Spring Meal Plans | Thank You! - PCOS Diva

Spring Meal Plans | Thank You!

PCOS Diva Meal Plans
PCOS Diva Meal Plans

Thank You For Purchasing!

You should be receiving the following emails shortly:

  • A confirmation email from Paypal
  • An email to confirm your email address for the Spring Meal Plans.  You MUST click the link before we can send you the Meal plans.
  • A new email from me with PDF attachment of the Getting Started Guide and Meal plans.

Now, it’s time to Start Sizzling!

If you do not receive an email confirmation, please contact me.

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  1. Hi Amy – I’m excited to get started eating clean! Could you recommend some non-meat alternatives that would be best for the dishes? I would love to stay away from processed soy, but always find myself grabbing them in the freezer section (fake chicken, fake beef, etc) to make up for the missing ingredients in recipes. Any help you can offer is sincerely appreciated in this arena.

  2. find you on facebook has truly changed my life! I have already begun to lose weight and my other symptoms are clearing um just from your meal plans and all the other wonderful tips a tricks offered by you and all the other wonderful women on your page! I felt like no one understood me even more so my doctors. and now that I have found all this wonderful stuff and people. I can finally get back to me and my body can be controlled. thank you so much!

    Love always
    Holly aka *Getting my sexy back*

  3. I loved your jump start program an I’m so excite to start the spring meal plan!