Overcoming Anxiety [Podcast]
“The anxiety, I came to realize, was my body’s feedback system.” – Megan Buer
Anxiety is something with which many women with PCOS struggle. Lifestyle and food choices can help alleviate it. But if your diet is good, you exercise, and you’re doing everything “right” and still struggling with anxiety, you may need to look deeper. Megan Buer, is an author and founder of Harmony Restored, a company focused on helping individuals heal from the stress that is at the root of their physical and emotional pain. She teaches people to harness the power of mindset and working through emotions while listening to their body’s signals. Listen in and see if this is the key to resolving your anxiety.
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Full transcript follows.
Megan Buer, CECP is the founder of Harmony Restored, a company focused on helping individuals heal from the stress that is at the root of their physical and emotional pain. Megan is a certified Emotion Code Practitioner, author of two books on healing, a reiki healer, and mom to 3. After suffering from years with anxiety, panic disorder, chronic stress, food intolerances, adrenal fatigue, and an auto-immune disease, she went on a journey to health – spending over 10 years researching, experimenting, and finally figuring out all the unique tools she needed to naturally heal herself.
After sitting on the sidelines of her own life for 10 years, Megan discovered that healing the mind and body is much easier than we have been led to believe.Megan shares her healing work privately with one-on-one clients, and also empowers women on a global scale through her proprietary healing system called Rooted In Health. The Rooted In Health healing system empowers holistic minded individuals with the knowledge and the simple mind-body tools they need to thrive. Megan is passionate about helping women create radiant health, effortless joy, lasting energy, and fully participate in their life again.
Full Transcript:Amy Medling: Today we’re going to be talking about a subject that I know is going to resonate with so many of you listening, and that is anxiety. We’re going to really approach it from kind of a different angle, and let you know that Megan from Harmony Restored, Megan Buer, she’s the founder of Harmony Restored. We were talking about it before we got on the podcast that, so much of the information out there and sites out there say stop eating gluten. You need to breathe when you have anxiety, but we’re going to go to the deeper root of anxiety, so I’m really excited about this podcast today.
Amy Medling: Let me introduce Megan. She, as I mentioned, is the founder of Harmony Restored, a company focused on helping individuals heal from the stress that is at the root of their physical and emotional pain. Megan is a certified Emotion Code Practitioner. She’s the author of two books on healing, a reiki healer, and a mom to three. And after years, suffering years of anxiety, panic disorder, chronic stress, food intolerances, adrenal fatigue, and an auto-immune disease while she sounds like one of us PCOS Divas, she went on a journey to health spending over 10 years researching, experimenting, and finally figuring out all the unique tools she needed to naturally heal herself.
Amy Medling: So Megan, welcome to the PCOS Diva podcast.
Megan Buer: Thank you, I’m so happy to be here.
Amy Medling: So, your story sounds so familiar, and I think it’s going to resonate with so many women listening. I know myself, I kind of reached my rock bottom when I was unable to be a mom, at the time to my three year old and one year old, just not able to engage and feeling way too young to feel so old, and sick and tired of feeling sick and tired. And feeling like pharmaceutical drugs weren’t helping me and there had to be another way, and it sounds like you had a similar experience.
Megan Buer: Yeah, almost identical. The picture that comes in my mind is exactly like yours, sitting on the couch and having two little children, at the time, and feeling like I’m literally missing everything. Like, my life is passing me by, and I’m just laying here and I can’t move. You know, it started about 10 to 12 years ago at this point, and it was … One night that really shifted everything, and it was Halloween, and I only had one child at the time and he was two and I was pregnant with my second. We had gone trick or treating, and we had so much fun and we put our son to bed and then I … My husband and I went to bed and then not much longer later, I woke up in a panic and at the time, I didn’t know what was going on.
