167- Transform Unconscious Wounds that Hold you Back
“Most people want to be witnessed in their pain. They don’t want it fixed.”
– Michelle Chalfant
So often with PCOS, doctors don’t prescribe the inner work that is absolutely necessary for healing. Instead, you are given what you hope is a magic pill that will “fix” your symptoms.
When that doesn’t work, you are left with a host of negative emotions that spiral out of control and it’s easy to get stuck in a victim mentality.
In this episode, I talk with Michelle Chalfant about The Adult Chair, her transformational model of self-realization that blends simple psychology with grounded spirituality.
She explains that we are all made up of three distinct parts: the inner child, the adolescent, and the adult. Each part is developed separately through our lives and serves an important role in our overall emotional well-being. The Adult Chair Model uses three chairs to represent these perspectives: the child chair, the adolescent chair, and the adult chair.
Unfortunately, most of us are sitting in that adolescent chair.
Listen to discover:
- Why your inner child holds the keys to unlocking your pain
- Practical tools to use to connect with your inner child
- How to stay present in the moment and not make faulty future assumptions
- The importance of feeling your emotions
- How to love and witness all your fragmented parts to restore the whole true self
All PCOS Diva podcasts are available on:

Michelle Chalfant, MS, LPC, CHC
Michelle Chalfant is a licensed therapist, holistic life coach, author, podcaster, motivational speaker, and developer of The Adult Chair, a transformational model of self-realization. Her extraordinary work has helped people all over the world improve their relationships, become unstuck, and develop healthy self-love. With over 5 million downloads in more than 150 countries, The Adult Chair podcast is where simple psychology meets grounded spirituality. Michelle’s audience receives practical tools and techniques they can use to access their personal power and transform their lives. Michelle brings a sense of passion and over 25 years of experience to all areas of self-healing. To learn more about Michelle and her transformational model, visit theadultchair.com
The Adult Chair Website
The Adult Chair Podcast
The Annual 30-Day Journaling Challenge
A Guided Meditation to Connect With Your Inner Child