PCOS-101 References
References for “PCOS 101, Your Guide to Health and Hope”
by Amy Medling
[1] PCOS Foundation, “PCOS Support Groups,” http://pcosfoundation.org/support-groups?gclid=CJTq24yVprwCFURnOgod_C4ASA, (accessed Jan 2014).
[2] Thatcher, Samuel, PCOS: The Hidden Epidemic, Indianapolis, Perspectives Press, 2000, 320.
[3] Futterweit, Walter, A Patient’s Guide to PCOS- Understanding-and Reversing-Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome, New York, Henry Holt, 2006, xvii.
[4] Thatcher, Samuel, PCOS 101, http://memberfiles.freewebs.com/26/91/38059126/documents/2005%20HS%20and%20PCOS%20Thatcher%20MD.pdf.
[5] Kristensen S., Ramlau-Hansen C, Ernst E, A Very Large Portion of Danish Women Have Polycystic Ovaries: Is a Revision of the Rotterdam Criteria Needed? Human Reproduction, 25, 2010, 3117-3122.
[6] R. Legro and J Strauss, Molecular Progress in Infertility: Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome, Feril Steril, 78, 2002, 569.
[7] (harris- duskova cite p 12)
[8] Futterweit, A Patient’s Guide , 11
[9] Thatcher, PCOS 101
[10] Diamanto, Kandarakis, E, “Phenotypes and Environmental Factors in PCOS,”Endocrine Abstracts, 2011, http://www.endocrine-abstracts.org/ea/0026/ea0026s28.1.htm.
[11] Evidence-based guideline for the assessment and management of polycystic ovary syndrome. Jean Hailes Foundation for Women’s Health on behalf of the PCOS Australian Alliance; Melbourne, 2011, S70.
[12] Futterweit, A Patient’s Guide, 10.
[12] Grassi, Angela, A Dietician’s Guide to Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome, Haverford, PA, Luca Publishing, 2007, 2.
[13] Glueck C., Dharashivkar S., Wang P., Obesity and Extreme Obesity, Manifest by ages 20-24 Years, Continuing Through 32-41 Years in Women, Should Alert Physicians to the Diagnostic Likelihood of Polycystic Ovary Syndrome as a Reversible Underlying Endocrinopathy, European Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecological Reproduction and Biology, 2005, 122, 206.
[14] Teede H., Deeks A, Gibson-Helm M, Body Mass Index as a Predictor of Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome Risk: Results of a Longitudinal Cohort Study, Endocrine Society Annual Meeting, 2010, June 19-22, San Diego, CA.
[15] Futterweit, A Patient’s Guide, 19.
[16] Thatcher, Hidden Epidemic, 12.
[17] Futterweit, A Patient’s Guide, 17.
[18] Thatcher, PCOS 101
[19] Deeks A., Gibson-Helm M, Teede H, Anxiety and Depression in a Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome: A Comprehensive Investigation, Fertility and Sterility, 2010, 93, 2421.
[20][21] Bhattacharya S, Jha A., Prevalence and Risk of Depressive Disorders in Women with Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS), Fertility and Sterility, 2010, 94, 357.
[22] Laggari V, Diareme S, Christogiorgos S, Anxiety and Depression in Adolescents with Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome and Mayer- Rokitansky-Kuster-Hauser Syndrome, Journal of Psychosomatic Obstertics and Gynecology, 2009, 30, 83.
[23]Rachon D, H. Teede, Ovarian Function and Obesity- Interrelationship, Impact on Women’s Reproductive Lifespan and Treatment Options, Molecular and Cellular Endocrinology, 2010, 316, 172.
[24] P. Acien, F. Quereda, P. Matallin, Insulin, Androgens, and Obesity in Women With and Without Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome : A Heterogeneous Group of Disorders, Fertility and Sterility, 1999, 72, 32.
[25] Nancy Dunne and Bill Slater, The Natural Diet Solution for PCOS and Infertility, Seattle, Health Solutions Publishing, 2005, 28.
[26] Futterweit, A Patient’s Guide, 11.
[27] Futterweit, A Patient’s Guide, 21.
[28] Futterweit, A Patient’s Guide, 20.
[29] Futterweit, A Patient’s Guide, 15.
[30] Futterweit, A Patient’s Guide, 19.
[31] Thatcher, Hidden Epidemic, 320.
[32] Futterweit, A Patient’s Guide, 48.
[33] Glueck C, Obesity and Extreme Obesity, 122, 206.
[34] Teede H., Body Mass.
[35] Rachon D, Ovarian Function.
[36] Acien P, Androgens and Obesity, 72, 32.
[37] Futterweit, A Patient’s Guide, 28.
[38] Bridges NA, Cooke A, Healy MJ, Hindmarsh PC, Standards for Ovarian Volume in Childhood and Puberty, Fertility and Sterility, 1993, 60, 456.
[39] Bridges NA, Standards for Ovarian.
[40] Dunne, Natural Diet, 34.
[41] Janssen OE, High Prevalence of Autoimmune Thyroiditis in Patients with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome, European Journal of Endocrinology, 2004, 150, 363.
[42] Futterweit, A Patient’s Guide, 21.
[43] National Institute of Health, (2012). Evidence Based Methodology Workshop on Polycystic Ovary Syndrome: Executive Summary. Retrieved from http://prevention.nih.gov/workshops/2012/pcos/docs/PCOS_Final_Statement.pdf.
[44] Simon Harvey, “Eating Disorders,” University of Maryland Medical Center, University of Maryland, 24 June, 2013, http://umm.edu/health/medical/reports/articles/eating-disorders (accessed January 2014).
[45] Grassi, Angela, Mattei, Stephanie. The PCOS Workbook: Your Guide to Complete Physical and Emotional Health (Haverford, PA: Luca Publishing, 2009), 147.
[46] Boss, Angela and Weidman, Evelina, Living with PCOS, Omaha, Addicus Books, 2001, 3.
[47] Rotterdam ESHRE/ASRM- Sponsored PCOS Consensus Workshop Group. Revised 2003 Consensus on diagnostic Criteria and Lon-Term Health Risks Related to Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome. Fertility and Sterility, 2004; 81, 19.
[48] Zawadaki, R and Dockerty M, Diagnostic Criteria for Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome: Towards a Rational Approach. In: Dunaif A, Given JR, Jaseltine F, Merriam GR, editors. Current Issues in Endocrinology and Metabolism: Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome. Boston: Blackwell Scientific, 1992: 337.
[49] Evidence-based guideline for the assessment and management of polycystic ovary syndrome. Jean Hailes Foundation for Women’s Health on behalf of the PCOS Australian Alliance; Melbourne, 2011, S69.
[50] Thatcher, PCOS 101.
[51] Futterweit, A Patient’s Guide, 65.
[52] Futterweit, A Patient’s Guide, 38.
[53] Grunewald, Jill, “Repair Your Thyroid,” Experience Life, November 2012, http://experiencelife.com/article/repair-your-thyroid/.
[54] San Martin-Rodriguez, Beaulieau MD, D’Amour D, Ferrada-Videla M, “The Determinants of Successful Collaboration: a Review of the Theoretical and Empirical Studies” Journal of Interprofessional Care 2005, 19 Supplement 1, 132.