Ovusense: Fertility Monitor for Women with PCOS [Updated] - PCOS Diva

Ovusense: Fertility Monitor for Women with PCOS [Updated]

Updated September 2021

by Amy Medling, founder of PCOS Diva

My favorite fertility monitor, Ovusense, has made some changes. Read on to learn more and discover why using a monitor is so important for women with PCOS who often have unique cycle patterns.

OvuCore – New name, same product

The OvuSense fertility monitor that I recommend is now called OvuCore. But don’t let this confuse you, it’s the same real-time fertility monitor that my PCOS clients use to track ovulation. 

What makes this monitor different and more effective is that it measures core body temperature inside the vagina and therefore bypasses all issues with luteinizing hormone (LH) which most ovulation predictors monitor. 

OveSense Pro – Same name, same product

If your doctor has an OvuSense Pro account then they are able to remotely access your cycle information through an online portal. It provides unique key analysis about cycle patterns to help medical professionals to know whether they need to carry out further tests, to time tests like blood progesterone and ultrasound, and to understand whether medications, treatment, or dietary change are having the desired effect.

How does it work? 

The OvuCore sensor is simple to use, fitting comfortably like a tampon overnight with easy-to-understand data, which is visible in real-time through the OvuSense App. Clinical studies prove the OvuCore sensor is able to predict ovulation up to 24 hours in advance, getting these predictions right 96% of the time. The OvuCore sensor then enables your OvuSense App to confirm ovulation with 99% accuracy, using this information to provide you with a full 8-day fertile window at the start of your next cycle.

Why this matters to you

In women with PCOS, a higher LH-pulse rate will often mean traditional ovulation predictors are useless since they measure an LH surge. It has been shown that urine-based ovulation predictors are ineffective for over 75% of women with PCOS.  Women with PCOS have elevated LH hormone, so there can be many false positives early in the cycle. Also, urinary LH measurement is only predictive of the onset of ovulation and cannot determine the date of ovulation or anovulation. 

In addition to predicting ovulation with 99% percent accuracy, OvuCore is the only product on the market right now that will tell you if you haven’t ovulated in a given cycle (which is extremely important for PCOS with irregular cycles). It can also tell you the length of your luteal phase and show your complete cycle pattern, more accurately than any other product on the market. 

Cycles unique to women with PCOS 

It is not always simple to track your cycle with PCOS. Most predictor kits don’t work for us. In fact, many PCOS patients are told by their doctors that they’re not ovulating. Very often that is untrue. PCOS cycles are simply different. New research indicates that there are cycles unique to women with PCOS making a monitor like OvuCore a crucial tool on their fertility journey

#1 Crash to baseline

This cycling pattern is marked by a body temperature that starts high in the early part of the cycle and falls before ovulation. 

This pattern is highly associated with PCOS, and particularly with regular cycles. So these women may well go undiagnosed or may take years to get a diagnosis because they know something is wrong, but actually, they’re not perhaps fitting into all the criteria to get a diagnosis

#2 False start

If you have a false start cycle, your temperature rises in the middle of the cycle and might rise a number of times, actually, but no ovulation takes place until later in the cycle. You may also notice an increase in cervical mucus, but then the temperature drops, and the cervical mucus disappears and then it comes back again a few days later. Typically, two or three rises occur before ovulation. 

#3 Crash after ovulation

The third cycle pattern is called crash after ovulation. That’s where the temperature falls directly after ovulation. This pattern seems to be associated with women who have had one or more previous miscarriages. So this fall in temperature could then be used as a diagnostic tool for miscarriage risk. 

Knowledge is key

So as long as you ovulate, even if it’s occasionally, OvuCore will be useful for you. In addition, because OvuCore is tracking and graphing temperature – the level of which is directly related to the level of progesterone – the temperature graph will help you better understand where you are in your cycle. 

Rather than relying on outdated methods of tracking ovulation, which – if timed incorrectly – may miss ovulation altogether, women should feel empowered by obtaining their own data and knowing exactly when they are ovulating. This information not only helps inform their efforts for conception but can be brought to any doctor to help diagnose ovulatory conditions or identify problems that may be preventing ovulation from occurring.

Safe & Comfortable

100% of patients found the OvuCore sensor comfortable to wear and easy to use. 

It’s important to understand how the sensor has been made and tested and is classified as a Class 2 medical device, so when OvuCore confirms ovulation for you, it does so with 99% clinically proven accuracy. 

The sensor material is medical-grade silicone and is validated for continuous akin to a permanent implant (like breast implants, for example) use.  As a regulated medical device, there is extensive toxicity testing and is FDA approved. 

An “Ovulation Promise”  

OvuCore also offers what they call an “Ovulation Promise” –  If you use OvuCore for 180 days / 6 months and OvuCore does not detect that you have ovulated, they will fully refund your money. Read more about this unique guarantee. 

The price? $129.00 for a starter pack with 60 days subscription and $299 for a 12-month subscription. Find out more here

Use code DIVA for 20%off! 

OvuSense is also available in the UK, NL, DK, and Australia with more countries planned. 

For more information and to order visit Ovusense

To learn more about how women are taking control of their fertility through their own cycle data, visit www.ovusense.com. If you have PCOS and are trying to conceive, join the PCOS Fertility Support Group on Facebook to be connected to thousands of women who are also going through this experience. 



My Favorite PCOS Fertility Tool [Podcast]

OvuSense- PCOS Fertility/Ovulation Monitor Update

How to Choose the Right Fertility App and Monitor

The Best Ovulation Predictor Kit & Fertility Monitoring for PCOS [Podcast]


Disclosure:  I am NOT an affiliate of OvuSense, but they do pay for advertising on this site.  Note that I only accept advertising from products that I have tried myself and believe in the benefits of the product.

Amy Medling Fall 2017


Amy Medling, the best-selling author of Healing PCOS and certified health coach, specializes in working with women with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS), who are frustrated and have lost all hope when the only solution their doctors offer is to lose weight, take a pill, and live with their symptoms. In response, Amy founded PCOS Diva and developed a proven protocol of supplements, diet, and lifestyle programs that offer women tools to help them gain control of their PCOS and regain their fertility, femininity, health, and happiness.  


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  1. How does this monitor compare to the ovacue’s ability to detect ovulation in a woman with PCOS?