Discover Your PCOS Diva Jumpstart Program Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) - PCOS Diva

Discover Your PCOS Diva Jumpstart Program Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Thousands of PCOS Divas have already found success with the Discover Your PCOS Diva Jumpstart Program.  Are you ready to join us?

I know how it feels to be on the fence – trying something new, committing yourself to really change is scary. There’s a part of you that is ready take charge of your PCOS and your life, and then there’s another part of you wondering if it’s the right thing for you. Do I have the willpower? The support system? The time? The money? If you’ve been debating whether you should join the Discover Your PCOS Diva Jumpstart Program, I want to help you make the decision by sharing my answers to some of the most common questions that I receive about the program. If you have other questions, I’d be happy to answer them. Just email me at

1. I’ve never done an online program like this before – how does it work?

The Discover Your PCOS Diva Jumpstart Program is perfect for women who are ready to make a change, but don’t know where or how to begin. You’ll focus on upgrading your mindset, then crowding out processed foods, and adding in tons of fresh seasonal vegetables, fruit, whole grains, lean proteins, and healthy fat. I’ve laid everything out for you in the online Jumpstart course including a 7-day Menu Plan, recipes, Food Prep Guide and Daily Protocol. I’ve even written the shopping lists for you. And, there’s a ton of support – you’ll be able to check in with me and with other Jumpstart Divas any time via the private Facebook page. You’ll never feel like you are in this by yourself.

Each day, you will have a short new lesson and learn a little more about PCOS and how you can manage it. Small changes every day turn into big upgrades to your life! You will learn how to choose and prepare healing foods, integrate movement and exercise that you actually enjoy into your day, rediscover you passions,and most of all, change the way you think about yourself and PCOS.

If you’re curious about learning to live a lifestyle that will allow you to thrive with PCOS, the Discover Your PCOS Diva Jumpstart Program is the place to start.

2. I would love to do this program but I’m not sure I can afford it right now.

I understand that it is sometimes difficult to spend money on yourself. But spending money wisely to learn how to make positive lifestyle change and manage your PCOS, may actually save you thousands of dollars in medical bills, medication, fertility treatments, etc. in the long run. Think about how much money you spend on coffee, eating out, and convenience foods during a month. 

I put this program together because I am not able to work with everyone who wants to work with me 1:1, and I was looking to make a program which is more affordable. In fact, my colleagues who aren’t experts in PCOS, charge much more for similar online health coaching programs. The other thing to think about is that this is a program that the other people in your life will benefit from as well. Not only will they be eating better, you will have more energy, know how to plan healthy meals, and have more time and more patience at the end of the day. Depriving ourselves of our best life is also depriving our families. They deserve the best possible version of you too. I find the greatest breakthroughs happen for my clients when they decide they are worth it.

I learned how important it is to care for me. I realized that if one of my children or my husband had PCOS I would have been doing Jumpstart long ago. I would tirelessly research what was good for them and I would do everything I could to help them live their best lives. Why wasn’t I willing to do that for me? I thought I was being selfish by taking care of myself. I now know the opposite is true. I was being selfish by not taking care of myself. My family needs me. Now they have a healthy mama, and wife who is energetic and engaged. They love the food I make from the meal plans and are moving with me. – EMMY 

3. I’m a busy mom, how realistic is it for me to be able to do Jumpstart and still have energy to chase after my kids?

I’m a busy mom too! My recipes are kid-friendly and easy to pull together – there aren’t a lot of weird ingredients or flavors that make it tough to get the family to eat together. In fact, many moms have shared with me that their kids love the recipes and use them over and over after the Jumpstart. Even better, I’ve received emails from moms at the end of the Jumpstart telling me they have more energy than they’ve had in years and are enjoying extra time with their family.

4. I don’t live in the US, can I still participate in the Jumpstart?

Absolutely! There are PCOS Divas all over the world – Canada, India, Poland, Great Britain, and Australia – just to name a few.

