Lynn I. - PCOS Diva

Lynn I.

I was (finally) diagnosed with PCOS 18 months ago at age 45, post infertility treatments, post hysterectomy… My reasons for wanting to control my PCOS are different then most Diva’s. I am not trying to conceive or regulate my periods. I have never in my life been able to loose weight easily. I’ve been in the obese BMI range for almost 20 years. For years I was able to maintain what I thought was a “Healthy Fat” if that’s really possible, but 18 months ago my insulin resistance became Type II Diabetes. My borderline hypertension became hypertension. My Cholesterol was under 200 but my HDL’s and LDL’s were off. If your insulin levels and weight are not controlled eventually it will catch up to you. When you are diabetic, you are prone to more illness and infection. I learned this the hard way.

After an entire month of illness, doctor’s visits, antibiotics and feeling completely out of control of my PCOS and my health, I sat down and began an Internet search. During my research I stumbled on Amy Medling’s web-site It was so cute I couldn’t help but feel invited in. As I surfed through the site I found it to be so much more than cute. It was very informative and inspiring. When I read the first line on the home page calling PCOS, the “Thief of Womanhood”, I teared up and I knew I had found the beginning of my next journey in my life…

Being so overweight for most of my 21 year marriage, I believe my wedding day was the last time I truly felt beautiful, and even then, I was about 10 lbs overweight. I completely related to the thought that my womanhood had been stolen, with incredible difficulty getting pregnant, horrible PMS, IBS, obesity, cyclical acne,dark hair on my upper lip, skin tags, thinning hair… kind of hard to feel like a beautiful woman. I had resigned myself to living life as an overweight woman, focusing on my inner beauty, buying big long cardigan sweaters to cocoon myself in and shield my body from the world.

Finding PCOS Diva when I did was perfect timing, Jumpstart registration was the following week. Jumpstart completely transformed my life. Getting the materials ahead of time, I did all my shopping and loosely began the program a week early, so when the Jumpstart began I was off and running!

The supplements, food combinations and incredible support from Amy and others in the forum helped me to lose 11 lbs in the first two weeks!! I LOVED the recipes and all the Self Care suggestions every day! I learned to stop hating my body and began to take loving care of it, taking time out for ME! I was finally eating in a way my body could function correctly! I became a fat ‘burning’ machine instead of a fat ‘making’ machine!

Today after 12 weeks I have lost 31 pounds!! I am feeling great and still going strong! I have continued to stay on the program. I LOVE eating this way.

I truly believe, stumbling across that cute web-site was meant to be. Amy, and PCOS Diva Jumpstart saved my life. Literally. I’m losing weight, my blood sugar has stabilized, my blood pressure is normal. I am on my way out of my cocoon of big wooly cardigans preparing my beautiful body to emerge in clothes I can feel pretty in. Wow… imagine that? Feeling pretty? I can! Can you?

The support in the forum and meeting other Diva’s was invaluable. No one can truly understand what you are going through unless they are in the same situation. Here I made connections with other women and am still in contact with them today. I love having Diva friends! Support is key to a successful journey. I can’t wait to do it again! See you all in May!! XOXO

– Lynn

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