The First Step to Fertility - PCOS Diva
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163- The First Step to Fertility

 “I can tell you exactly what to eat and how much to sleep, and when to meditate, and all the supplements to take. But the first step to this process is you believing you are worthy of the healing.” – Aimee Raupp

Aimee Raupp proudly calls herself a fertility detective. She has helped thousands of women overcome their health and fertility challenges using a Chinese medicine approach for the past two decades. She works with you on every level: emotionally, mentally, physically, and nutritionally to help you thrive and get pregnant faster.

In this podcast, we explore the often overlooked first step to fertility, emotional inflammation.

Listen in (or read the transcript) as we discuss:

  • The difference between emotional inflammation and physical inflammation
  • How trying so hard can actually be sabotaging your fertility efforts
  • Aimee’s fertility diet: 100-day elimination diet to heal the gut and improve egg quality
  • Transgenerational trauma: Women who heal themselves heal their children’s children
  • Getting your partner on board the fertility train

All PCOS Diva podcasts are available on:itunes-buttonitunes-button

Mentioned in this podcast:

Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome Treatment in USA, PCOS Medication in USA, PCOS Diet And Weight Loss in USA, PCOS Hormonal Imbalance Supplement in USA, PCOS Infertility And Pregnancy in USA

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162- PCOS Advocacy & Awareness Month 2021

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164- Expert Advice to Boost Libido & Recover from Burnout

Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome Treatment in USA, PCOS Medication in USA, PCOS Diet And Weight Loss in USA, PCOS Hormonal Imbalance Supplement in USA, PCOS Infertility And Pregnancy in USA

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