Support PCOS Awareness! [podcast] - PCOS Diva
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Support PCOS Awareness! [podcast]

Did you know that only .0.1% of the National Institute of Health budget goes to PCOS research despite being the #1 hormone syndrome in women?

PCOS Podcast 65 - Sasha OtteyTwo major events are happening in the world of PCOS!  Sasha Ottey, founder of PCOS Challenge, a leading patient support and advocacy group visited the podcast to share the news.

First, House Resolution 495 is making its way through Congress. This bill advocates for national PCOS awareness and to make September officially national PCOS Awareness month. Make your voice heard! Listen in to find out easy ways to get in touch with your representative or go to for more information.

Second, PCOS Challenge is holding its annual Symposium and BOLT 5K walk on September 15 & 16. This is one of my favorite events of the year. It is an uplifting weekend as women from around the country gather to share information and support. To learn more, visit

All PCOS Diva podcasts are available on itunes-button

A full transcript follows.

Sasha Ottey is Founder and Executive Director of PCOS Challenge: The National Polycystic Ovary Syndrome Association. PCOS Challenge is the leading support and patient advocacy organization globally that is advancing the cause for women and girls with polycystic ovary syndrome. Sasha started PCOS Challenge after she was diagnosed with PCOS and experienced great dissatisfaction with the availability of support resources for women and girls with the condition. Under Sasha’s leadership, PCOS Challenge has quickly grown to nearly 45,000 members and has helped many women find answers that have helped them overcome their struggles with infertility, weight gain, anxiety and depression and reduce their risk for numerous life-threatening related conditions. Sasha is Executive Producer of the national award winning cable television series, PCOS Challenge®. She is also host of the PCOS Challenge radio show and publisher of PCOS Challenge magazine. Sasha is a Clinical and Research Microbiologist with a Bachelor’s degree in Clinical Laboratory Science from Howard University and a Master’s in Health Administration from the University of Phoenix. Prior to founding PCOS Challenge, Sasha was a contract research microbiologist at the National Institutes of Health (NIH). For more information, visit

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