Melissa - PCOS Diva


I lost 7 pounds in less than a week, saw huge improvement in “brain fog,” restless legs, and body aches and pains. I am sleeping through the night. I can get through an entire day without feeling nauseated. Most importantly, I was encouraged and gained the momentum and enthusiasm I need to continue eating this way.

If you are thinking about participating in the Jumpstart program, do it! You owe it to your future self. I wish I would have done this a year ago! I now feel confident I can incorporate radical change into my life through simple and easy, gradual adjustments.

Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome Treatment in USA,PCOS Medication in USA,PCOS Diet And Weight Loss in USA,PCOS Hormonal Imbalance Supplement in USA,PCOS Infertility And Pregnancy in USA

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Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome Treatment in USA,PCOS Medication in USA,PCOS Diet And Weight Loss in USA,PCOS Hormonal Imbalance Supplement in USA,PCOS Infertility And Pregnancy in USA

  1. Good morning, I found you on your Facebook page. I’m 27 and was officially diagnosed with PCOS at the age of 22, although I knew I had it since 20, with symptoms starting at the early age of 12. Interested in your program…I’m getting married this June 28th and am praying that God allows me to reproduce without issues, but I know with this condition, it may not be that way. So, I’d like to try n help this thing along starting now.


    Thanks and God bless you for sharing the wealth of info with the rest of us!

    ~ Hopeful Vee in the LB