5. What if I don’t like the menus and recipes?

I thought about that too! I have included a Food Guide and will teach you how to plan your own PCOS-friendly meals and menus, step- by-step. You will be able to participate in the Jumpstart eating healthy food that you enjoy- you don’t have to use my done-for-you Menu Plan.

6. I have a lot scheduled during the week- can I still fit Jumpstart into my busy schedule?

Yes! Actually, the busier you are, the more critical it is to take care of yourself. I know you probably feel like you don’t have time to squeeze in anything else at this point, but here’s the thing – when you’re this busy and over-scheduled, it’s NEVER going to feel like the right time. You will continue the downward sprial of stress and lack of self-care until you finally crash. The amazing thing about my Jumpstart Program is the amount of change that can happen in just 7 days is nearly unbelievable – once you nourish your body with high-quality foods, you’ll be amazed at how much better you’re sleeping, how much more energy you have, and how much more productive and focused you’ll be at work.

7. What if I try Jumpstart and don’t like it?

I stand behind my work …always. So, I offer a No-Risk Guarantee that will let you try out the program, while putting all the risk on me. Enroll in the Discover Your PCOS Diva Jumpstart Program. If you feel that this program isn’t right for you, then simply send me a one-line email within 24 hours of receipt. I’ll give you a FULL refund. 

What will you do with this opportunity? 

Register now.

To hear what PCOS Divas are saying about the Jumpstart visit

8. What if I start Jumpstart and then have to stop?

During Discover Your PCOS Diva Jumpstart Program, you will download and print out all of the materials, so you can run through the program whenever it is right for you at your own pace. Also, you have access to these materials for the lifetime of the program. Revisit it whenever you need to.


Imagine yourself a month from now. You’ve jumped out of bed full of energy, you’ve eaten a really yummy and nourishing breakfast, and you feel totally ready to tackle the day. When was the last time you felt like that? I’m here to tell you it IS possible, and it takes just 7 days. 

Now is the time for you to jump off the fence and come join me for the Discover Your PCOS Diva Jumpstart Program. I can’t wait for us to get started!


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ASK AMY: Is Tilapia okay for PCOS?

Amy Medling, PCOS Diva founder and PCOS Health Coach

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  1. Tonia-
    I will be sending all of the details on May 1st including the Preparation Guide. Then you will have access to the Jumpstart Private Website with all of the Program Materials on May 10th.

  2. I have already signed up, but I need to change my e-mail address. What is the best way to handle that? Thanks

  3. Hi Amy. I haven’t seen any Emails come thru. Just making sure i didn’t miss anything 🙂

  4. Hi Tonia-
    I sent out an email yesterday afternoon. Check your spam folder. Please send me an email if you can’t find it and I’ll send it to you again.

  5. Im on medication, do we still have to take it while doing the jumpstart.

  6. Yes please don’t stop taking any meds. Ask your doctor if you have questions about whether the Jumpstart supplements are right for you.

  7. Hi Amy,
    i used to follow your page closely and the changes i made helped my fertility and i got pregnant october last year. i had adjusted my diet to what was recommened during pregnancy and fell a bit off the pcos band wagon. Now i am breastfeeding my one month old little girl and am wondering if the jump start program will work with the dietary requirements of nursing.

  8. Yes, in my opinion you can follow the Jumpstart plan while nursing. I would certainly run it by your doc and if they have any reservations I would be happy to give you a refund.

  9. I’m a vegetarian, seafood-free, and mostly dairy free. I’ve considered joining the past couple of cycles but worry that all the meal plans will be focused around lean meat. Do you ever have vegetarians or vegans join?

  10. Hi Amanda-
    The Jumpstart is a plant-based whole foods cleanse. There is no red meat. There are a couple fish/chicken dishes as well as vegetarian. I think you will enjoy the program.

  11. Laura-
    I honestly don’t think it is necessary to wait. The Jumpstart is essentially a whole food based cleanse while learning new behaviors that support health. I won’t be running this program again until 2013. Hope you’ll join us!

