The Unexpected Solutions to Self-Healing [Podcast] - PCOS Diva

The Unexpected Solutions to Self-Healing [Podcast]

“The unexpected solution to self-healing is really about self-awareness and intuition, listening to our body’s messages and our body’s wisdom.” – Dr. Mariza

PCOS Diva Podcast 56 - Dr. Mariza SnyderLike many of us, Dr. Mariza Snyder ignored the signs of impending health issues until she literally could no longer get out of bed. She has long since overcome her family lineage of hormone issues and her own lifestyle choices and is truly thriving! Now, Dr. Mariza is a best-selling author, functional medicine doctor, and essential oils expert…among other things. In her practice, she helps women dealing with things like stress, exhaustion, mood issues, weight gain, hormone conditions, headaches, and more bring balance back to their lives. Her path to healing is inspirational, and her advice will get you on the path to healing right away. Listen as we discuss the unexpected solutions to self-healing and:

  • Self-care rituals that invigorate and balance the mind, body and spirit
  • The power of a “joy list”
  • Versatility, benefits and use of matcha tea for PCOS (including for symptoms like hirsutism, hair loss, & acne)
  • How to use essential oils for hormone balance, brain fog, hair loss, hirsutism, acne, exhaustion, sleeplessness and more

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A full transcript follows.


drmarizaDr. Mariza Snyder is a passionate wellness practitioner and public speaker with over 8 years of experience focusing on women’s health.  Dr. Mariza leads a community of women who educate about nutrition, detox programs, self-care and essential oils. She graduated Cum Laude from Life Chiropractic College West in 2008. She has a background in biochemistry and certifications in nutrition and aromatherapy.

Dr. Mariza became passionate about women’s health after her own health issues.  Through functional medicine, whole foods and self-care practices she was able to heal her adrenal dysregulation and chronic migraines related to hormone imbalance.

Today, Dr. Mariza educates women across the nation with her expertise in natural solutions and nutrition. She serves as an educator on topics relating to women’s hormone health and she’s an author of five best-selling nutrition books: The DASH Diet Cookbook, which was featured on Dr. Oz, The Low Glycemic Index Slow Cooker, The Antioxidant Counter, The Water Infusion Detox Book and The Matcha Miracle. She is currently launching her sixth book, The Smart Mom’s Guide to Essential Oils. Check out her website,, for women’s health tips, including recipes and remedies.

Full Transcript: 

Amy Medling:                  Hello and welcome to the PCOS Diva Podcast. My name is Amy Medling and I am certified health coach and founder of PCOS Diva. My mission is help women with PCOS find the tools and knowledge they need to take control of their PCOS so they can regain their fertility, femininity, health, and happiness. If you haven’t already,  make sure you check out PCOS because there I offer tons of great free information about PCOS and how to develop your PCOS diet and lifestyle plan so you can begin to thrive like a Diva. Look for me on iTunes, Facebook, and Instagram as well.

Today I’m thrilled to be speaking with Dr. Mariza Snyder. I met Dr. Mariza last year, and I can tell you she is a passionate wellness practitioner with over eight years of experience focusing on women’s health. She leads a community of women who she educates about nutrition, detox programs, self-care, and essential oils. She became passionate about women’s health after her own health issues, and through functional medicine, whole foods and self-care practices, she was able to heal her adrenal dysregulation, chronic migraines, and hormone imbalance. Today I am really thrilled to be talking to her about how you can use self-care for self-healing. It’s really that unexpected solution to self-healing. Dr. Mariza, welcome to the PCOS Diva Podcast.

Mariza Snyder:                Oh my goodness. Thank you so much for having me, Amy. I am so thrilled to be here as well.

Amy Medling:                  I would love for you to start with your story. I love talking to practitioners who have healed themselves and then go on to heal others. That’s really part of what I’ve done with PCOS Diva, and would love it if you’d share your story with our listeners.