Megan Buer: Now I know I was just having a panic attack, but at the time I never experienced a feeling like that before and I very, very literally thought I was dying and told my husband to wake up our son that I needed to say good-bye, this was it, take me to the emergency room. I mean, I was just a mess. Went to the emergency room in this … You know I was there for a few hours and was given a lot of saline and sent on my way and the doctor was like, oh you know it’s just in your head, and I was like what? This is not in my head, there is something going on here, this is not right! And that was really what kind of spurred this really deep desire in me to figure out what was going on and to start feeling better. And what was interesting for me was, that as I dug more into the alternative health realm, the worse I felt.
Megan Buer: My son was diagnosed with Autism and I was working really hard on healing him and I have this perfect diet, we were jumping from Paleo to Vegan to whatever else I was hopped up on at the time then. Taking thousands of dollars worth of supplements and seeing doctors and naturopaths and chiropractors and homeopaths and I became … My health declined very quickly, and I was so frustrated because it was like, here I am, I’m doing everything “right” and I feel worse, like what gives? And I was so stressed out, and I was so overwhelmed, and that’s when that really debilitating fatigue set in and the anxiety got worse and just kind of more chronic. Then I finally got the diagnosis of Hashimoto’s, and it was kind of a relief because it was like now I at least have an answer, there’s a reason why I feel this way but I didn’t feel any better. Getting a diagnosis certainly didn’t make me feel better.
Megan Buer: At that point I really feel like I hit rock bottom, and was introduced to the Emotion Code and some other forms of energy healing. At the time I was like, well this stuff is just crazy, it was so woo-woo and out there, but you know, when you’re a mom and you’ve got kids and you feel literally like a bucket of crap, you will do anything. And I was at that point where I was at rock bottom, so I was open to woo-woo and I was like fine, let’s do this. I don’t care, if I feel better, I don’t care how crazy it is. So we started doing some of this emotional work and it was really amazing at how quickly my symptoms started to resolve, and the anxiety started to lift, and the fatigue started to lift, and it was really, really amazing. Then, I would say a few months into doing emotional work, I would say my symptoms were about 75% better.
Megan Buer: But there was this last little chunk that I just could not figure out, and I remember it like this was my moment. My moment of healing, like the last thing for me. I was sitting on my back porch, and it was this really beautiful spring day, and we live in Virginia on a couple acres and we’ve got a creek and trees and garden and chickens, it was just this beautiful kind of picturesque day. My husband was working in the garden, and my kids were running around playing, and I remember I was sitting on my deck, reading a diet book, trying to figure out that one last piece. Maybe it’s corn, or maybe it’s soy that’s hidden in my diet somewhere that I don’t know where it is coming from and you know, just trying to figure out one thing. There must be one thing left. And I have this moment, this light bolt, like a lightening bolt came down and just shocked me, and I realized in that moment that the thing that was “wrong” with me, was that I believed that there was something wrong with me.
Megan Buer: So as I held onto the belief that there was something wrong with me, the more there was always going to be something wrong with me. If that’s what I believed, then that was always what was coming true in my life. Even though I was feeling better, I really wasn’t letting myself finish healing. And I just realized it was this belief system, and so that moment I realized that instead of sitting here and reading a diet book, I’m going to actually close it and get up and go play with my kids and I’m gonna act like nothing is wrong with me. I’m gonna just pretend. I mean, it was really hard at first, I had to like fake it but, it was like really faking it until I made it, and from that point forward I decided to eating and breathing and thinking and living and moving like a person that has nothing wrong with them. And within three months of that day, my … I went to go get blood work done and my diagnosis was gone.
Amy Medling: That’s really fascinating. I think that mindset and those little … It was such a significant mind set shift, but it can make … But when you just start thinking of diet and lifestyle in a different framework, it makes such a huge difference. And for me, I think it was the feeling of not being enough. That sort of, probably started as a young child, and that was my mind set shift that I had to make that I was more than enough. And it was kind of that lack mentality versus more of an abundant mentality, so there was enough time to take care of myself in a day and put myself first, even when I had kids. There was enough money in order to purchase healthy food, you don’t have to go broke purchasing healthy food.
