158- Acupuncture & Chinese Medicine for Fertility
Dr. Heather Seay is a doctor of acupuncture and Chinese medicine who has been in practice for 12 years. She is also a fellow of the American Board of Oriental Reproductive Medicine. In her practice at Eastern Bench Holistic Healthcare in Salt Lake City, she commonly works with women who have fertility issues. As more positive research about the benefits of acupuncture becomes available, more traditional doctors are integrating it into treatments for those with PCOS. Listen in or read the transcript as Dr. Seay and I discuss:
- What is Chinese medicine and how does it differ from Western medicine?
- Benefits of acupuncture for fertility and PCOS
- How to approach acupuncture with primary care or OB GYN doctors
- Is it safe to practice acupuncture when using Clomid or Letrozole?
- Possible treatment options for hair loss & weight loss