Mariza Snyder:                Absolutely. Thank you for asking. I know you read a little bit about my bio there. Basically what happened to me, in my late 20s, I had a lot of things going on. I was finishing up my doctorate. I was working part time to pay for my mortgage. I just had a slew of other priorities. Really what came about is I wasn’t paying attention to my health very much. I was taking care of all the other things that were going on in my life. In the beginning it was migraines. It was abnormal periods. It was stomach discomfort. Again, I just took those as par for the course. I guess I just didn’t really pay attention to many of those things. Then I had a full blown what I consider to be just health crisis. I was diagnosed with adrenal deregulation, but basically I woke up one day and I just couldn’t even lift my head up off the bed. I was exhausted, wired, and tired. I was experiencing lots of head and neck pain. I was overweight. Just all these things culminated at once. I was having all kinds of issues around my hormones.

Really as I began to un-peel the layers of what was happening, I realized that it was two things going on with me. One was family lineage and then my lifestyle. I had created a lifestyle that was not supporting my health and wellness. I began to look at my family and realized that I had come from a lineage of hormone chaos. My grandmother and my mom suffered from hormone issues throughout their entire life. I don’t know why. As a kid you don’t really pay attention. You see that you’re mom isn’t doing so well but you’re not exactly sure what it is that’s going on. You just know that she’s not well. I began to realize that it was hormones. It was hormones that were really wrecking her health. Even at this time she was having some hormone issues too. I knew I could relate with her in a lot of different levels.

I also knew that paired with some of those hereditary issues going on that I definitely wasn’t taking care of myself. It very much was the lifestyle habits or lack of them that I had in place at the moment. Ultimately, I began to realize that my body was severely out of balance and that I needed to make a big shift if I was, one, going to show up for myself, but predominantly show up for the other people that I wanted to serve because I was intending very quickly to become a practitioner and take care of people.

As I began that healing journey, I started bringing patients into my office and mostly women, mostly women in their 30s and 40s, even 50s. I began to see so many of the same issues that I had been dealing with then that took me many years to get back to that wonderful baseline of really feeling that thriving place. I found themselves dealing with things like stress, exhaustion, mood issues, weight gain, hormone conditions, headache, and a lot of other issues. I knew that that was my journey. I knew that that was where I was meant to be. I was meant to serve women in such a big way through resources, tool sets, through my own education, and really providing a landscape, what I consider to be a very simple landscape, to getting back to nurturing ourselves and taking care of ourselves so that we really have the body that is thriving, that we feel that vitality that so many of us want to experience tied in with joy and happiness. It has been such an incredible journey, these last ten years. I’m so blessed to get to do what I do every day.

Amy Medling:                  I loved listening to your story, and I think a lot of women can certainly relate to that low moment of not being able to get your head off the pillow. I absolutely remember, and I think I was probably about maybe a little bit older than you, maybe in my early 30s, thinking I am way too young to feel so old. That was my turning point too. I think that our physical body really gets out of whack in order to draw attention to what’s not working in our lives. For a lot of us, I think we’re just trying to be superwomen, like you getting your doctorate and trying to work a job to manage the bills that are coming in. We just pile so much on ourselves that we forget to really put the oxygen mask on ourselves first and self-care is such an important part of the solution. I would love for you to talk to us maybe about some of your favorite ways to help women to bring that balance back.

Mariza Snyder:                Absolutely. I think one of the big things for me during that time and probably, Amy, for you as well, because you were probably juggling just as many things as I was juggling. Again, often times … I had warning signs. There were little, I call them whispers or messages that my body was telling me. I just chose to ignore all of it. I chose to ignore all of it until it became so physically apparent that something was very wrong. It didn’t happen overnight, although it felt like it did. There’s that defining moment where you’re just like, “Uh-oh. Something isn’t okay here.” It’s like you said, I shouldn’t feel this old at this young of an age.

I always talk about a little bit of that process, is that unexpected solution to self-healing is really about self-awareness and intuition, listening to our body’s messages and our body’s wisdom. One of the things that I always like to talk about is what is your body telling you to say no to? What is your body asking you to say yes to? It may not even be … There’s so many things that we do in this world that don’t serve us, that maybe we don’t even like to do and has emotional repercussions, physical repercussions. I always think that it’s really important to do that gut check and to really listen to our inner wisdom and figure out what is feeling right for us opposed to … I know that there are things that we just have to do, and I get that. There’s a lot of choices that we make every day where if we think we tuned into that choice a little bit more that we would be a lot happier, we’d be more energetic, and we’d really be in that place where we felt like our body was working for us more.

