Free PCOS Diva Mobile App - PCOS Diva

Free PCOS Diva Mobile App

Finally… Daily Motivation for the PCOS Diva

The PCOS Diva 90-Day Course App:

A Daily Guide to Keep Your PCOS Diva Inspired, Motivated, and Thriving

This PCOS Diva 90-Day Course will give you exactly what you need, simple practices you can put in place every day to relieve PCOS symptoms, PLUS daily motivation that will inspire, excite and keep you on track to the live the life you’ve dreamed.



Here are all the Features:

Download PCOS Diva 90-Day Course for FREE!

iPhone and Android users have access to daily tips, information and support.

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Here’s a Sneak Peek of your experience on this 90-Day Journey Toward Health:

  • Discover foods that could exacerbate PCOS symptoms, and get rid of them without feeling deprived.
  • Unlock the keys to putting your needs first, so that you feel more energy to do what you love.
  • Uncover practical steps you can take to start taking care of your body today.
  • Learn great strategies to let your PCOS Diva shine!
  • Find daily support and inspiration, so that you know you’re not alone on your journey toward health!

Use the PCOS Diva 90-Day Course in conjunction with PCOS Meal Plans to give you additional nourishment on your journey to health and happiness.

Developed by founder of PCOS, and Certified PCOS Health Coach Amy Medling.  She is dedicated to helping women with PCOS live their best life and thrive! In addition to seasonal meal plans, personalized coaching, and her online Jumpstart Program, Amy Medling provides a nourishing community of support for those with PCOS symptoms at

The journey of diagnosis may be frustrating, frightening and never-ending, but so many women with Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome can reduce their systems to live active, normal, healthy lives, and many women discover they can have children.


“Throughout PCOS Diva, I not only learned how to mindfully enjoy food but I began to change my mindset about who I am. Through the daily assignments I realized I am worthy, I deserve the best life has for me. I started learning how to stop negative self-thoughts and replace them with positive ones. I began to love myself again.”

– Allison

“I am already happier, have a better attitude, feel better about myself, and have tools to be a more patient and a better wife and mother. My husband and I really enjoy the time sizzling in the kitchen together and I love the yoga time I set aside for myself in the mornings. I have been able to tap into an inner peace with myself I have been searching for. I really got much more than I bargained for!”

– Sara S.

“Feeling like a DIVA isn’t just a catch phrase, it’s a terrifically powerful way of life. Thank you, Amy, for helping me get a Jumpstart on the rest of my life.”

– Wren N.