Amy Medling: I think the interesting thing is that often times I think the dis-ease that’s kind of arising in our bodies whether is PCOS or Hashimoto’s, I think if we can look at it and you say this as well, it’s kind of our wake up call that we’re not broken, but it’s your body’s message symptom trying to get your attention that something is out of balance and would love for you to speak about that.
Megan Buer: Yeah absolutely. And that’s where I’ve had to totally change my mindset and change the things that I let myself, that I expose myself to. The things that I read, the people that I follow on social media, because this underlying vibe of there’s something wrong with you and you have to do this to fix it, that is really for me, when I was at my sickest and I was just grasping for anything I just needed to feel better and if somebody’s going to promise me that I can cut out whatever food, dairy, gluten, sugar, corn like name one, you can cut out this food and you’ll never feel anxiety again and your body will thrive forever. I was grasping to that stuff because I needed something to hold onto, and in return it was actually creating a lot more anxiety in my life and I couldn’t really figure out why. And the anxiety I came to realize, the anxiety was my body’s feedback system.
Megan Buer: Like our emotions are our body’s way of saying you’re thinking something that isn’t right for you. You’re believing something that isn’t right for you, you’re doing something that isn’t right for you. Even if this diet book is telling you this is what you’re supposed to do, or even if this is what everybody else is doing and it’s kind of a bigger issue than just health and food and supplements and all that. This is like, are we going to listen to our hearts and follow what feels good and speak our truth and really just live from that space? Or are we just going to conform and do what everybody else is doing and not really be happy. If that’s your career, or if that’s where you’re raising your family or whatever it is, for me it’s always this wake up call when that anxiety hits, it’s a wake up call that something is off, and it doesn’t mean something is wrong, it doesn’t mean that you’re broken or that there’s something wrong in your body, it just means your body’s saying, oh let’s explore this a little bit.
Megan Buer: Let’s have a little bit more mindfulness here. Let’s get in the present moment and let’s see, am I speaking to myself unkindly? Did I say something to my kids that I need to repair? Whatever it is, it’s not always food. ‘Cause I always blamed food. Got a headache? Oh, it was food. Got anxiety? Oh, it was food. You get to this point where you realize my diet’s perfect and I’m still having anxiety, it’s not the food. So it’s something else and that’s where it’s this wake up call for us to live more fully in our own truth, and let go of things that are no longer serving us and be brave and bold and make those decisions that we know that we really want to do. Like you know, I really want to live in this city, or out in the country, or I want to move to the beach, or I’ve always wanted to play the cello, whatever it is.
Megan Buer: It’s these little things that enrich our lives and it’s these things that speak to us so we say, oh my gosh I want to do that! And standing in that and like listening to our body and I think for me on the healing journey it was getting to this point where I no longer trusted my body, because I was giving all of the power to the diet books and the gurus and the, you tell me what to do and I don’t know what to do with myself anymore and I’m broken, there’s something wrong with me, please fix me I’m not good enough. And it’s taking the power back. It’s taking your power back and tuning into your body and figuring out what’s best for you, and if that’s a food or a supplement, or a career change or relationship change or whatever it is that it goes so far beyond what you’re putting in your mouth.
Amy Medling: Yeah and I think that when we go to the doctor and say, gee “I’m having some anxiety” what’s in their toolbox? They have pharmaceuticals they can offer, you can do the diet like you said, the dietary changes, the supplements. But they’re not really asking the questions like a coach could, trying to dig deeper into sort of the emotional code and even the spiritual side of things and where is that disconnection? I think often it’s sort of our internal intuition that sort of kind of telling us that something’s not quite right, but it’s causing us anxiety because we’re not willing to listen, kind of slow down and listen.
Amy Medling: I would love it if you had when you’re in that place of anxiety and you’re trying to figure out where it’s coming from and like you’re trying to figure out, is it the diet is it something going on in my life? Do you have any scan or a sort of protocol that you would do to kind of help center yourself and help figure out where the anxiety might be coming from.