When it comes to a little bit about that because you should know, and I know we’ve talked about this, I am all about self-care rituals. One of the reasons why I am is for so many years I never thought I was deserving of those things. I didn’t deserve any of that. Those were luxuries I didn’t have time for. There were too many other things that needed to go on. This could come from maybe even learning this from my mom and my family that myself as a woman, I really needed to put other people’s needs in front of my own. It was selfish. I even considered my gym time a selfish time. It’s very imperative that we move our bodies for a lot of reasons. I used to call it my selfish hour where I would actually put my phone away. I don’t think of it like that anymore. I had to change that conversation in my head.

As we’re talking about self-care rituals, especially now that we are in a new year, and we’re talking about new shifts and new changes, I was thinking about what are some wonderful things that we can begin to do for ourselves? One of my favorite ways to really create rituals is around our morning, how we start our day, how we begin to really take care of ourselves and nurture ourselves before we start to show up for every single person else. The moment you open your iPhone or your mobile device or you open up your computer or you get into your e-mail, you now belong to other people’s needs.  One of my favorite morning rituals or some of my favorite morning rituals is around really taking  care of you first even if it is a power 10 or a power 20 or nurturing 30 minutes whatever that may be before you enter into the world of other people’s needs.

I know for so many moms out there, that can be quite difficult. Even getting up a little extra 10 minutes or 15 minutes earlier to get very centered in what you want to create in that day and physical things that you have to be doing. It’s very simple things like having a glass of warm water with lemon, really resetting the digestive system so that we’re able to take in some of that nutrition. Starting with a glass of, I know we talked about this before we got started, a matcha tea so you’re getting that energy and doing some things for yourself in a mental and spiritual way as well.

One of my favorite activities is gratitude journaling. I really feel like I can’t have a bad day if I start my day with some really positive, grateful thoughts and moments. I have this wonderful little journal that I love to share and it’s called Speed Dial the Universe. This little journal, the first part of is really about writing down everything that you’re grateful for. Every single day it’s different. Then it talks about having your big rocks for the day. One of my favorite things is one question it asks or a statement is everything else I desire is being delegated to the universe. Thank you, universe, for handling the following for me. It feels like I’m creating this path of things that really make me happy.

It takes me five minutes to fill out this journal every morning and I utilize usually a citrus essential oil to wake me up and get excited about doing this. I have my green smoothie with me as I’m working through this as well, and then I usually start my morning also with some type of exercise. If it’s yoga in my house or I’m going out in nature or I have a little set of stairs near my house that I can go up and down, or if I’m feeling really vigorous I can run them as well. I’m hitting on three different pieces, the physical, mental, and a spiritual or emotional aspect of my morning. Often times it only takes me 15 minutes to plug into it before I plug into everybody else’s needs.

Amy Medling:                  That is such great advice. I think that women who can carve out that time for themselves, it just sets the day off on such a different note. You have to experiment with your routine but even just 15 minutes earlier can make a huge difference. I wanted to just back up to where you were talking about that “deservability.” I remember, this really sticks out in my memory, my husband would get me gift cards to a spa for a massage. I remember going in there and thinking, “I don’t deserve to just spend whatever $50 on a massage, so I’m going to get some makeup products instead, something that’s actually really tangible rather than just … I felt like I was throwing money away by throwing it away on a massage. I totally don’t feel that way anymore. I had to really make that mindset shift to that I am enough and I deserve to take care of my body and myself. Do you have any tips for women who are not there yet to help them come to this place of self-love where they’re enough?

Mariza Snyder:                Absolutely. One of the exercises I always recommend to do and for some people this exercise can be a little bit squishy and uncomfortable. For me, I relish in this exercise mainly because I’ve come a long way. I always have women start with a joy list to write out all the things that make them happy. What I always say, too, when you’re creating this joy list is to have some things that do cost money. One of my favorite joys is to have fresh flowers in the house. Not fresh flowers that my husband brings around, not that that isn’t welcome because I appreciate that, but flowers that I buy for me because I deserve flowers every single day. There’s a lot of places you can get really inexpensive flowers so you don’t feel like your splurging or overindulging.

