poop.”

Marisol:                Yeah. And it’s true. And that’s really like the best of the big messages that I have out there. My long-term goal is actually to change how the World Health Organization actually clinically sees the stool scale. Because right now we only have a one stool scale which is called the Bristol Stool Scale but unfortunately, this Bristol Stool Scale only looks at people’s poo in terms of are you constipated or do you have diarrhea? And the royal flush is what I like to term the perfect poo actually is a combination of 11 criteria and if you’re missing these criteria and you don’t know what they are and then you’d miss a lot of valuable information about your body and what it’s telling you, right of your day to day happenings. And the thing with that is that clinically, that is so powerful because when you know what’s happening from day to day, you can be adjusting from moment to moment.

And what that does is that uber empowers the patients and that uber empowers us as people trying to really live our ultimate life. And that’s what I love about it so much. And that’s the reason why I’m, that’s my goal, is really to change how we see the standardization of stool assessment. Right? So I’ll get into it right away because I think the royal flush is super fun and everyone needs to know what the perfect poo is about. So, it’s really, ideally, you go every single day, right, and you should be going a significant amount actually, the length of your wrist to your elbow is the amount of poo that you, food, fluids and fibers that you ate basically the day before. So, that’s the amount that you should go on regular basis. Now I know a lot of people out there are not experiencing that, right?

And if you aren’t, then you’re actually slightly constipated. Without having that volume of stool, we can already deduces some things about you. You know, there’s a potential that you might have some hormonal problems, your thyroid might not be working very well, you could have certain nutrient deficiencies, like magnesium being low, right? So, those are kind of the neat little gems that you can get from that. The other thing is that, you know, your stool contrary to popular belief actually shouldn’t leave a very mal-odorous scent in the bathroom. It actually should leave a very light, faint scent and if the smell is too strong and especially if the smell is very sulfur-y you know, like the kind of get from like rotten eggs, right? That now actually can indicate that there’s a low zinc in the body and what’s Interesting about that is that zinc actually is required, number one in hormonal detoxification.

So, this is so important for PCOS Diva, number two, zinc is uber important to help heal the gut lining and without zinc your gut lining isn’t healthy and what zinc does with your stools, it actually binds the sulfur molecule and that will prevent you from having a really, really strong smell, but if you’re low on zinc, you won’t be able to bind any of those sulfur molecules and then you have a really super strong smell. So, those are just a few key factors of the royal flush. My other highly favorite one is that you should not be what’s called a hyper-wiper. So hyper wiping, ideally you do this, you wipe once and you wipe clean. Majority of us are wiping multiple times and our poos are very, very sticky. This is important because this shows that there is, number one, could be inflammation in the gut, which many people with PCOS are suffering from because there’s a lot of central weight gain, cortisol hormones that cause inflammation like the hormone leptin, which is clinically researched to be, you know, of course higher in women who have PCOS but also is responsible for a lot of inflammation in the gut mucosa in the intestine.

So, there’s an inflammation problem. When you’re a hyper wiper, you also tend to have likely a dysregulated microbiomes. So the good and the bad bug balance isn’t what it should be. And as we know now, there’s so much research out there about a really healthy gut bacteria in our guts that we really are focusing this as a scientific community. And so this is a clear classic find that there’s likely a problem with you having an unbalanced micro flora or gut bacteria. And then it could also indicate that there is something you should be looking towards maybe having some food sensitivities because food sensitivities could be causing inflammation and also causing those bad bacteria to be out of balance. So, very cool little gems that you get just from knowing only like a three of the golden nuggets about what a perfect poo is. Neat?

Amy:                     It’s so cool and with women with PCOS, I mean I think about several things. The fact that we are low on so many different nutrients like vitamin D and magnesium, and zinc is one of those huge hints in hormonal health that I would venture to say most women with PCOS are low in. The other thing that I was going to mention is that so many women with PCOS are on the birth control pill, and I know I just saw a study that came out that said that women on the pill… the issues of IBS are as equal to like chronic long-term smokers because it destroys the gut in sort of like to the same degree.

