Expert Fermentationist Reveals the One Food We Should All Be Eating [Podcast] - PCOS Diva

Expert Fermentationist Reveals the One Food We Should All Be Eating [Podcast]

I recently had the privilege of speaking with well-known Fermentationist, Summer Bock.  Our conversation changed the way I think about fermentation and healing of our gut through natural probiotics.  While people have long understood the benefits of probiotics and fermented foods, it is only recently that science has begun to link the two and really explore the far reaching benefits of healthy bacteria in our guts.

Listen in as Summer reveals the one fermented food we should all be eating daily as a part of our PCOS diet to help heal our gut. The goal is to establish a healthy ecosystem in your gut which contains a balance of good and bad bacteria.  The result will be a stronger immune system, clearer skin, lower sugar cravings and lessened anxiety and depression symptoms.

To hear my entire interview with Summer Bock click play below:

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Making fermented veggiesMaking Fermented Veggies 

In this exclusive virtual workshop, Summer will teach you how to make delicious raw sauerkraut that is filled with probiotics. These beneficial bacteria are known to support your digestion, end constipation, decrease sugar cravings, and boost your vitality. You will learn her secrets and tricks of the trade for how we create the most amazing recipes at my gourmet sauerkraut company, OlyKraut. You will get access to recipes and instructional handouts.

If you are interested in more information about the Make Fermented Veggies Course that Summer refers to in this interview please click here.


Summer Bock is a Master Fermentationist who guides people to experience a deeper level of healing. Her mission is to radically improve people’s health while empowering them to revolutionize the local food system using delicious, local and healthy food. A skilled herbalist with a background in microbiology, she is certified by the Institute of Integrative Nutrition and Columbia University.

Summer has created an avid following with her signature programs The Probiotic Power Cleanse, Gut Rebuilding, and the yearlong Fermentationist Certification Program.

Find out more at

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A Conversation with a PCOS Practitioner - Dr. Katherine Sherif [Podcast]

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Cranberry Pecan breakfast cookies recipe

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  1. I love the idea of probiotics, and I have been taking Align probiotics. As Summer states though you need at least 8 strains of bacteria to balance the gut, and Align does not have 8 strains. Align also has some other pretty scary additives. I am scared to make my own sauerkraut, and I live an hour away from a metropolitan area. I understand consuming the right foods is the best solution, but we only have a Walmart for grocery shopping. So many of the lovely health food options you offer have ingredients that are not across the board for rural Americans YET. Is there a pill form of probiotics you can recommend other than Align? As a result of this post, I have switched to Ultimate Flora which says it has 10 strains of bacteria. Is that correct? I adore your site, Amy. I recommend you on a daily basis. Thank you for all your hard work. It means so much to the rest of us. Summer was an excellent choice for an interview.