A Powerful Tool for PCOS: Circle & Bloom - PCOS Diva

69 – A Powerful Tool for PCOS: Circle & Bloom

“What else can we be doing to tap into our self-healing capabilities? We can’t just accept and hand over this diagnosis that the doctor gives us. There’s so much more we can be doing that we have control over.” –Joanne Verkuilen- founder and creator of Circle and Bloom

Your mind is a powerful thing. The science behind the mind-body connection and how your thinking generates physical response in the body is at the center of Circle and Bloom’s mission and programs. Joanne Verkuilen, founder and creator of Circle and Bloom joined the podcast to discuss how meditation and visualization work and how we can tap into it to help manage our PCOS, fertility, and much more. Self-care like this is critical to living like a PCOS Diva.

PCOS Podcast 68 - Herbs for PCOS and Skin Care

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