Marisol:                Yeah and let me tell you how. So you’re absolutely correct, low magnesium, low zinc, magnesium and zinc are important co-factors and enzyme reactions in our bodies. So enzymes are basically like the key to a key hole that basically turn on functions. So they turn on a variety of functions in terms of, you know, having a good hormonal balance, helping your body to detoxify and cleanse out the hormones and it’s classically low in women with PCOS. In fact, they say that five percent of women have PCOS and actually 20 percent of population has IBS. So they say that there’s a greater majority of women with, with PCOS that actually have IBS and you can really see because of the hormonal structure that’s happening, there’s also, you know, elevated levels of leptin which is an inflammatory stimulus and so mucus membrane of the intestine and the things that reduce the inflammation in the mucous membrane of the intestine are vitamin D another key factor that we see often low in my patient population with PCOS.

So super, super interesting. With the birth control pill, this is the thing, birth control pill depletes our levels of B6 and B12. And those nutrients, B12 specifically is probably along with zinc, the most important nutrient and vitamin D that helps to heal the gut lining and actually are required, the zinc and B12, are required for you to stimulate your digestion from the beginning. So, your stomach acid to actually be produced properly. So you’re 100 percent correct, women with PCOS tend to be the category of women who tend to have a higher rate of IBS in general and typically there’s actually more IBS of the diarrhea type than there even is of the constipation. And that was my classical presentation back 15 years ago when I was experiencing it. But isn’t that neat how like all these things they’re so intertwined?

Amy:                     Yeah. And I think the other thing, and I had a lot of IBS issues early on with my PCOS struggle and of course being on metformin didn’t help either. And that’s another key sort of agent that depletes B12 for women with PCOS, and gosh can cause so many gastrointestinal issues for us.

Marisol:                Exactly. Yeah. So it’s just, you know, sometimes the treatments can actually compound the problem, where I’m looking at patients and looking at people and saying, hey, you know, let’s learn how to read our bodies. I’m not saying to turn down conventional treatments, but if we learn how to read our bodies and what our bodies are telling us, then actually from there what we can do is, we can start to take little micro maneuvers in our daily practices and our lifestyle things that we’re doing and really start to get foundational change and perhaps later on with our doctors, weaning off the medicine that we’re taking. And then pregnancy can become more hopeful for PCOS patients, right. And like many times you can see that in my practice where we fix the gut and then, you know, pregnancy is just that much easier for them.

So, it’s foundational tools that we can all work at every single day and make better. And one thing that I like to say too is that it is a journey and then it’s about practice. So it’s not overnight. We need to learn what our body saying to us, we need to become our own best, you know, doctor-on-dial and the understanding of what’s happening and be able to voice what is happening to our healthcare practitioners because if they know these kinds of things about our bodies, they’re more likely to be able to help us and really target treatments a lot better.

Amy:                     I loved how you coined sort of the phrase, the micro maneuvering. You know, I kind of think of it as these like small little daily habits that we do over time they accumulate and add up, you know, like a positive habit. Like for me, it’s drinking some lemon water in the morning to kind of help alkalinize my system. And it makes a huge difference for me every day, it’s kind of like the way that my brain sort of says, okay, Amy, we’re going to make some good choices today. I’m starting out. Like that’s the first thing I do in the morning is get my hot water and lemon.

Marisol:                Perfect. I’m the same way too, right? I always start my morning with hot water and then I move over to green tea. I like to put an alkalizing mix in my hot water, and I start like that and then I know, okay, you know, today is going to be a day of great choices, and it’s really funny that you bring this up because over my practice experience, over my first two visits, there was five things that I would teach all of my patients and what I realize is through my entire patient life span, you know, I’ve been in practice for over 10 years now and many of my patients are still with me is that when we have repeat visits, I’m still repeating those little micro maneuvers. Because what’s interesting is that those are the things that tend to be the biggest game changers over time.

And if we just keep on practicing them and keep on repeating them, we have long-term results and long-term benefits. We were often so used to having, you know, rapid I’m healed or like miraculous things but really it’s the diligence and the practice that really will change our lives for the better over the long run and just never giving up. And that’s what I want to really stimulate out there in the PCOS Diva community, is to never give up no matter where you find yourself right now there is hope you just need to keep on working and keep on going through the journey and keep on going through the steps. Would you like to know those steps that I do with my patients?