I always recommend doing a joy list because I really feel like a lot of things could be uncovered in this exercise.  Then begin to … My challenge to everybody is once they create a joy list is then begin to implement one or two of those things every week for yourself. Carve out a couple of hours, two hours that belong to you. Maybe it’s a date with one of your girlfriends or maybe it’s a cappuccino at your favorite little café or maybe you get to sit in your car for 15 minutes and read a book that you’ve been dying to read or whatever that may be. Buy yourself some flowers or go get a manicure and a pedicure. Get a massage. There’s so much more to that indulgence. Massage is a physical healing technique that I think is so wonderful.

It’s always my recommendations to women but then also I always say creating a quadrant on a piece of paper. If everyone had a blank piece of paper and they were able to just make a quadrant on their paper, like draw a cross in the middle of it, and measuring where you’re at in your life, relationships, spirituality, health and wellness, and even that self-care and those joys and measure where you are at that moment. It’s again about that self-awareness and that recognition of where we’re at.

I did this exercise a couple of weeks ago. I remember in the health and wellness department or eating well I was at about an eight. Just figuring out where you’re at and why you’re there. Then what I always recommend to people, it’s not about perfection. It’s never about perfection. It’s about progress. If you are at a seven or an eight, I saw myself in between. I’m a seven/eight. How is it that we get you to an eight/nine? How do we move the needle just a little bit? Is it that you drink a little bit more water that day or you add a salad to every single meal? Whatever it may be that you can do to increase and move the needle over to an eight from a seven.

Then looking at movement, there could be a 30-minute walk that you could do a couple of times a week that could exercise that physical mobility over from a six to a seven, whatever that may be. I feel if we get some clarity around where we’re at in our life with relationships, with our happiness, with our health and wellness then we can really start to create steps that move us, just the needle a little bit. We’re not aiming for tens here. We just want to move a little bit more toward that direction.

Amy Medling:                  Yeah. My mantra is progress not perfection. That’s coming from a recovering perfectionist. I talk about that a lot on my podcast and in my blog that perfectionism is the lowest possible standard because it really doesn’t exist. I love that you mentioned it doesn’t have to be perfect and it’s the small, little steps, these little habits that if they’re consistent over the course of time can really transform your life.

Mariza Snyder:                Absolutely. I believe that everyday habits that we really dictate 80% of how we’re going to live our lives later. Once things are habits, you don’t even think about it anymore. I don’t think about drinking a green smoothie every single day. I don’t think about drinking matcha. I don’t think about moving my body. It’s very much a part of who I am. There was a time when that wasn’t the case. It just took time, it took those habits to go into place. For everybody it’s different and I think we should honor ourselves in that process as well.

Amy Medling:                  Yeah. It’s persistence and perseverance and realizing that you’re always one step away from getting back on track. If you don’t have your green smoothie over the weekend or you skipped a week, well just get back on track the next day. You don’t have to wait for a fresh day of the month or the week or a new year. You’re always one step away or one choice a way.

Mariza Snyder:                Absolutely, right.

Amy Medling:                  I just wanted you to go back to the journal that you recommended just so that everybody could catch the name of that on the podcast.

Mariza Snyder:                It is called Speed Dial the Universe. It’s really technically it’s a direct connection to manifesting anything in your life but it starts with these wonderful gratitude journaling. I love it because I want to be the creator of my destiny, and I want to put my dreams and my joys that I want to create in here. I’ve been doing this journal, been writing in this journal for almost eight years. I’ve been so blessed because I would say that 70 to 80% of what I have dreamed or wanted in my life has come to fruition. I feel like so much of that is about the intention of writing in this wonderful journal. It’s a daily practice for me that I feel has really transformed my life even during the time where I wasn’t as well. So much about my health, my dream for that vitality and that transformation has been written in these journals so many times. It was again that awareness that I was working toward this wonderful vitality, this energy that I wanted to feel and this journal is a major part of that journey.

