What French Women Know (and You Should Too) [Podcast] - PCOS Diva

What French Women Know (and You Should Too) [Podcast]


Bonjour Happiness jpeggFrench women are well known for their easy elegance and style.  What is their secret to making fabulous look simple?  Jamie Cat Callan has made a life’s study out of answering just that question.  I was inspired to interview her and learn more about the nuances behind French women’s “joie de vivre” after reading her latest book, “Bonjour Happiness.” The book is a serious, but light hearted guide to capturing the essence of living well.  The philosophy fits very well with the PCOS Diva mantra, “A Diva is Powerfully Positive.”

Listen to our conversation as we discuss

  • how self-love is the cornerstone of happiness and a positive life
  • how French women eat what they want without guilt
  • the French life-affirming philosophy and methodology around food
  • how finding your “secret garden” will better your life and the lives of those around you

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CallahanJamie Cat Callan, the internationally best-selling author of French Women Don’t Sleep Alone, Bonjour, Happiness! and Ooh la la! French Women’s Secrets to Feeling Beautiful Every Day.

Inspired by her elegant French grandmother, Jamie has traveled all over France, interviewing hundreds of women to find their secrets on how to live a well-balanced life, enjoy more with less, stay stylish and sexy at every age, and how to find and keep love.

Jamie’s books have been translated into thirty-six different languages and published internationally to great acclaim.  Her work has appeared in hundreds of venues including The New York Times Sunday Styles Modern Love column, Newsweek, France 24 TV, Time Magazine, Vanity Fair Magazine, and Better TV.PCOS Diva Jumpstart

Jamie has received many awards for her writing, including a fellowship from the Virginia Center for the Creative Arts to write in the little village of Auvillar, France and a Massachusetts Council on the Arts Grant in fiction.  Jamie taught creative writing for many years and is the creator of The Writers Toolbox (Chronicle Books).  She grew up in Connecticut, worked at Paramount Pictures for the actress, Meg Ryan, and now lives on a farm in upstate New York with her husband.  She’s an enthusiastic champion of women and cares deeply about their well-being, happiness and joie de vivre.

Most recently, Jamie leads Ooh La La! Paris Tours, where she takes small groups of American women to Paris for a once-in-a-lifetime transformational experience.



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