Megan Buer: Yeah, you know I have a few different things that I tell me clients do. You know, when those moments hit, the most important thing is to realize you’re never going to figure out anything when you’re feeling triggered. So if you’re in this place where, and I know I remember being in that place of having all these books out and searching and making meal plans and trying to figure out oh my gosh if I can just eat this way or maybe I need to buy that supplement, and just swirling and getting really anxious. At that point, you’re not thinking clearly even though you think you are, you’re not. So, I tell people when you’re in those moments of acute anxiety, just it’s a storm that’s going to pass and just hunker down. You’re not going to make any good decisions in that place, you don’t want to make a decision when you’re feeling triggered, so just slow down and take a few deep breaths and let the storm pass.
Megan Buer: And this is a metaphor that I use with my clients and in my programs and even with my kids, I tell them that whatever they’re feeling if it’s anger or sadness or whatever it is, it doesn’t have to be anxiety. Our emotions are like clouds, and if we can imagine ourselves as the sun, and that part of us, that whole, if you want to call it your spirit or your soul or this whole part of you that is whole and happy and well, is the sun and then below the sun we have these clouds and every day the weather is different and these emotions are like clouds passing in the sky. If we can just stay centered and grounded in that sunshine and let the clouds pass and just trust that oh this is a storm, and I’ll tell my kids that.
Megan Buer: Like when somebody’s getting upset and they start to spiral out of control and it’s that moment when you think oh my gosh I’m going to feel this forever, this is it, I’m never going to feel better. That’s just a storm and so it’s like, it’s just a storm, let’s just let it pass and then as soon as we realize this isn’t who we are, it’s just a cloud in the sky, we can kind of take a step back. So just slowing down, I think especially with anxiety and I know for me it’s that feeling of being really ramped up and it’s taking a pause, and it’s slowing down, and it’s trusting that okay this is a storm that’s going to pass and when I’m feeling more grounded, then I can make a decision.
Megan Buer: That’s where figuring out, for each individual, you have to figure out what does help you feel grounded? Is it meditation, is it yoga is it drawing is it having time in nature, spending time with friends. You know, these things that we think are frivolous, are so key to our well being on all levels and it’s these different things that help us stay happy and stay grounded and those are the things that always get crossed off of our to do list first. We think that, oh I’ve got to make sure I get to the grocery store so I’m just gonna nix my yoga class, but it’s like in actuality if we could just do yoga first, we’d feel so much better and making ourselves a priority and so if we can have those routines in our day to day and our weekly, monthly life, to get grounded then that’s when you’re feeling like you’re in a good place, that’s when you can make a decision.
Megan Buer: I know for me, and it really is different for everybody and I know for me, especially with the food stuff, that was always my biggest stress. But it was mostly when I was anxious, that’s when I was stressed and about food. But when I got grounded, I realized it was so much simpler than I had thought in my head. It was just like, eat lots of produce, eat … Like it’s so simple to just eat real food, it doesn’t have to be a certain thing and it’s that simple. It can be really grounded and simple, and so I think it’s just realizing oh I’m feeling anxiety, so having the awareness, taking a few deep breaths to really just get in the present moment, and trusting that the emotion will pass. It’s just an emotion, it’s just a cloud in the sky, and then making decisions when you’re in a place when you’re really feeling grounded instead of ramped up.
Amy Medling: So I’m just curious, what three things help you feel more grounded?
Megan Buer: For me really, doing yoga is a huge thing for me, that’s something that I make a really big priority, especially with three kids and a business and just life. I carve that time out a few times a week to get back in my body. ‘Cause that’s my tendency to go to my head and yoga can really help pull me back into my body. So, doing yoga, spending time in nature. We live in the country for a reason, because I feel better in the country and it’s simpler, it’s quiet, and we have lots of time to go outside and to just be next to water and look at a tree, and it’s amazing how healing being in nature is. So yoga and nature and I think, I’m trying to think of another thing that does it for me.
