Caitlin - PCOS Diva


Before I was a Diva, I was a disaster. My life was defined by chronic illness and I limited myself accordingly. I had PCOS, Fibromyalgia, CFIDS, and several other limiting illnesses. I hated having PCOS because I felt like less of a woman – I couldn’t ovulate, menstruate, and had abnormal body hair. Consequently, I hated myself and I couldn’t bear to even look in the mirror. I was at my absolute worst and felt out of control and helpless. Then I found Amy. During the free consultation, I felt a profound sense of trust in Amy – she shared some of her background and experience. I believed that she would be a much more reliable source of help than a male gynecologist who never had PCOS and thought birth control was the solution to every female problem. Amy had lived with PCOS and knew what I struggled with – better yet, she knew how I could overcome them.

Working with Amy changed my life – and I don’t make that statement lightly. It was truly a life changing event. I learned so much about my everyday life and how I could make tiny changes here and there that would lead to big improvements – how to plan meals, what supplements to take, how to listen to my body’s signals, how to plan bursts of movement throughout the day. The program did require active participation on my part, but I was never alone. Every step of the way, Amy was my cheerleader and guide, offering suggestions for change and positive encouragement.

I am proud to say that today, I am a Diva. This means I have discriminating tastes. I know how to sizzle in the kitchen. I love myself and I am beautiful. Rather than battle my body, I honor it – and in return, it takes care of me. My PCOS symptoms have all but disappeared – I don’t suffer from it anymore. Even better, I don’t suffer from any of my illnesses – I live a perfectly normal, happy, content life, without limitations. I feel amazing and I feel normal. I think some people might be concerned about starting the program because they don’t know if it will work for them. I urge you not to be content with your PCOS struggles – step out in faith and take a chance on yourself – you are worth it! You can feel good and make changes to take control of your life so that you no longer feel helpless. You can become a Diva and live a life of beauty and health. I know, because I have done it.

– Caitlin

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