Summer Meal Plans | Thank You - PCOS Diva

Summer Meal Plans | Thank You

Thank You For Purchasing!

You should be receiving the following emails shortly:

  • A confirmation email from Paypal
  • An email to confirm your email address for the Meal Plans.  You MUST click the link before we can send you the meal plans.
  • A new email from me with PDF attachments of your meal plans (one a week for 6 weeks).

Now, it’s time to Start Sizzling!

If you do not receive an email confirmation, please contact me.

Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome Treatment in USA, PCOS Medication in USA, PCOS Diet And Weight Loss in USA, PCOS Hormonal Imbalance Supplement in USA, PCOS Infertility And Pregnancy in USA

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Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome Treatment in USA, PCOS Medication in USA, PCOS Diet And Weight Loss in USA, PCOS Hormonal Imbalance Supplement in USA, PCOS Infertility And Pregnancy in USA

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  1. Amy —

    Thank you, thank you for these fantastic menus. I just received the first two weeks, and I haven’t started any of the process yet. HOWEVER, I’ve read several PCOS books and online menu ideas AND registered for Insulite and Weight Watchers. None of these plans is as complete, reasonable, and various. With all the information available, I imagine I could’ve pieced together plans myself — however, you just did all that work! I’m excited to get started and can’t thank you enough for the service.

    Enjoy the end of your summer!


  2. I’ve been visiting your website on and off for the past year and your tips are wonderful. I’m so excited to try the meals from your meal plan. I’m always wondering what I can’t and can eat and end up binging on the wrong things. Will these meals help with weight-loss? Or do I have to cut back on them too?

  3. I bought the meal plan and I didn’t get the second week menu. Can I please get this. The email I was sent only had the intro and week one meal plan. Thanks.