Megan Buer: Probably just some meditation, which is kind of ties into yoga some, but just having moments in my day that I stop and, you know, again taking that pause and slowing down and just taking a breath and having a moment of silence, just for no reason. Just to slow down and recognize all the good that is right in front of me, that I wouldn’t have noticed if I had just kept going and rushing around. So that’s something that I really try to do and I try to teach my kids to do, it’s like what’s going good right now? What can we notice? If we’re driving, again living in the country in Virginia it’s not hard to find lots of pretty things when we’re driving but, it’s like, what can we find right now that’s beautiful? What can we … What’s going on in our life right now that’s really great? And just training our brains to think differently about ourselves and our surroundings and our life. So for me it’s just taking those few pauses during the day and that really helps keep me grounded.
Amy Medling: You know what I love is making, I have this really cute little tea pot, and I’m a huge fan of taking a pause with a cup of tea. You know, you can’t rush it. You can’t rush the water boiling, you can’t rush the tea steeping, and you have to really be patient and in that sort of patience, it really allows me to discharge from what I’m doing. Usually I have a cup of tea before the kids come home from school and kind of discharge from the work and recharge for them coming home from school, and just the natural properties in tea are calming as well. And then just, I try to sit there, like you with nature. I live in the suburbs, but I can still sit in the chair by the window and just sort of kind of stare out at the birds and the trees and sip my tea and try to get that feeling of being grounded.
Amy Medling: Thinking about what’s going right in my life, I think that’s a great way of walking yourself back from that sense of panic and anxiety. And kind of … Right now I’m kind of going through trying to get my oldest off to college and trying to figure out where’s he going to go? And how are we going to afford it? And that can just all spiral, and I think just trusting the process and trusting that all will be well, and reminding yourself that, has really helped me kind of walk myself away from the panic attacks.
Megan Buer: Mm-hmm (affirmative). Absolutely. And yeah I mean, it’s fine, and it’s different for everybody. I love tea too, whatever it is, it’s different for everybody and that’s what I tell clients all the time is creating these little rituals for yourself to bring comfort or joy or going to lunch with a friend, whatever it is, finding these things and really making that a priority to get yourself out of your head and out of the swirling thoughts and just back into, oh okay, everything’s okay instead of just crossing your fingers and hoping it will happen at some point, really being mindful about doing that and getting present.
Megan Buer: A lot of my clients have a lot of deep, past childhood traumas and things and it’s working on that in a lot of different ways, and I mean I do my work for them, but for them I tell them you know again, it’s about being present. It’s like, the past is over and we’ve got to get our body into the present moment and discharge a lot of this energy that we’re all carrying. And if that’s through dancing or yoga, these little habits of drinking tea or going for a walk or whatever it is, it’s doing so much. It’s clearing out old traumas, it’s clearing out our head space and it’s all these different things, there’s so many layers to the way that these wellness practices really help us that it’s fascinating.
Amy Medling: One thing that I found in my work coaching women and even in my own history, is that I find that when women suppress their creativity, I think they suffer. Especially with PCOS, reading a long time ago Louise Hay’s “You Can Heal Your Life”, and the back of the book with all the ailments and kind of the metaphysical reason for them. If you look at ovaries, it’s kind of the point of creation and if you’ve got problems with your ovaries, you’re sort of suppressing that creative force. So, I find that when women really kind of get back in touch with their creative flow, whether … You had mentioned dance, I mean whether its dance or scrap booking or even just coloring. I find that, that can be really healing and great for anxiety as well.
Megan Buer: Absolutely, I mean it’s that creative force that I think that we all have as women, that we just again we have this mindset in our society that it’s like, that’s just frivolous, that’s for somebody … I remember thinking, well once I feel better I can do stuff like that.
Amy Medling: Oh so true. Mm-hmm (affirmative).