Amy:                     Yeah. And I just wanted to sort of let everybody know that when we met and we were having our conversation and you were talking about digestion, I was really picking your brain about like what can we do to, what are those micro maneuvers? Where are those small daily habits? You know, how can we… I’m all about taking charge and taking control of your health. And I was really blown away by all of the information that you gave me, and I really wanted to be able to share it with my PCOS Diva community in a meaningful way that could really help change people’s digestion and live. so I want you to share those steps with us, and then I want to kind of share some kind of fun, exciting news after that.

Marisol:                Awesome. That sounds great. I’ve broken it down into five really simple steps that have been like kind of the foundation that I set with every single patient in my practice and everyone I meet, and I lecture about this all the time too, is that there’s five little steps, it goes like this. Number one is called “practice the pause.” So many of us are running on the stressed engine, right? We’re in the stress state, you know, our body is on constant overdrive, high cortisol. This for the PCOS communities, increasing their leptin, increasing metabolic syndrome, central weight gain, the tire, we like to call it inflammation in the intestinal tract. So, that’s really causing damage to our organs and not allowing our bodies to do our jobs the way that they should. So, you know, the consequences to that is that we’re not digesting properly, we’ll have symptoms like reflux, bloating after meals.

We could be constipated, maybe diarrhea. It’s just all over the place, for our digestion, and that’s because when you’re in the stress state, all your blood is going to the wrong areas. It’s going out to your head and it’s going out to your extremities because our bodies are primitive and their primitively designed to be running away from an aggressor, right, from a predator. And if we are constantly in a stress state or bodies aren’t really thinking about digesting food really well or they thinking about procreating either, right? So, it’s a basic principle of if you’re running away from, you know, tyrannosaurus rex, 24/7 hours of the day, the last thing you’re going to be thinking about is having babies, right? So, we need to focus on what’s called practicing the pause. So, we get our body to the relaxed state more often.

So, you know little practices that you can do like for example, staring at a candle before you have a meal that’s very meditative, or my favorite thing within my practice is castor oil packs, because you know, castor packs are this amazing tool that you know, you place on your liver, they’re ancient and legendary. They’ve been used since like the beginning of time in medicine. And what they do is they have so many benefits, but the main thing is that they help to reduce the stress in the system and they moving rapidly into a relaxed state. So, doing practices like these help your body to improve its blood flow and the concentration of where the blessed should be going is to the intestines into the organs of cleansing and detoxification so that, that way you know, you can remove excess hormones, remove the extra stress hormones, you know, balance the leptin levels.

And really then things can really reset themselves and be well, right? So that’s step one. Step two is what I like to call “diligent digestion.” You know, there are so many processes in digestion that we tend to overlook, and number one, the easiest one that you know, you’re like, oh my God, my mom used to tell me to do this is chew your food, right? You know, digestion begins in our mind and in our senses smell food or you know, we see food and we lick our lips and then we start to salivate. Salivation, the saliva is like a portion of biochemical degradation because it’s alpha amylase enzyme that’ll break down the carbohydrates in our mouth. But chewing the food does an important factor that it’s actually mechanically breaking down into smaller pieces so that you have an easier time digesting downwards, right?

So just, that’s a simple, simple facts, you know and then there’s of course super support that we’ll do with patients or we’ll do with colleagues, digestive enzymes are a great thing to add in for someone who is having low enzymes and just having problems with their digestion. There’s so many different things that you can do to really improve the digestion and including those castor oil packs again, which is why it’s one of my favorite tools. Number three is “alkalinize to better absorb.” So, I love your little practice, Amy, I like lemon water in the morning, you know, starting your day off with that little, you know, jolts of alkalization. Alkalization is so important to regulate our acid and base balance within our body and our intestine is actually the place where acid and base is regulated. And so in the morning, if on fasting, if we take alkalinizing formulas and the same thing as we do that before going to bed, what that does is that helps us to really reset the balance of when our digestive track needs to be acidic, which is in the stomach, and then when it needs to be alkaline, which is in the intestine.