  12. Hi im excited and cant wait to start when will i get menus and things to start making changes my husband and i have been trying for 8 years to get pregnant and its been a emotional roller coaster for both of us especially me i cant stop crying and i have no energy and im at my last straw

  13. Im looking into jumpstart for my wife , who has pcos. Just wanted to know:
    What is the food guide?
    How long have you been using this diet?
    How many menu plan recipes are included?
    What is the latest date I can get in?

    Thank you.

  14. Mike-
    The Jumpstart Food Guide is essentially guidelines of what you can eat if you are not using my done-for-you menu and recipes
    I have been living this lifestyle for over 8 years now.
    There are at least 20 recipes included
    This Friday, September 21st is the last day you can register.

  15. Hi Amy,
    I signed up in early September, but haven’t received any of the information. I checked my spam folder to make sure, but no luck. Any suggestions?

  16. Amy,
    I paid for the jumpstart program yesterday for my wife but did not get any emails and missed the preview call last night. (Im sure you were busy getting everything ready for the call) Without the preview call my wife and I are not comfortable starting the program. I think we got involved too late. I don’t think we will be prepared by Monday. Please refund my money as stated on your website. It has been less than 24 hours. I’m sorry to contact you on the comment forum, I didn’t see any other way to get you. You can email me back at

    Thank you,

    Michael Gromm

  17. Hi Amy,
    I just found your website and am interested in your jumpstart program. Losing weight, gaining energy, etc sound great….will it help with hirsutism? I’m assuming it would through the weight loss, but any further jumpstart to it? Thanks, Shawn

  18. Hi Amy,

    I’m interested in signing up for te program, but have questions in regards to the following:

    Do you go over meal timing in order to stabilize your blood sugar? Do you give ideas of snacks between meals? Do you give any advice on what the macronutrient component of every meal should be (ie protein, fat, starch).

  19. Yes, I explain in detail exactly what you should be eating to thrive with PCOS. I cover meal timing and the right type of snacks. I also explain my Diva Dinner Plate approach which takes the guess work out of meal planning and the right mix of macronutrients.

  20. Hi Laura-
    Wow Laura I think that Jumpstart would be great because it would create a solid foundation for you to learn how to create a very healthy lifestyle that would benefit you post-partum too. I would be fine but you should check with your doctor about the supplements. If you find that it just isn’t going to work for you I would be happy to refund your money.

  21. Hello Amy!

    I’m very interested in participating in the Jumpstart, but am wondering if it would be appropriate while I’m pregnant with twins?!? I could really use the extra energy to get through the last three months.

    Thank you!

  22. Looks like I just missed the January program. When will you be starting your next Jumpstart program?

  23. Hi Amy – Thinking about signing up for the jumpstart, but was also thinking about ordering the spring meal plan that you just released. I wasn’t sure if it was included with the jumpstart program. Thanks for your help!

  24. Missed the signup by 24 hours! When’s the next Jumpstart plan start?

  25. Rose -I am thinking about trying a self-directed Jumpstart Program this summer. If not it will be in the fall. Feel free to touch base with me in late June, I’ll have a better idea then.

  26. I wont be able to come up with the smount needed by the January deadline. When will be the next one?

  27. Hi,

    I am from India, will you be providing Indian recipes during this jumpstart
    or a standardized menu for all?


  28. I’m interested in joining but nervous. I’m allergic to almonds and pesticides, especially those on fruits, vegetables and nuts. This means no quick salads or snacks. I can eat organic but the options can be limited due to availablabilty.

    My question is – how friendly is the diet plan for working with these issues?

  29. Megan- the program food is based on a plant rich diet. But you can work with the produce that is available to you.

  30. I signed up for the March Jumpstart. How do I get to the website where the program steps are?

  31. do you have any self-directed 7 day programs that I can start anytime; hoping not to wait until September but would like to give the program a try!