Megan Buer: I just remember thinking, oh I’ll work on that stuff, I’ll do that froofy stuff when I feel better. I’ve got a job to do right now, I’ve got to fix this, and it was really putting that off was what was putting off my healing. And we can be creative in any way and even sometimes I don’t even know what I want to do and it’s like okay, that’s okay just start experimenting or go back to your childhood. What did you like to do in childhood? Maybe you loved to draw, maybe you whatever and just start doing that. Pick up an old habit, or I mean an old hobby, excuse me. Just anything to have some sort of creative outlet. And if that’s whatever it is, it can be so many things but, having that as an outlet is so healing for our mental state and our emotional state. For me, in my journey and in my journey with clients, that has been the key to healing the physical body as well.
Megan Buer: I know for me, when I took that very masculine energy of like I’ve got to hunker down and fix this problem and this is all physical, and I’ll deal with my emotions later, I just got worse. But when I finally went into more of the emotional aspect of it and the creative aspect of it, that’s when my body was like, yeah let’s do this! Like this is how we’re going to heal, and so it’s exploring all these different options that people have for healing.
Amy Medling: So, I would love for listeners to really take away from this podcast to experiment with some of those grounding techniques and really start identifying what works for you. And then exploring how you can express your creativity and like you said, Meghan, kind of look at what you enjoy doing as a child, and try to go back to that. I would love if you, we have about five minutes left, and I know it’s … I need to invite you back on the podcast ’cause we could talk more about sort of the emotional cause of illness. But I think for a woman who has PCOS and has really tried everything, is eating the right anti-inflammatory diet, she’s exercising, she’s taking supplements, but yet, she still is having trouble controlling her symptoms. Where do you go from there in terms of energy and emotional healing?
Megan Buer: Yeah i mean that’s exactly where I was, a different diagnosis but the same, all the same root cause. It’s exactly where I was and for me it was the emotion code was really, really helpful. That is what pulled me out of a lot of my symptoms that I felt better enough to start taking care of myself because I mean I remember feeling so crumby that I didn’t have the energy to go do yoga or anything and so for me it was getting to this point with the emotional work where my body kind of caught up enough that I could start taking care of myself and start working on my mindset. So it was for me the emotion code, a lot of my clients obviously very, very similar symptoms as me, and I would say 90% of my clients are women who are dealing with some sort of emotional or physical ailment, and it’s really incredible to see what happens when we uncover some of the subconscious stuff and clear it out.
Megan Buer: Something that women could do-
Amy Medling: I was just going to say, could you give us an example. I don’t know if anybody listening really knows what an emotion code is and maybe if you could give us an example of a breakthrough a client had.
Megan Buer: The emotion code is a form of energy healing that really focuses on healing the underlying root cause, emotional root cause of your physical or emotional symptom and by that, what I mean is, I’ve been trained … I do muscle testing and I have these charts and different things that I can do to figure out what traumas and past stress are literally lodged in the body, in the physical body, the emotional body, the energy body that are creating the symptoms and I release those and so I would say I clear anywhere from about 15 to 20 emotions for somebody. We go into a lot of other stuff and that’s where the muscle testing comes in. I know figure out what foods for people are healing for somebody, what supplement somebody needs, all sorts of different things.
Megan Buer: But I have one client in particular that comes to mind and she had a lot of physical things going on, this was several years ago, but more so she had a lot of trauma in her childhood. And had been in therapy for 20 years and was starting to explore alternative options was ready to kind of heal some of her physical symptoms as well and stumbled upon me and well actually went to her doctor and her doctor sent her over to me and she after one session, I got an email back from her, and she just said, I’ve been in therapy for 20 years and I feel like I’ve done more in 45 minutes with you than I’ve done in 20 years. It’s really about just looking at the body differently and getting to the emotional root cause.
