With over 1 million downloads, it is undeniable that the PCOS Diva podcast is a leader in the PCOS community. I thoroughly enjoy bringing you the latest research and ideas in the PCOS world, but I am most proud of the sense of community and support that has grown up around being a PCOS Diva. Together, we are strong! PCOS Divas know that knowledge is power, and so, this podcast is one source of our energy. Thank you to everyone who listened in 2019. I have exciting plans for the PCOS Diva podcast in 2020. Until then, here are the 15 most popular PCOS Diva podcasts of 2019.
For the complete PCOS Diva Podcast library, visit http://pcosdiva.com/podcast/
PCOS expert and integrative physician, Dr. Felice Gersh has published a brilliant new book called “PCOS S.O.S., A Gynecologist’s Lifeline to Naturally Restore Your Rhythms, Hormones, and Happiness”. It is best described as a complete guide addressing the symptoms of PCOS and how women with the disorder can lead happy and healthier lives. Dr. Gersh is dedicated to educating women and health care providers about how to best discover and treat the underlying causes of PCOS. Listen in (or read the transcript) as we discuss her book and much more including:
*The family connection of PCOS
*Why PCOS is on the rise
*Impact of sleep, timed eating, fitness, and stress
*Importance of regulating light and the circadian rhythm
*How birth control changes a woman’s circadian rhythm
There are a lot of people out there willing to tell you the best diet for PCOS. Many of them are well meaning, telling the story of what worked for them. As a result, there is a lot of confusion. Should we all eat Keto or vegan? Try intermittent fasting, low carb, no carb? The truth is this: There Is No Best PCOS Diet. It is entirely individual. Registered Dietician Martha McKittrick explains why that is true and the steps you can take to find the diet that works for you. Listen in (or read the transcript) as we discuss:
*4 things just as (or more) important than diet
*The diet that will help you find a diet
*Role of the gut microbiome & why it may dictate your diet
*Tips and tricks to figure out what works best for you
*Exercise that we all need to do
If you have PCOS and are estrogen dominant, you struggle with symptoms like acne, hair loss, hair growth, irregular cycles, irritability, storing fat around your hips and your thighs, thyroid nodules, estrogenic cancers, fibrocystic breasts, very sore or lumpy breasts, bloating, PMS, anovulation, mood swings, fibroids- the list goes on. Sound familiar? Magdalena Wszelaki can help. She brings to life the idea of food as medicine and offers simple, real-world/real-food solutions to estrogen dominance and other hormonal imbalance issues. Estrogen imbalance plays a major role in PCOS, so this is a podcast episode not to be missed. Listen (or read the transcript below) as we discuss:
*The reason estrogen dominance is common in women with PCOS
*Symptoms and tests for measuring levels of estrogen (including DUTCH, estrogen metabolite, and saliva tests)
*Impact of alcohol on estrogen 3 simple things to do to clean up your gut microbiome & balance estrogen
*The rock star food for reducing estrogen and more
I admit, acupuncture was one of my last resort therapies when I was really struggling with PCOS. I had tried countless pharmaceuticals and diets, but when I went to acupuncture, I saw a real difference. Dr. Farrar Duro practices reproductive acupuncture and shares some of the most common mistakes women make when living with PCOS. Tune in as we discuss those mistakes as well as:
*What to ask your doctor about your labs and treatment options
*The question to ask before you start any diet
*How Chinese medicine and acupuncture can help PCOS symptoms
*Resource for finding an acupuncturist
If you’ve been diagnosed with PCOS, you may have been told, “It’s going to be very difficult for you to have children,” or even, “You won’t have children.” Dr. Mark Trolice is here to tell you that is not necessarily true. Dr. Trolice is the Director of Fertility Care at the IVF Center in Winter Park, Florida, and is a double board-certified doctor in reproductive endocrinology and fertility as well as an OB/GYN. He spends a lot of time advocating for women with PCOS on a national level as well as helping them to conceive and have healthy pregnancies. On this podcast, we discuss fertility challenges for women with PCOS and how to overcome them. Listen in (or read the transcript) as we discuss:
*Causes of PCOS and criteria for PCOS diagnosis
*Why you have excess hair growth and when to consider electrolysis or laser hair removal
*Things to consider (other than PCOS) if you are having trouble conceiving
*What to do before you try to get pregnant
*Letrozole vs. Clomid
*Pros and cons of ovarian drilling
*Special considerations for women with PCOS undergoing IVF
For women trying to balance hormones with PCOS, the advice is typically to eat less and exercise more. Not only is that not particularly clear or helpful, it isn’t necessarily true. Since we struggle with both insulin resistance and inflammation, we need to be especially careful about the exercise and PCOS-friendly diet we choose. Dr. Brooke Kalanick offers practical advice on how to balance your hormones in a realistic and sustainable way. Listen in (or read the transcript) as we discuss:
*Her favorite exercise for improving insulin sensitivity
*How cortisol effects our hormones and the signs of it being too high or low
*The “hormone hierarchy” to follow when choosing where to begin
*Cautions for long-term Paleo diet
*Role of simple electrolytes in healing
Overwhelming fatigue is one of the really troubling symptoms for many of us with PCOS. In fact, roughly 20 to 40% of the general population is dealing with mild to moderate chronic fatigue. Ari Whitten is a well-known expert on fatigue and how to overcome it. He offers information and advice that we aren’t getting from our doctors. His insights into the true root causes of fatigue and practical tips on how to boost your energy will help you reclaim your life! Listen in (or read the transcript) as we discuss:
*Cortisol, fatigue, and PCOS
*What’s really causing your fatigue
*Circadian rhythm and it impact on … everything
*The surprise bonus functions of Melatonin
*Quick tips for blood sugar regulation
60% of women with PCOS have some mood-related disorder. Maria Hortsmann has your magic pill – exercise. Before you roll your eyes and move on, listen as she explains the neurological connection between your movement and neurological activity. She offers straight forward advice about getting and staying motivated, and how to ignite the power of your hormones and neurotransmitters to combat depression, anxiety, and more.