Amy Medling:                  Speaking about being a powerful creator, you have written five best-selling nutrition books. I didn’t mention that in your bio but they include The Low Glycemic Index Slow Cooker, which sounds fantastic; The Water Infusion Detox Book; The Matcha Miracle; and your currently launching your sixth book, The Smart Mom’s Guide to Essential Oils, which I am going to be pre-ordering a copy when I get off the podcast with you. I’m a huge fan of essential oils and would love to learn more on how I can apply it to my family’s life and health. I wanted to ask you about your book, The Matcha Miracle. You mentioned Matcha in the morning. For those who have never heard of matcha, maybe you could explain what that is and how women with PCOS can use it in their life.

Mariza Snyder:                Absolutely. It was such a fun thing to be able to write The Matcha Miracle because our first book was on super foods. It was on antioxidants. I don’t know if it’s the biochemist in me or the scientist in me from back in the day, but I love exploring super foods. When matcha came to the scene, actually I knew about matcha bout four years ago, but then when we were toying with the idea of writing a book on matcha, I loved how versatile it is. The difference between matcha and green tea, because I got introduced to green tea because of Oprah. Oprah was about the green tea revolution. I remember if Oprah’s drinking it, I should be drinking it.

When I learned about matcha and found that it was 10 times more powerful in its antioxidant capacity than regular green tea, I was really fascinated. Even just the emerald green powdery color of matcha, the versatility of being able to put it in your green smoothies or make a matcha latte. You can do a lot of things with matcha. We have a ton of recipes in this book. What excited me most was the antioxidant content of this wonderful tea plant. It’s grown in Japan, in case people didn’t know. It’s actually been around for over 1,000 years. Well before we knew about it here in the United States, the people in Japan have been drinking it for many, many years. It was really created for Zen masters and samurai to get very focused and concentrated.

One thing that I love about matcha, it’s a different caffeine. It’s not like a coffee or espresso or Red Bull. The caffeine is actually a different type of caffeine and it binds to the antioxidants so it’s very, very slow releasing over time. You can experience sustainable energy anywhere between five to seven hours after drinking a cup of matcha. It’s usually just one teaspoon of matcha that you’ll need in a smoothie or in a latte. One of the other things I love about matcha besides the antioxidant capacity, and I’ll talk a little bit about those benefits, it’s very much a self-care ritual in a lot of ways because there’s a ritual around making matcha as well.

I love that. It doesn’t have to be a long ritual, although definitely in Japan the tea ceremony is several hours long. We’re not talking about that. My matcha ritual is usually two minutes long but I really savor making that drink several times a week.

Back to the antioxidants. What matcha has besides chlorophyll in it are these really powerful antioxidants called catechins. Catechins are really powerful at helping to boost the immune system. They’ve been shown on research with cancer. They help to boost metabolism so they’re phenomenal with helping with weight or helping with that little bit of energy. They are great at helping to support those other powerful antioxidants in the body as well. I was so blown away by all the different ways that matcha goes into the body and really serves you.

When I think about women, particularly around PCOS, is often times we are feeling sluggish and drinking coffee or having an espresso definitely does not serve. It doesn’t serve our adrenals. I know for me, I always talking about breaking up with coffee is like breaking up with a bad boy boyfriend, the guy who’s got the tattoos and the motorcycle. I have this tug of war. I would always go back to him over and over and over again. When matcha came into my life I was so blessed because I was really getting that wonderful sustainable energy that I was looking for without all the adrenal fatigue and deregulation that I am clearly prone to in my life.

Those are just some of the benefits that matcha brings to the table. As for versatility of it, you can put it in baked goods. You’ll see it in a lot of baked goods and smoothies and juices. Matcha lattes are a lot of fun as well. We have a lot of savory recipes too in that book. Because matcha comes in this fine powder due to the way that it’s created, basically what they do in Japan is they grind down the entirety of the leaf opposed to normal green tea and they turn it into this very fine powder. Because of that, they’re able to preserve all of those very powerful antioxidants, those catechins, the chlorophyll that makes it super green, and all the other components of that matcha tea leaf and then you’re able to utilize that matcha tea in whatever recipe you prefer to utilize it and get all of those benefits.

I will say though, if you do put it into a pound cake or whatever you may do in terms of desserts, you lose a lot of those … You don’t lose the flavor, but you lose a lot of those health benefits that come with matcha.

