Dinner Ideas December Week 2 - PCOS Diva
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Dinner Ideas December Week 2

With the holiday season in full swing, it is easy to get run down with all the festivities on the calendar and preparations.  Sometimes, in the whirlwind of the holiday season, we forget that we all need some down time.  This has been my gift to myself this year. When I feel myself getting overwhelmed, I take a break. I have a cup of tea, listen to some music, watch a movie, or maybe take a brisk walk. I’ve realized that I can’t do it all, and the more that I expect of myself, the less I am able to accomplish. Give yourself a gift too and be more compassionate with you during this busy time of the the year.

MEATLESS MONDAY Slow Baked Beans with Kale

TUESDAY  Taco Tuesday

WEDNESDAY  Butternut Beef Chili Serve with mixed greens

THURSDAY Roast Chicken and Fall Vegetables

FRIDAY Pomegranate Glazed Turkey with Roasted Fennel serve with a side of steamed green beans

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