Manage PCOS Naturally [Podcast with Dr. Aviva Romm] - PCOS Diva

157- Manage PCOS Naturally [Podcast with Dr. Aviva Romm]

“It’s truly frightening how often we’re pushed to rely on drugs and surgery for problems that can be resolved with dietary changes, mind/body support, and natural medicines including targeted nutrients and herbs. Medications and surgeries have unintended side effects that women may have to live with for decades.” – Dr. Aviva Romm

Dr. Aviva Romm, MD is a Yale School of Medicine trained, board-certified family physician, specializing in women’s health and obstetrics, but what makes her unique is she’s a midwife and an herbalist as well. She’s the author of eight books on natural medicine, and I love her brand-new book, Hormone Intelligence, the Complete Guide to Calming Hormone Chaos and Restoring Your Body’s Natural Blueprint for Well-Being.

Dr. Romm believes it’s time for a paradigm shift in medical mistreatment of women. It’s time to give women the tools and the information to move away from dismissive attitudes, pills for every ill, and surgery as the first and only treatment options. This book and podcast are for all women who want to understand and feel empowered about their body’s hormones and cycles and are ready to start healing naturally. Listen in or read the transcript as we discuss how to begin healing PCOS before resorting to medication and her 8 tips for your next doctor’s visit.

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