Amy Medling:                  I have a recipe for cookies on my site, which I’ll send a link to but I didn’t realize … It’s probably from the breaking it down in high heat.

Mariza Snyder:                Yeah, exactly. It’s breaking it down in high heat.

Amy Medling:                  A couple other benefits of matcha for women with PCOS, it actually has been shown, the University of Chicago showed that green tea had dampening effect on androgens. Androgen symptoms like hirsutism, hair loss, acne it might help with drinking matcha. I know there was another study done on mice that showed that it helped with hair regrowth. It definitely is not going to hurt you to have a bowl of matcha in the morning every day. It’s something that’s part of my daily ritual too. Thank you for sharing all of that great info about matcha.

Mariza Snyder:                Absolutely, yeah. There’s a lot of other benefits I didn’t mention. I wanted to talk a little bit about that versatility of it. I love it boosts memory and concentration. There’s a lot of wonderful benefits there too.

Amy Medling:                  Before I let you go, Mariza, I was wondering if you could give us … I know you’re an essential oils expert and women with PCOS are really interested in how they can use a natural remedy like essential oils to help with PCOS symptoms. Maybe you could give us some of your favorite oils for hormone balance?

Mariza Snyder:                Absolutely. I could talk a little bit about definitely some oils for hormone balance and then give you all a really wonderful recipe as well that I think that you would really, really love that I have found to be really effective. I began my essential oil journey about five years ago. I was so blown away by the benefits of them. I was having this conversation just yesterday how especially around hormone function, they are just so incredible. I work with a lot of patients, especially PCOS, thyroid, adrenal deregulation like I dealt with myself. I’m always so impressed for the ability basically for essential oil to really step in, in a big way.

One of the biggest reasons why that is, is that they are so fast acting. They work very quickly with the body. I know that there’s a lot of different techniques and habits that we can bring into play. Sometimes it feels like they take a while to step into play. What I love about oils is within a matter of minutes people will begin to experience some relief from whatever they’re dealing with. If it is that they are dealing with exhaustion, you can use peppermint and a citrus oil to really give you that energy boost. If it’s sleeplessness, great oils for that are going to be like lavender, vetiver, cedar wood, and clary sage.

When it comes specifically to hormones, if I’m recommending something for boosting progesterone, clary sage is one of my absolute go-to oils. There’s a lot of research that demonstrates that clary sage will help to boost progesterone levels in the body. I have this recommendation. I’m actually pulling up my recipe right now. I didn’t have it right in front of me so I was pulling it up. Here we are. I’m just looking for it. I have this recipe that contains a lot of clary sage that I wanted to share with everybody. I call it my Superwoman Blend. I’ve had hundreds and hundreds of women use this blend over the years with really powerful results.

Usually women who are dealing with low progesterone, estrogen dominance and they’re really trying to get their body back on track in terms of their hormones. The recipe for that particular one is … I always love to do roller bottle blends. One, because they’re very, very easy to use. Roller bottles are available pretty much everywhere. You’re able to dilute it accordingly. It’s a 10 mL roller bottle that I’m recommending. What you’re going to do is you’re going to be putting in 20 drops of clary sage and it’s going to be 10 drops of lavender, six drops of cedar wood, another six drops of ylang-ylang, and then I usually do four drops of bergamot.

I add all of those into the roller bottle and then you’re going to top it off with a carrier oil. It could be coconut oil. It can be grape seed oil. It could be whatever you prefer. There’s a lot of different carrier oils out there. I prefer coconut oil. You have to get a fractionated coconut oil for that but it’s readily available everywhere. Then you close up the top, mix it together. Normally what I do is I have women apply it literally over the ovaries, so three inches below the belly button, or they can apply it on their wrists or the bottom of their feet. I usually have women using that two to three times a day and it really does help to support their hormones. It’s one of my absolute favorite oils for that.

If it is mental fog or brain fog, I’m usually recommending oils like frankincense, while orange, peppermint combined. Those are really powerful brain boosters. They’ll give you that boost that you’re looking for. If you’re really looking for that added memory boost, rosemary has been shown through research to really help boost memory. This blend can be done in a diffuser. It can also be done in a roller bottle blend or you could take one drop of each, frankincense, peppermint, rosemary and orange or a citrus. Rub your hands together and then just breath them in. One of the best and most effective ways to get essential oils into the brain or really into our physiology is by breathing them in aromatically. It goes into our brain, into that limbic brain very quickly and helps to really make some really powerful changes there.

