MENU PLAN January Week 4 - PCOS Diva
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MENU PLAN January Week 4

During the upcoming “Discover Your Diva 7-day Jumpstart” to feeling great with PCOS you are going to learn how to Sizzle in the Kitchen! for more info

Sizzling in the Kitchen means cooking and eating fresh food  which in turn nourishes us in a way that frozen packaged meals never will.  I even find shopping for fresh food lifts my spirits.  When you are at the market this week, notice the subtle way you feel when you are selecting fresh, brightly colored produce, versus walking down the canned vegetable aisle.  There is something satisfying about discovering a bunch of beautiful whole beets with greens attached and selecting a mix of  d’anjou , bosc and comice pears that doesn’t compare to picking a can of pears in light syrup off the shelf.  This week, enjoy the process of shopping for fresh produce and pick up something new. Please post what new produce  you are going to try this week.

MEATLESS MONDAYWinter Lentil Soup I will have a slice of crusty whole grain bread and some mixed greens.

TUESDAYPork Tenderloin Medallions with Cherry Apple Chutney Pork tenderloin is the leanest cut of pork available.  It is very easy and takes little time to cook.  I will serve this with roasted cauliflower and Quinoa Salad with Dried Cherries and Pistachios

WEDNESDAY Sautéed Chicken with Sweet Potatoes and Pears ) and Winter Salad with Roasted Beets and Citrus Reduction Dressing I will make this salad and serve it today and tomorrow.  Just don’t toss with the dressing so the greens stay fresh on Thursday.

THURSDAY –  Cranberry Beef Stew with leftover Winter Salad

FRIDAY –  Seared Salmon with White Beans and Fennel I will serve with some sautéed spinach and maybe some crudites.

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MENU PLAN January Week 3

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Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome Treatment in USA, PCOS Medication in USA, PCOS Diet And Weight Loss in USA, PCOS Hormonal Imbalance Supplement in USA, PCOS Infertility And Pregnancy in USA

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  1. Hi – These recipes sound great! But I’m curious, are the WW points you have listed based on the old method of calculation or the new PointsPlus values? Thanks!

  2. I usually mention that they are the new points system. My husband is doing WW and has lost 12 lbs this month!

  3. I’m so thrilled to find this site! I’ve known about my PCOS diagnosis for about 11 years, but am only just starting to actively do something about it and this site has been a life saver! I love to cook, but have a very hard time finding recipes and planning meals so these meal plans are fantastic. Thank you!

    I have a question about the Pork Tenderloin recipe: Do you use the 2 tbsp of butter for the sauce or replace with Olive oil? I imagine the butter makes a thicker sauce, but i don’t know how it affects it calorically.

    Thank you again for this site! I can’t wait to explore the rest of the meal plans and everything else there is here!

  4. Sari-
    I use organic butter (preferably grass fed) I really don’t worry about calories. Healthy fats like organic butter and olive oil are good for you.