Megan Buer: Just like the Louise Hay book, each physical symptom has a pretty specific emotional root cause. For me, it was thyroid and that was all about speaking your truth. The emotional was embarrassment and shame, so it was really pushing through that and healing myself in different ways. So in … It’s basically work on the subconscious level. All of my clients are remote clients. I don’t see anybody in person anymore. So it’s something that’s really hands off. People actually really like it because its not therapy where everybody’s been talking about their stuff for so long, they’re kind of sick of talking about it. So, I just go in and do my thing and its remote and it’s simple and it’s easy, and really, really deeply healing to get to the emotional root of what’s going on. So I’m not sure if that answers your question.
Amy Medling: So the woman that came to you, that was sent by her doctor, she was able to release some emotions around a particular-
Megan Buer: Yeah, she just had a lot of trauma, and I didn’t. I mean, that’s why I kind of put off with this work. I’m like I had a pretty good childhood, there wasn’t anything really you know, so there isn’t going to … So it’s all just normal stuff. This is normal stuff that we all feel, it’s human experience and so the work that she and I did together, I worked to uncover and clear this subconscious stuff that she was … it’s the baggage, the emotional baggage that we all carry around. It’s that feeling of something’s wrong, but I can’t put my finger on it. That’s all subconscious emotional stuff. I worked on clearing that and I did a lot of coaching with her to help her shift her mindset and gave her tools to use. You know EFT and different things that she could use in her everyday life for kind of the upkeep.
Megan Buer: You know we worked together for a couple months I think, and then that was it. And I love that. I love my clients, but I don’t want lifetime clients because I’m not doing my job if they’re not getting better, I’m not doing my job. I hear from her every once in a while and she asks for a little tune up session and we tune her up and she’s good to go. It’s just another, it’s a different way to take care of ourselves and the healing can be so deep and so profound and yeah, it’s amazing work.
Amy Medling: I mean, it’s true that illness it’s a dis-ease and whether it’s mental, physical, emotional, spiritual we have to address that, and I love that you have sort of a protocol and a modality to do that. Can you tell listeners that would be interested to hear more about your work, how can they find out about you and what programs you offer?
Megan Buer: My website is Harmony-restored and you can work with me one on one. I do private work with people where we do the emotion code and coaching and different things, and then I also have an option for people that if they do not want to work one on one, that I have created an online course called Rooted in Health, and it goes through basically all of the coaching that I give my clients. So rather than working with me one on one for a year, I do all of that coaching and give you all the tools in the course. And so, it’s a lot more cost effective for people ’cause I know a lot of people on the healing journey, I mean, I was there. I was spending an arm and a leg every month on trying to get better.
Megan Buer: So it’s a good place to start for somebody who isn’t ready to totally jump in. It’s a good place to start with different tools and mindset and things to, it’s all the coaching aspect that I offer my clients and if they want to dig deeper, then that’s when I say, let’s dig deeper and do some one-on-one work.
Amy Medling: And you have a great resource to be talking about anxiety if you wanted to learn more about coping with anxiety.
Megan Buer: I wrote a book called, Keys to Calm. It basically outlines everything that I did to heal anxiety and that’s from a physical, mental, and emotional level. So obviously, there is a physical aspect to it, so there’s recipes in there and different supplements that I took, but also this mental and emotional aspect of it. Also, which is obviously the bulk of the book, but it was so many people, no matter what, a client can come to me for a runny nose, it doesn’t matter, but under that people are always saying, oh and I have anxiety. I guess, it’s just kind of a given, if they’re coming to me for a backache or runny nose or whatever the laundry list of symptoms is, anxiety is always on the list and I’ve had such a deeply personal experience with it myself that I knew I needed to write this book and get these resources out to people, because it’s something that can be healed and people don’t have to suffer like I did for so long.
Amy Medling: This is all great. So many great resources and I’m just so happy that you came on to the PCOS Diva podcast to share your work, the important work that you do.
Megan Buer: Yeah. Thank you so much for having me.
Amy Medling: Thanks.