I have a lot of women who really struggle with brain fog and that’s one of my absolute favorite remedies for that. I can share all kinds of things, Amy. Is there some specifics that you were looking for as well?

Amy Medling:                  I was thinking that the rosemary definitely helps with hair loss. So many with PCOS are dealing with those androgen type symptoms. Hair loss, hair growth where you don’t want it.

Mariza Snyder:                Absolutely.

Amy Medling:                  Hirsutism and acne. Certainly brain fog, which you talked about. I can’t wait to try your superwoman blend. Any kind of hair loss oil that you like?

Mariza Snyder:                Absolutely. You nailed it. Definitely rosemary and lavender. What I usually recommend for women when it comes to hair loss is doing a massaging technique. I use coconut oil. I love it because it’s so versatile. You can get it anywhere. It doesn’t have to be fractionated coconut oil. Usually I have them do a hot oil treatment, so two tablespoons of coconut oil. I usually do three to four drops of each lavender and rosemary. You’re actively massaging that into the scalp. I usually recommend leaving it in there for at least an hour. You can put a towel around your head or whatever it may be. You can wash it out afterward with shampoo. Those are going to be your two oils for hair loss.

Then for acne, my go-to oil for acne is going to be melaleuca or also tea tree oil tends to be really effective for that. There are definitely some essential oils and recipes out there for acne. I have found that to be really powerful for spot on treatment. Just make sure you have a really good pure melaleuca or tea tree oil. Not all of them are going to deliver the results that you’re looking for. Make sure that you know that it’s pure melaleuca that you’re using and it’s not adulterated or watered down. You’ll get those results that you want.

Amy Medling:                  You’ve given us so many fantastic tips and I hope that everyone walks away from this podcast with the commitment to try one of the habits that Dr. Mariza shared with us that could really change your health and your wellness and give you more vitality and help you to thrive with PCOS. Thank you, Dr. Mariza. I was hoping that you could just give listeners a little more info about where we can learn more about your work and maybe some info about when your new essential oils book is coming out. I’m sure you have lots of other great recipes in that book.

Mariza Snyder:                Absolutely, yeah. You guys can find me … Ladies, you can find me at, that’s I’m on Instagram and Facebook as well. Then we have the new book coming out, The Smart Mom’s Guide to Essential Oils. It’s going to be about 170 recipes on everything from everyday emergencies, cleaning, green cleaning recipes, personal care, self-care rituals, tons of wonderful diffuser blends as well for emotional support and all the different ways you can use diffuse blends. Then I will also have a chapter on hormones, particularly supporting women in that way. I’m really excited about this book coming out. You can check it out. Clearly it’s on Amazon. We definitely have some really incredible book bonuses and video tutorials and also all these things that are piled in as a book bonus. If you go to, you’ll be able to take advantage of those wonderful bonuses that we have from interviews to videos to cheat sheets and guides so that you really feel well equipped on your essential oil journey.

Amy Medling:                  Fantastic. Thanks again for joining us today on the podcast, Dr. Mariza. That wraps up our podcast today. Thank you, listeners, for joining. I hope that you enjoyed it. If you liked this episode, don’t forget to subscribe to PCOS Diva on iTunes or my app or wherever you might be listening to the show. If you have a minute, please leave me a quick review on iTunes. I’d love to hear from you. If you think somebody else might benefit from this free podcast, take a minute to share it with a friend or family member so she can benefit too. Don’t forget to sign up for my free newsletter. Just enter your e-mail at to get instant access and to make sure you never miss a future podcast. This is Amy Medling wishing you good health. I look forward to being with you again soon. Bye-bye.

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  1. Great podcast! I can’t wait to try the Super Woman Blend…I’ve been having a lot of menstrual irregularities but strangely enough have been really addicted to my clary sage…I have to believe that this is my body telling me what it needs 🙂

  2. So glad you enjoyed it! Dr. Mariza it great 🙂 Love my clary sage too!