And you know, I always tell patients if you’re doing alkalization, it’s the best time also to take probiotics because if we take our probiotics when we’re in the alkaline state, we’ll better absorb them and it’s going to better help to improve our microbiomes, so another really cool factor. Then from there alkalinize to absorb, we move over to “easy elimination.” You can’t have good digestion unless you’re eliminating out the other end, right? What goes in, must come out the other end. So, we want to focus on why you’re not going to the bathroom properly. Are you going too much? Are you going to little, could it be a deficiency in a nutrient? Maybe it’s magnesium because good levels of magnesium will help you to have proper regulated bowel movements. Maybe what you need is fiber, many of us are missing a really healthy fiber in our lives and you know, there’s so many different dietary ways to do that, to have great elimination and not to forget your fluids, you know, your water.

And then of course fats that help with, you know, moving things fluidly through the intestine. And then the final thing is that we have to “tone our tummies.” So toning our tummies is really making sure that we have that good microbiome that I spoke about earlier. You know, all those people out there that might be hyper wiping, so you wipe more than once and the paper is really sticky. You don’t want to be a hyper wiper, you want to have a really good healthy microbiome. And the way to do that is by picking the right types of foods, but also by taking a really good probiotic that is exceptional for you. So, these are the five steps again, I’ll repeat them, practice the pause, diligent digestion, alkalinize to better absorb. Number four, easy elimination and number five, to tone your tummy. These are the five steps that I usually cover within two visits with my patients.

And these are the five steps that I’ve noticed over time have been the biggest game changers and really that if I keep on emphasizing these with patients that patients long-term will have the best results. And then of course, you know, we add anything specific to each patients, but this is the base that really gets them to where we need to go. You can’t treat the advanced problems without having the base established. It’s like trying to build a house, so you build a beautiful cathedral ceiling, but you forgot to do a really good foundation. So, we must first create that really good solid foundation and then from there build upwards.

Amy:                     Yeah. Well thank you so much for kind of going over that. It’s really like this beautiful system that you’ve created based on the work that you’ve done with your patients over the last 10 years. And that’s really how I ended up developing my Jumpstart program that has been so successful for so many women. It’s based on the work that I did with myself and my one on one clients. And I think that a dream of mine is to create these little mini courses on sort of micro issues of PCOS or ways that women can really change their lives for the better and to feel better with PCOS. And the first mini course that I put out was on essential oils and PCOS and really how to integrate essential oils and I teamed up with a doctor expert on essential oils and when I was talking to you this summer, I thought it would be so great to do the same for sort of this micro issue of digestion.

So, I am just so thrilled to tell everyone on the podcast today that you graciously agreed to team up with me to put together this course on we’re calling it Diva Digestion and it’s really taking these five critical steps and diving in deep and that’s what you’ve done in this brand new mini-course PCOS Diva mini course called Diva Digestion that we’re going to be launching like very, very soon. You know, if you want more information about this brand new course, it’s available at pcosdiva.com/diva-digestion and we’ll put that URL in the show notes but Marisol, I was hoping that you could just kind of give a little bit, more information about how you’ve delivered this course for us. And how much content is in there.

Awesome. So, I think it’s suited for absolutely everything because one thing about me is I love the science. I love the background. I really want to know why I’m doing things, but I also know having so many years of patient experience is that some people just don’t want all that information. So, it’s really suited for everybody and it’s set up that it can be really easily and quickly digested. Pardon the pun, but it’s made to be easily digestible and to be done quickly and to be able to start to execute things quick. So, I like to say that within, you know you can really cover the most important five modules, ones that we talked about here, you know, practice the pause, alkalinize to absorb, diligent digestion, easy elimination, and tone your tummy that really you can do it almost in under an hour.

And you know, what is an hour if that can change your life for the long run. Like to me, I think it’s like a super valuable investment of time and you know, it’s such a great investment in your health and in your long-term and it’s easy to do and there’s no company as well too. You’ll get some follow with me step by step as I teach you about the science. I go more in depth about my story as well too because I think in order to be really motivated to do things and if someone has provided something for you, you know, it’s so much better if they’ve lived it and experienced it because, guess what? I know all the trouble points you’re going to be having because I’ve been there, I’ve lived it, right. I know the questions you’re going to be having. So, I’ve answered those.

