Virgin Coconut Oil Helps PCOS - PCOS Diva

Virgin Coconut Oil Helps PCOS

Many women with Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) struggle with low thyroid or hypothyroidism. This condition can slow metabolism and make it harder to lose weight. Women with PCOS maybe four times more likely to suffer from hypothyroidism. (1) When researching hypothyroidism  I wanted to see what natural therapies were available. Interestingly, I found countless testimonials praising the benefits of coconut oil, not only to help thyroid function but also to help with insulin resistance and diabetes.

Coconut oil is an edible oil that has been consumed in tropical places for thousands of years. It is a medium-chain fatty acid (MCFAs). In nature, coconut oil has the largest concentration of MCFAs outside of human breast milk. Most other fats, such as polyunsaturated vegetable oils and animal fat, are long-chain fatty acids (LCFAs). For the hypothyroid sufferer, the MCFAs in coconut oil speeds up the body’s sluggish metabolism and promote weight loss as well. Ray Peat, Ph.D. is a renowned nutritional counselor who specializes in the study of hormones. Dr. Peat recommends using coconut oil for people with low thyroid. According to Dr. Peat, “Polyunsaturated oils block thyroid hormone secretion, its movement in the circulation, and the response of tissues to the hormone. When thyroid hormones are deficient, metabolism becomes depressed.”(2) Every time we eat polyunsaturated oils, our thyroid gland is compromised and loses its ability to function normally. Weight gain is one of the consequences.

Dr. Bruce Fife, N.D., author of Eat Fat Look Thin recommends adding coconut oil and substituting it for polyunsaturated oils (vegetable oils) to suppress appetite, boost metabolism, and bring about weight loss. Dr. Fife explains, “MCFAs in coconut oil are easily absorbed and put to use nourishing the body. Unlike other fats, they put little strain on the digestive system and provide a quick source of energy. On the other hand, long-chain fatty acids (LCFA’s) are usually digested with digestive enzymes from the liver and take a long time to break down. Fewer enzymes and less energy are required for coconut oil digestion. You see, the MCFAs in coconut oil are digested and absorbed quickly and with minimal effort. Because of this, there is less strain on the pancreas, liver, and the digestive system.” (3) This is important for persons who suffer from metabolic problems like insulin resistance and diabetes.

Population studies of societies that consume a majority of their fat calories from coconut oil reveal that diabetes is very rare. A 1998 study conducted in India showed that when Indians abandoned traditional fats like coconut oil and started using polyunsaturated fats, the rates of diabetes became alarmingly high. The authors of the study commented on the link between polyunsaturated oils and diabetes and recommend increasing coconut oil consumption as a means to prevent diabetes. (4) Similar studies carried out in the South Pacific have also confirmed these findings. When the traditional diet high in coconut oil is abandoned in favor of a diet that includes polyunsaturated vegetable oils, there is a direct increase in the rate of diabetes and other western diseases. (5) More recently researchers have been able to cause test animals to develop diabetes by feeding them diets high in polyunsaturated fat. (6)

I have begun taking a tablespoonful of unrefined virgin coconut oil in the morning. Coconut oil is a solid until it reaches 80 degrees so it is easy to scoop out with a spoon. In addition, I have been using it to sauté vegetables or even cook eggs. You might try it in a smoothie, or in a bowl of oatmeal and can even spread it on toast. I must agree with the many coconut oil testimonials – my sugar cravings have subsided because the fat leaves me satiated longer and I have begun to shed those stubborn pounds.

If you have PCOS, it is important that you ask your doctor to test your thyroid. You should request tests that screen the thyroid hormones T4 and T3, as well as TSH (thyroid-stimulating hormone). Many women have been told they do not have a thyroid problem when in fact they do have low thyroid under the new guidelines established by the American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists (AACE) in November 2002. (7) When you have your results in hand, be sure that your doctor is comparing your results to these new TSH standards.


(1) Jancin, Bruce. “PCOS Strongly Linked to Autoimmune Thyroiditis: Thyroid function tests advised in PCOS – Prevalence is Fourfold Higher“. OB/GYN News. Oct 1, 2001. 04 Feb. 2008.

(2) Peat, R. Ray Peat’s Newsletter 1997 Issue, p.2-3

(3) Nazario, Brunilda. “Coconut Oil: Diet Miracle or Fad?”. WebMD, Aug. 18, 2003. Web Link

(4) Sircar S, Kansra U. Choice of cooking oils–myths and realities. Journal Indian Medical Association. 1998 Oct;96(10):304-7.

(5) Prior IA, Davidson F, Salmond CE, Czochanska Z. Cholesterol, coconuts, and diet on Polynesian atolls: a natural experiment: the Pukapuka and Tokelau island studies. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. 1981 Aug;34(8):1552-61. Web Link

(6) Parekh, P.I., et al. 1998. Reversal of diet-induced obesity and diabetes in C57BL/6J mice. Metabolism 47(9):1089

(7) American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists

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  1. virgin coconut oil is very helpful, aside from it help our heart it also helps people or women who has PCOS. so it is really good to have coconut oil in our daily living.

  2. The Lauric acid that comprises about 50% of coconut oil is a rare medium-chain fatty acid found in mother’s milk that supports HEALTHY METABOLISM and is now being studied for its anti-fungal, anti-viral, and anti-bacterial health-protecting properties. Some researchers predict that Lauric acid will become as well known in health circles as Omega-3 is today. We suggest 3 tablespoons of extra-virgin coconut oil a day.

  3. Hi, I stumbled upon your blog last night, and have ready several pages already. Thanks for sharing all your insights, research, and experiences.

    I think I might have found your sight because I was looking for info about oil pulling (specifically with coconut oil) and PCOS . . . do know anything about that? Do you do it? Have you noticed any benefits?

  4. Hi Amanda-
    I discovered the website a few years ago and learned about the benefits of oil pulling there. I oil pull in the morning as soon as I wake up and alternate between untoasted sesame oil and sunflower seed oil. I haven’t written about it because I am still not sure how beneficial it is specifically to PCOS. I can say that I don’t have hardly any upper respitory infections and my teeth are whiter. Happy to share my experiences!

  5. I know I am asking too many questions 🙂 but do you know if eating the coconut meat is “unhealthy”/”fattening”/”high in cholestrol”? I often drink the water from a fresh coconut and am not sure what to do with the meat?

  6. Coconut water is a natural source of electrolytes. Coconut is actually a very healthy fat. If you check out raw food sites you will find lots of creative ways to use coconut meat. Thanks for your questions!

  7. When you say you take a tablespoonful of coconut oil in the morning… does that mean you just eat it? Do you swallow it while it’s solid?

  8. I love your blog, I was told I may have PCOS back in 2009, well here we are 2014 and I finally found someone to test me! I get results Monday… everything on here sounds like me and thank you for all the articles about natural ways to help.. I have been trying to live a more simple, natural life style 🙂

  9. What does it taste like? Does it have the sweet taste of a coconut?

  10. It doesn’t have the sweet taste like a coconut- only a very mild coconut taste.

  11. Hi, i just joined in and i’m glad i did. I just wanna know, my coconut oil is homemade and its not solid but liquid. I take a tablespoon full in the morning. Does it have the same effect?