Why you resist exercise and how to overcome it
*Exercise to mood/ mental health connection
*Best activities to kind of achieve mental health benefit
*Best use of anti-depressants
*Overcoming gym anxiety (and whether you need a gym at all)

One of the most common and frustrating symptoms of PCOS is fatigue. We’re tired. We have no energy. Relief is here! Karen Deichmann shares her secrets for boosting energy and what we can do to flip the switch when we’re feeling drained. She identifies 5 major sources of energy and explains in simple terms how to amplify them so we can thrive each day. Her practical visualizations, tips and tricks will change how you move through your day and life. Listen in (or read the transcript).

Did you know that women with PCOS are three times more likely to have an autoimmune version of thyroid disease called Hashimoto’s Thyroidosis? And many of the symptoms and remedies overlap closely with PCOS. Dr. Izabella Wentz is an internationally acclaimed thyroid specialist and licensed pharmacist who has dedicated her career to addressing the root causes of autoimmune thyroid disease. She joins the podcast to discuss how food can be used as medicine and much more. Listen in (or read the transcript) as we discuss:
*the symptoms of Hashimoto’s Thyroidosis
*thyroid labs to request and why TSH test is not sufficient
*practical tips to advocate for yourself at the doctor’s office
*impact of specific foods on symptoms
PCOS and acne go hand-in-hand. As a board-certified dermatologist, Dr. Michelle Jeffries is often the first doctor to pick up on the signs and symptoms of PCOS and start making the connection. Her integrative approach is a refreshing and effective method for treating acne and healing a patient’s mind, body, and spirit. In this podcast, she shares her practical advice for getting to the root of your acne (usually hormones, inflammation, stress, products, or sleep) and working with your body to calm it. Listen in (or read the transcript) as we discuss:
*the 3 foods to eliminate first
*products & supplements specifically for acne
*practices & supplements to reduce stress
*treatment for deep cystic acne (hidradenitis suppurativa)
*what to do about acne scarring
One of my favorite things to do is directly answer PCOS Divas’ questions. Recently, I took a survey of what Divas would like to know, and I have answered the most commonly asked here, in this podcast. Listen in (or read the transcript) as we discuss topics such as the “ideal” PCOS diet, signs & symptoms no one talks about, chiropractic benefits, PCOS-friendly alcohol, supplement choices, and herbs to replace Clomid, to name just a few.
Dr. Keesha Ewers understands the connection between childhood trauma PCOS. In her work, she helps women reverse autoimmune disease, heal their childhood trauma, and make friends with the women they see in the mirror. During our interview, she breaks down how to go processing childhood trauma in order to begin healing your chronic illness. Her five step approach helps patients move from batting themselves mentally and physically to finding peace and calm. Listen in (or read the transcript) she shares her process and a helpful tool to get through our most stressful moments.
Many women with PCOS suffer with digestion issues like IBS, bloating, gas, constipation, and diarrhea. In this podcast, Dr. Marisol offers simple solutions for digestion issues that aggravate our PCOS and make us feel crummy. Her 5-step solution and suggestions for “micro-maneuvers” will help alleviate symptoms by getting to the root of the problem. Listen in (or read the transcript) as we discuss:
*What is the perfect poo?
*What it means if you’re a hyper-wiper or your poo is very smelly
*Why the birth control pill and Metformin damage your gut and what to do about it
*How fixing your gut may make getting pregnant easier
*The impact of stress on digestion
If you are a woman with PCOS and/or you’re using hormonal birth control, listen in (or read the transcript) because this podcast is for you. Dr. Jolene Brighten is the leading expert in post-birth control syndrome and the long-term side effects associated with hormonal contraceptives. She’s also the author of a brand-new book, Beyond the Pill. While we both agree that it is a woman’s right to take the birth control pill, it is also her right to understand how to take care of her body while she takes it, what those potential side effects are, and what she should look out for. Listen in and be educated and empowered!
*Why doctors fail to connect symptoms like gas, bloating, depression, anxiety, acne, yeast infections, any other number of signs and symptoms to birth control.
*Nutrients you must supplement to reduce your risk of heart disease and neurological issues
*Baseline lab tests to have done before, during, and after taking the pill
*Why we have high rates of gall bladder issues
*How and when to detox
*The impact on your gut and how to repair it