So, I’ve really felt that, you know, together we’ve created a program that is just, you know, getting busters for the PCOS diva community and that can really help them, you know, do those micro adjustments daily in their lifestyle practice and really understand their bodies and what their bodies is doing and how their digestion can be improved and that they don’t have to be perfect all the time also. You know, we’ve put in lots of different strategies there, so that you can cheat because one of my philosophy’s practice is that, you know, life is about indulgence and discipline. So, there’s moments in time where we are disciplined and there’s moments in time where we can indulge because otherwise we’re not living and that’s the spirit of the program and that’s the spirit of how I want PCOS Divas to live. And I believe we’ve embodied that and then we’ve just done a great job and the delivery of this program is excellent. So, I know that everyone who joins is just going to love it and really get the most out of the program.

Amy:                     Yeah, and it’s funny that you said that because I think longtime listeners of the PCOS Diva podcast can see why I love you so much because, you know, one of the big tenants of being a PCOS Diva, it’s all about progress, not perfection. And I always say that there’s always a place in your life for a mindful indulgence. And I love how you said, you know, there is a time, you know, for indulgence and a time for discipline and it really is all about balance. And I love this course, I’ve been spending a lot of time with it because I’ve been putting it, you know, taking all of your videos and, you know, we’re putting together the PowerPoint and putting together presentations and getting it all in my course format. I use a program called Ruzuku and it’s very… It’s kind of an elegant courseware site. Makes it very easy for you to kind of go through the course and see where you left off. And it just is very easy and turnkey. And so, I think I know your videos by heart now, but it’s so much great information and like again, those little nuggets of wisdom and you know, a real way to change your digestion around for the better and to really start healing your gut.

Marisol:                And the thing too is that it’s a mix of everything for everyone. So, there’s lifestyle recommendations, there are supplements ideas for people, there’s absolutely everything, there’s practices, you know, there’s food. So, it’s whatever works for you, that’s the principle of it, but as long as you start something and as long as you work towards progress and you’re going to be doing some great moves for this new year and to really get your body back into grove. So, I think we really created an ultimate program that can really help a lot of people. So I’m super-thrilled about that.

Amy:                     Well, Marisol, I just want to thank you so much for agreeing to join me on the podcast today and put all the time and effort into this course that you know, I really believe it’s going to change PCOS Divas lives especially around their gut health and for the work that you do, this important work that you do as, as Queen Of Thrones in the world.

Marisol:                Thank you so much Amy. It’s just a blessing to have people like you in my space as well too, right? I feel very honored and very blessed to be on this journey for people and to help them and be their guide and really… You know, I’ve been there. I’ve done that. I wore the t-shirt I don’t want to wear it again. I’m ready to move on to the next phase of my life, and I want that same thing for everyone. I want everyone to be able to, you know, reach for the stars and achieve the dreams that they’ve been wanting to do, but they just feel limited by their bodies because, you know, I’ve seen it so many times in practice. We sometimes think that we’re limited, but we really aren’t. It’s just we need the right guidance and when we get that guidance it’s like opens up an entire new world for us. So, thank you so much too. I really appreciate it.

Amy:                     Well, and just to remind everyone that the URL to find out more information about this brand new PCOS Diva mini-course is pcosdiva.com/diva-digestion. And Dr. Marisol, can you just let people know where they can find out more about your work?

Marisol:                Absolutely. Everyone can find me on my website www.drmarisol.com is probably one of the best ways. Of course, I’m well known as the castor oil pack lady as well too, and Queen Of the Throne. So, if you want to find me on Instagram and follow me @queenofthethrones, you’ll find me there. And we’re, of course, just like you are Amy in constant efforts to educate people and really have them become empowered about their health. So those are probably two of the best areas. Facebook as well too. Again, Dr. Marisol, Queen Of the Thrones, you’ll find me there and I really hope to meet you all and help you all on your journey.

Amy:                     Well, thank you again, Dr. Marisol, and I just want to thank everyone for taking the time to listen in today, and I look forward to being with you again soon.

Marisol:                Awesome. Sounds great, Amy. You take care.

Amy:                     Bye-bye.

Marisol:                Bye.

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