Before signing up for the 7 Day Jumpstart Program I was feeling bloated all the time. I had gained 10 pounds in the past three months due to a back injury and was feeling super discouraged about my life. During the Program, I noticed my digestion improve including bowel movements and less urgency issues. I realized that I have been afraid of movement because of my back injury. I realized that eating whole foods actually makes me feel more full overall. I used to pack a ton of snacks in my lunch bag, because I was never sure if I would have enough energy to get through the day, but by the end of the week I knew exactly how much food I would need to nourish me for the day. That was cool! Finally, I realized that I make a lot of decisions during my day and having my meals (and instructions) planned for me saved me a lot of stress – it was great. I felt less run-down, more cheerful, my emotions and energy felt stable and not so much of a roller coaster as they had been prior.
Participating in the Jumpstart Program felt like a vacation, even though I was doing my normal work/home routine. The meal plan was amazing, my blood sugar felt even throughout the day and I was not hungry. Finally, my body felt nourished! I had been feeling hopeless this fall and the Jumpstart week made me feel hopeful about my well-being again!